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Takahiro Nakano

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  1. Hi, Is this what you are looking for? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4dmSQsCm6wiNmNyNHFUcUp2NmM
  2. Thank you Tuomas, My motor is likely to work for the time being. It will be used by Bartech.
  3. Thank you, it is good information. There is little information about FMG-6. Is there any company which repair FMG-6?
  4. I was using very old Chrosziel FOX. The receiver died at last. I have three FMG-6 motors. Can these be used for something? Bartech, Microforce etc… Or should I throw them away into a trash box?
  5. I am looking for MDR for the old analog FOX. Only MDR is required. nakanocam@pro.odn.ne.jp
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