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Line Up Phantom Cameras |High Speed Film Services High speed recording is without the shadow of a doubt an entire world that can grant astonishing images and a jaw dropping point of view on everyday reality, and lately thank to the increasing native ISO sensitivity of the high speed cameras and the 4K technology the possibilities in this field of expertise are practically unlimited. But we must not forget that as an high specialized sector, it requires high specialized crews to handle it and get the best possible results out of it. For instance, shooting at 1000 frames per second requires an outstanding coordination, special lighting equipment and... More info HERE
I have a PCU control unit for a phantom camera. It comes with 2 connect cables (25 and 50') It's part of a used camera package I bought a couple of months ago and never used it . 4200$ value, asking for 2200$ with free shipping to any steadicam forum member in the world. Free shipping to everyone else in North America only. Works 100%, cosmetics is 8/10 (see pictures) Paypal only. Cheers,!159&authkey=!AKm3N3Z6MJq4Mow&ithint=folder%2cJPG
hey yall does anyone recommend a Phantom Flex owner/operator/tech? Im sure I can get something put together at Abel, but Id love to bring someone on who may own a Phantom. Im willing to hear about other rental houses as well. I am based in Los Angeles and looking for a Phantom for the first week in December brett.