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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Ooops... There goes the mag... As said in General Discussions (Panaflex Gold... Heavy?) The Mag throught is only glued on. And when you try to turn it upside down, then something like that can happen...
  2. Found a picture of the broken off Mag... Look under: "Journals" Panaflex Gold Actually just look below, I just merged the posts...
  3. One more... look no hair! You can see something...
  4. Hi Guillermo, Just going quickly through my files I found that picture below... The PRO vest doesn't have much foam, but the quality, density and amount are just right. A very nicely made Vest... I still miss mine... (Serial #107... anyone?) The picture on the Website is the original one from Chris Haarhoffs vest (Serial #002. Mark O'Kane, who is the designer, has #001) without backstraps... Finally someone else with pictures... post away... BTW: Whom are you calling an Ass??? Erwin "sball pedrole... eh... Spell patrol" Landau, SOC PS: The attachments and/or links that you send me are not working...
  5. I'm guessing your Wife to be is the right one, if she leds you hang around this company...
  6. Spelt??? Having fun with the english speakers.... Check out Micahel under "Journal" "Michael Stumpf in Venezuela"
  7. He used to work for that company... And he used to build that stuff... That's how.
  8. Here another picture with the Hill Balancing beam.
  9. Just wanted to thank Tom Gleason for his great work on my 2" Auto Lock Docking Bracket. (The 2" GoreLock if you want...) After Jerry Hill refused to make one for me Tom took up happily the task to create one for me. I received my 3rd and final version (which is also the production version) today. I was putting the prototype through the paces for the last 6 months and I'm very happy... it works exactly like the GoreLock (If not better). As a convinced GoreLock user I didn't wanted to miss the conveniance and security that came alone with that system when I switched to a 2" post on my PRO (Thank you Greg Bubb for the patiance with me and the great Product, BTW: You can get a 2" conversion for your PRO, just give him a call) and later for my Ultimate. He still has some in stock... give him a call or e-mail him: Now available. Locking docking bracket for 2" posts. This replaces the fork on Hill Docking Brackets or CP Brackets allowing the parking of rigs with 2 inch posts. Black anodized. US$485.00 includes one docking rings. Extra rings available for US$80.00 THIS IS A LIMITED RUN! ONCE THEY'RE SOLD OUT I WILL NOT BE MAKING ANY MORE. For more information contact me at tdgleason@worldnet.att.net or call (818) 769-9370, between 9 am and 6 pm Pacific time. For information on other products check out my site at www.cinewidgets.com He also makes great costum work... if you need anything made for your Steadicam, AKS, etc.... give him a call. I'll show you pictures of some stuff that he has made for me, as soon as they are available... And no I don't work for him or am in any kind affiliated with him... jade, jade, jade... bla,bla,bla...
  10. I used to wear heavy work boots with steal toes and jeans for the first year... Garrett used to make fun off me at the workshop. I just had to many bad experiences as an AC and heavy cases... I got smarter since...
  11. Charles Papert told me a story... Way back he did a whole feature with the GII and his 3A... his Achiles tendents started to part from the bone after a couple of weeks with non stop Steadi abuse...
  12. Hi Micahel, Are you russian? Sorry could not resist.... B&H is the best and cheapest way to Anton Bauer products, and you save on sales tax... Brant Fagan had posted he had a guy at Anton Bauer that would give Steadicam guys a break if we would call him and mention Brants name... he posted a couple of months back, e-mail him or make a search on the old Forum... The other alternative would be BandPro or 16x9. Boths in Burbank. They are the biggest resellers of Sony and Anton Bauer and can get very close to the B&H prices but you have to add sales tax... Also Bexel or better there subsidary "Broadcast Video Gear" they also sell B-stock and used Anton Bauer Equipment. Last time they had them still in box for way less... They are all on the net... Good Luck!
  13. Hey Rick, Didn't we tell you to stay away from that rig??? $1600.- Bucks doesn't sound to bad for a Monitor repair, especially for a High Voltage Power Supply. I remember my first estimate for my Power Supply for my PRO 1, $8000.- Plus... Before they declared it as a total loss. I would take it in consideration. Also your Insurance should cover that repair, minus dedacable, if you have the Mechanical failire clause in your Policy. Anyhow... Jon Myers has a Master Rig that he uses for Rentals, he also has a monitor that was living in his Living room the last time I saw it. The rig goes always out with a 7" Panasonic LCD. Jon also uses his Transvideo Cine III on his own Rig as primary Monitor. You can contact him through this forum, he is a member, or call me for his number (818-448-2639). Good Luck.
  14. Knee pads are a great help. (Didn't Ted Churchill always wear Pads, Always hidden under his long wide pants...) I have a pair at all times on my cart just in case, the moment I hear: running, stairs, through the woods, or anything that is quicker, stranger, etc. then usual I put them on. I have some ancient scate pads, you know the ones you would get with roller scates, you remember the ones with 4 scateboard wheels... Not to heavy duty but enough to save your knees, I use them a lot when I have to start or end on one knee on a shot, or for a extreme low lock offs etc. Oh, I just remembered a story: I was shooting on a stair case of a public building, 2 years ago I believe, you know the huge ones, about 20 steps. Preceding an actor and of course diagonal down the stairs. I had a very eager and over enthusiastic spotter. We did a rehearsal, on the first, the spotter trips and falls down the stairs, a couple of bruses, bloody elbows... I'm fine. We do another rehearsal same thing but this time he almost takes me with him. I tell him, I'm fine and I don't need him to spot me... Long story short. We had to do 7 takes... because of Sound. The guy kept spotting me anyways and was tripping every single time wipeing out with a huge amount of noise and swearing... on the 6th take they send him away to the nurse, I think he had a concusion... 7th take without him... perfect, print, moving on. A spotter can be gold or just drive you nuts....
