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Pedro Guimaraes SOC

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Posts posted by Pedro Guimaraes SOC

  1. yes for good reason....in my opinion.


    ARRI was smart to not play the megapixel arms race and focus of the image. It shows IMHO.


    Just this last weekend I DP'd a music video, almost used an F65 but was changed to Alexa last min. I'm very happy we did as the F65 would of added to much complexity to the shoot.


    Just watched all the dailies with the director yesterday and everyone is just so pleased with the images we got with the alexa.


    There is just something so hard to explain about the alexa image characteristic....feels less digital than RED... then again that can all change in post.


    not to mention it's just way more ergonomical and practical of a camera than the epic. Shooting epic can be like shooting dslr....


    Well....3D.....is dominated by epic. The alexa M is a nice try but not really competition for epic in 3D land.

  2. I'm pointing to the pivot that has been relocated 2 degrees in a new direction (geometry change)




    NEW ball bearing where there used to be a teflon bushing




    the OTHER new bearing location




    Everyone there was really nice and they were eager to talk about the new improvements. Also He did mention there is NO PRICE increase on either of the improved "X" arms.



    I just see it as regular product refinement and improvement.....iphone3, 4, 4s.....etc....windows95, windows2000, windowsNT.....


    Would I be pissed if I had just bought the arm last month??? yes.


    Usually people in the market have an idea that a new version is coming out.... Like we all pretty much knew that NIKON was about to release a D4 replacement for the D3s. I for one did NOT buy a D3s last January because i had a good idea the D4 was on the way. That said I just put my money down today for a D4 :rolleyes:


    I hope Tiffen has a plan to ease some customers pain....especially if they just purchased a g70 like one of the recent posters

    It woul

  3. Stopped by tiffen today on my way to visit my mom(live closeby)


    Snapped a few pics....but for the most part looks almost the same. That said many of the parts are different and geometry has changed.


    I give them kudos to continue improving thier product....as for the non-x version possible price decrease on the used market......well have you seen what the iphone 3g selling for these days.....It just the way of the world....


    Thats the country we live in folks!


    That said....I do own a PRO arm.


    without further ado....here some pictures..






    G70 X pics



  4. Im on my 2nd decimator2 in the last 6 months......both happened while flying Alexa's in 24v mode on my pro.


    The specs on the power input of the decimator list 28v max......I've notice when batt's are full I see 29-31v on the alexa power readout.


    so.......not sure what the solution is.


    Just did an alexa job this weekend.....lower rate....so I opted to power the camera from a battery mounted on camera to avoid any decimator burnouts...more top heavy and longer post but I avoided any issues....


    I got production to pay for both my burnouts....but just about had it with my monitor anyway. Just saving up for a cinetronic....go hd...


    I hear from another op who has gone thru 5 decimators in 2011

  5. Is the focus puller on a Segway as well in the video?



    Ummm yeah the DP Aaron Heck is also a steadicam op and bought one of the first steadisegs from Chris....so was pretty unique situation!


    One seg for the op and another for the 1st AC......was pretty funny actually....we were spoiled on that set.

  6. Yeah I hear you Charles....that high up position would be killer. But I just managed to sneak these cameras in, and tried to be unobtrusive. Maybe next time I'll convince them they can use it in the behind the scenes video. Then I can rig up something more elaborate like you described...probably might be a simple as a large noga arm, gobo arm or something....


    I'll try to get a better video next time ; )

  7. Ron.....it's mostly for my own amusement.....and my mom's. She's a proud mama!


    I also been gathering some footage to make video blogs on my blog.




    In my last one on a behind the scenes look at a steadi/segway step off shot you can see some of the go pro footage from the monitor in action!


    here is the link.


    besides the shameless self promotion, I figured some people would be interested in some information I share in the videos.




    I must admit, I only got the idea after watching the video Charles Papert made a while ago....

  8. Actually I recently shot a footaball ....er...."project" with James Franco. I was flyng a 3D rig on my segway and getting all kinds of great footage and halfway thru the day almost the same thing happened to me!


    I was doing circles around the huddle and one of the players left the football on the ground...I had the offroad tires on and as you can imagine one of my wheels went right over the football. I actually jumped off the segway landed on my feet and held onto my rig. The segway kinda flopped over and I had to wrestle with it for a few seconds until a grip swooped in and stabilized the segway. So I narrowly avoided disaster. That's the closest I came to ever crashing my segway......with 3D rigs and 2 cameras that can be just a bit expensive.


    Looking back at the incident my feeling is that If I was expecting it or seen the ball just before I could of actually rode it out. I had the offroad tires aired down.... But since it surprised me I jumped off and bailed.


    Since the day seamed doomed already, later that day when I was following our lead actor thru a football play(We didn't have much time to rehearse).....one of the players missed his mark and I got tackled! I had the rig on my vest and got tackled from my right side....luckily I landed on my knees and held the rig up. So it never touched the ground. So finally the unthinkable happened to me...going down with your rig...


    The most amazing part....I caught the whole thing on my go pro that I mounted on my monitor facing me :D


    When a get some time I have to share that video....picture me runing along with my rig then getting swiped by a 250lbs. linebacker.....


    Good times....

    • Like 1
  9. Nice work!


    Recently did a 2 full days of segway/3D work on a football feild and that is just very tricky because in certain camera positions (hardmounted) you only have maybe 1 cm before some part of your sled or camera hits either your steadiarm or the segway.....so you constantly threading the needle and looking at monitor/framing, looking at you surroundings/players/actors and looking to check your clearences so you don't bump your sled and ruin the shot....


    segway shooting is definately not as easy as one might think at first glance!


    Nice work! congrats!

  10. It's fine....laugh all you want....I have gotten the bump more than once for both 3D steadicam work and handheld.


    Case in point the project I just wrapped this weekend.


    I always say that about negotiation. If you don't value your work nobody else will that's for sure.


    You'll never know how much more you could of made if you didn't try to negotiate all your deals.


    If you just accept their offer you are not negotiating. If you take a stand on a rate you think is fair and you guys come to an agreement in my experience they will respect you more and treat you different.


    Producers negotiate all day long. Most of the time they will not just "call the next guy" when you come back with a counter offer. They will work with you and it might get tense adn things can go wrong but for me it's worth the risk.


    Besides most of the time I'm involved because someone has requested me. I am unique, I have unique qualities and abilities I bring to a production. In that sense there is no such thing as the next guy. If you don't think you are special you will NEVER be able to command a premium rate we all dream of....


    thats my philosophy on sales and negotiation anyway....your market(location in the world) might be very different. So my theory might not always be correct. But it works for me is my point.


    To put it simply....it's like I said.


    If you never ask for it....you will never get it.


    if you don't have the sales skills or just don't want to deal with it get an agent and give him 10%.


    many have opted for this and are very happy. Frankly, I have considered it as well. As they say the good ones are worth the money!

  11. Hi everyone.....


    I know many of us work as Camera Operator/Steadicam


    So I thought I would post the link to an article I just wrote up about Handheld 3D.


    Might help some of you out, or you can just have a laugh!



    On and side note: About rates.....You should also get a bump on your rate....handheld 3D operating is no laughing matter either!!!


    My blog article on 3D hand held....click here




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