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Mounting 16mm on Artemis Cine broadcast

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Hi, I have been asked to mount a 16mm camera on a Artemis Cine broad cast, asking local Steadicam OP´s on what I need to have in mind the Image monitoring is one of the subjects I haven´t thought about, what is best for converting analog to digital? and what other things I need to have in mind? 

Thank you for your time.


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I hope you will be using a Arri SR 2 or 3 or an Aaton XTR  with digital video splits .The quality of these splits were never great but usable .

I would also ask your DP to use as little ND as it will only decrease again the quality of the V/split.

I would be looking at replacing your current monitor with a Analog monitor .There a lot of monitors out there which have analog inputs ok.

With regards to Low mode if you don't have a classic LM cage or the right camera bracket I would NOT go poor man LM as there are many issues with doing that ok .   

Good luck with the shoot 

Louis Puli 


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Thank you so much for the answer, I´m wondering what is the cage for, can you please post photos of the cage with the camera to know what it´s for? I have never seen a cage like that before. Again thank you for your time and answer. I´m looking in to getting a Analog monitor right now.

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The cage above is pretty universal as far as I know, so you shouldn't run into too much of a problem if you're trying to do something similar to it on your own. I would imagine camera clearance and access to magazines would be the biggest issue, but I don't have much knowledge about machining.

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