  15. Hi Job, I think that that was uncalled for... If you are so convinced about there Product and there Costumer Service, why did you post the complaint in the first place? If you had faith in this company as we have in Jim, you would have waited... or better they would have informed you what was wrong... Jim has a great track record... UnitCine... we will see. Jim has a right to post against that product as they did against his. I have a problem with new products that look, work and are priced very much like the product they are copying... You must admit that the Benz looks just way to much like a BFD... It's easy to copy an existing product... look at the Scorpio and Preston. (Bought a Preston, shipped it to Spain, took it apart and came up with OH A BETTER product then the Preston... that by the way uses all the same boards and electronics...) and then tell it's better as... I went down to AbelCine to check one out. As a former BFD user I don't see why I should trade the BFD for a Benz... it's the same unit, just with a couple of upgrades that were able to be sold to the same price as the BFD due to the fact that the R&D was already in place... So please... Post in a couple of Weeks or Months and then tell us how it works and how quickly you got taken care of, how the Costumer Service was in an emergency (Like Jim's same day receipt, repair and shipped back) and if we can put UnitCine in the very distiguished row of few companies like: XCS (Greg Bubb) BFD (Jim Bartell) Klassen F/X (Walter Klassen) Preston (Howard Preston) SteadyRig (Hugo Langer) That are known for there quality and beyond any reason, great Costumer Service or in another group, that names should remain not mentioned here... Erwin " Big respect for Jim and his product " Landau, SOC
  16. Hey Jim, I think there is not much of a competition... At least in your price bracket... Erwin"Preston user, former BFD user" Landau, SOC
  17. Hey BJ, I do know. You have the Donkey Box 2 Serial #001. Brian Hart Has the Donkey Box 1 Serial #001... at least I believe so as his came with the sled Serial #001. The Prototype of the D-Box 1 was Blue anodized with Red Nobs. BTW: Geoff Shotz owns the Donkey Box 2 Serial #000. The D-Box 2 Prototype... he just learned about that when he brought it in for service for the first time last month... Here a picture of the D-Box 2 Prototype still sitting on top of a DCE Junction Box and Post.
  18. Sorry Peter, Typo... (or not?) Erwin" Trying to write in my 4th Language without Spell check...Come'on" Landau, SOC
  19. Okay you nit-picky guys... It's Turquois... okay. But again only most of the time I saw green ones as well... Nobody complained so far that I did a technical no, no??? Come on, who will find it... Erwin" Color Blind???" Landau, SOC
  20. GII A little late, but hell I already wrote it... I have flown the GII a couple of times... not a pretty sight. It makes for a very solid and smooth frame, but if they are asking you to fly it for 3 to 4 minutes takes it's getting quickly VERY heavy. I have to opt for the Conversion Kit and the lightweight mags, why carry more then you have to. Usually the Companies that hire you and use that camera don't have any money and don't care much for you either, if you are not up to that weight, they will quickly loose patients, "What to you mean you have to dock between takes?", "Can you quickly frame up... let's do a quick rehearsal... okay another one... and let's go to picture right away... and 2nd, 3rd take right away to keep the energy up... why is the frame getting wobbly????" And ALWAYS that quick shot or two will turn into a tour the force, "The steadi is already up, it takes to long to change over, the sun is setting... let's grab a couple of shots... right away... hours later you can dock... .... you get the picture? Caution: Low Mode!!! The real pain starts when they ask you to go Lowmode. The GII was never really designed to get inverted. Most of the time they don't have the Lowmode conversion, I saw the XL top throught adapter used, man that was scary and wobbly... If the Viewfinder is still in place it will not work anyways as it will hit the D-Box/Camera Stage. Caution when you turn the Camera body upsite down... The GII has a Led covered body (for sound dampening) with the Throught glued to the body which will not hold a full 400 foot load when turned around... I caught the broken off mag in mid air once when I was balancing... It also does not work to say to the Producer I told you so... while holding the rig in one hand and the mag in the other while the film is still rolling through the Camera... would make for a great picture... (Nobody took one... bummer...) Do it once, to know for the next time, why to say NO WAY in hell... What I tell to everybody that calls and asks, I tell them: "You will not be able to do your best work... periode.) And the newest: The people that hire you will most likely see your worst work, because rarely the editor uses YOUR best take in the final cut that people will see, so make your worst shot/take look as darn good as possible. Every take counts... and refuse the usual: Let's shoot the rehearsal crap. I have flown GII's, Panastars, BL-4's, 535's... My stuff from the LWII or a Moviecam looked way better over the entire day... and I felt way better at the end of the day and the pay check was way bigger as well... But it's your Back, Health, Reputation, etc.... your call.
  21. Here the Componants sold by George Paddock originally: (From the original manual by Ted Churchill, 1993)
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