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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. Good stuff. What year did you shoot this? I love that one too. For some reason I thought that Nicola Pecorini operated on that. Maybe he was the DP? Nice work by Brooks in any case. Does anyone know how they pulled off the beggining with the guys that are upside down? Were they just hanging upside down? Or maybe there was a cut?
  2. Thanks Kareem. You're right about the stairs work in the Massive Attack video....really nice, especially the low mode stuff. The Emotions video is good too. What a pain to shoot that though.... One step ahead of you....
  3. Happy birthday Marc! See you at Cinegear.
  4. Since we're in music video mode....I can't help but post a video I did last year for an artist named Nya Jade. Nothing too crazy or complicated, but the video is about 95% steadicam. Check it out .
  5. Alec, I saw that story on 60 Minutes and was amazed. Quite often I think about the wheelchair and the water purifier and wonder why they haven't taken off. Maybe it's because the big medical conglomerates didn't come up with the idea first.... Anyway, good to hear about this stuff again. Thanks for posting Jeff.
  6. I'm there....as long as you're paying. I'm fresh out of $1 bills.
  7. I find that production almost always plans to wait for steadicam to set up at the beginning of the day. So normally there is time to do a dynamic balance at least once. I rarely do it more than once, or feel that I need to. After doing it once I just tweak when necessary.
  8. Tiffen has nothing to do with this forum. It's run by Tim Tyler.
  9. Very cool site Afton. I like the new look a lot and I think the steadi-media stuff is cool too. The recently added section is nice as well.
  10. I knew you didn't mean anything by your comment...I was just ribbing you a bit. Maybe I should have used one of those smiley faces.... You're right, if I was starting out now and had to buy new gear I may not buy the same set up that I own today. But I doubt I'd be buying better gear than I have considering the money involved....for example I probably wouldn't be able to afford a Pro arm, and finding a used one is almost impossible, which is why I would probably still buy a Master/Ultra arm or maybe a silver spring arm. It's hard to say whether I'd buy the same sled and vest, because I already know that I love the gear I own, so I'm influenced by the information that I already have. But if I got the same deal on gear that I did when I bought the setup that I have now I would jump at it again. I got very lucky when I bought my rig. I wouldn't put a gold arm in the same league with the Pro or Master/Ultra either. But from what I hear it's a good arm for the money and it may be a good place for someone to start, with the intention of upgrading as soon as possible.
  11. I don't know Erwin....there are many good operators using Master/Ultra arms. Some big names come to mind. I've liked the Pro arm every time I've flown it, but I love my Master arm and I'm not planning on making a switch any time soon. Does that mean I'm not serious about my craft?
  12. You should be concerned about carrying on your arm. Before I checked my bags and went through security a couple weeks ago I spoke to multiple TSA folks, and they all said I would have trouble getting through security with my arm. Not because it looked like some kind of gun or bomb, but because, "You could swing it and use it as a weapon". It's silly reasoning on their part, but I decided to just put my arm back in the case and check it. I would have been screwed if they checked my bags and then I found out I couldn't carry my arm through security. Everything worked out all right for me, so I was happy. Hopefully you'll read this before you leave for the airport. Good luck.
  13. Ah, Arsenal! Thank you Jim. I knew I could count on you to remember a bar. It will be hard for some of the folks from out of town to get to somewhere like Gladstones. Although a romantic walk on the beach with Michael is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. :rolleyes: Arsenal wasn't that small as I remember it. We had quite a few people there that night, and Anthony Hardwick even had his sled set up outside. A couple other options are Sonny McLean's, which is on Wilshire @ 26th (2 miles from Cinegear), or Irish Times which is on Motor near the Fox lot (3.5 miles from Cinegear). You can tell I like my Guinness..... Sonny McLean's is pretty large, with pool tables, dart boards, and a good jukebox. Irish Times is a bit smaller, with pool tables, and probably not as crowded as Sonny's. I think the poll idea is a good one. I'm in for wherever we go, but I think it would be easiest for everyone involved if we don't go somewhere too far from Cinegear.
  14. Q's sounds good. Or what about that place we had a guild meeting at a few years ago? It was on Pico I believe, and near Colin's house if my memory is correct. Anyone remember the name? It had a blue sign and I remember the first time I saw the M-One motor was there. My memory is going.....getting old I guess.
  15. Interesting choice. Don't you think speed would give you a longer lasting burst of energy? Maybe you could test this out and let us know your scientific findings.
  16. Ah! That makes perfect sense! I gotta get that cupholder installed....I'm always spilling my scotch in tight doorways.
  17. It looks just like the Genesis. What's the difference? I'm assuming it has smaller chips than the Genesis. What else?
  18. I don't think you can have a free item on ebay, so it makes sense that he would put a low price on a demo just so he could have a searchable item on ebay in order to raise awareness.
  19. Very interesting. Too bad they spelled Dan's last name wrong.
  20. I'm so bummed I missed it. I've been planning on going for a while since it looks like an interesting film and one that actually pertains to us. Oh well, I guess I'll catch it on DVD or in the theater if it gets a release. Was Haskell there Ron? Have any interesting developments cropped up so far because of the film? It would be nice to hear that a film like this was actually having a real effect on the business and the hours we keep.
  21. I'm sure there are quite a few operators who would have liked the opportunity to whack a director in the head with a mag.
  22. Ron, people that live in glass houses.... Anyway, that's officially the first time I've ever read the words "pvc bondage suit". Is there something you're not telling us Ron? In that situation I may have done the same thing as Kenji....but I guess steadikarma caught up with him the next day.
  23. Keep us updated on the shoes if you get a pair. Good seeing you too Marc. Thanks for stopping by.
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