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Peter Abraham

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Everything posted by Peter Abraham

  1. If I may just say, Charles, you are as breathtakingly handsome now as you were 26 years ago. Now, what's all this about laminates? :D I'm very tempted to do this. However, I was issued a network studio ID with my photo and no expiration date ( by way of needing a new door swipe card for steady work I'm doing ) last week. It's genuine and should do the trick. Yanno, Pre-9/11, when traveling for a network event, I'd make sure a had a handful of ABC Sports enameled pins. Oddly, those did the trick to get me the Traveling Media Discount. Now? I'd be hustled out of the terminal sans Pelican cases to an undisclosed location ( Piscataway, New Jersey ) for a few weeks of heavy interrogation. No More Pins. Nice find though, Charles. May yet make one anyway.
  2. Superb, thank you one and all. Now I've got options !!!! I shudder to put in mind what I had to do back in the day- which was buy large spur gears with no hole, made of bakalite, then drill using an adjustable hole saw to the proper I.D., then drill down into the wall and tap to allow set screws to hold the gear in place. This is a simpler solution. The zip tie method that Tom linked to does require a bag of, as they used to say back where Charles is from, wicked small zip ties to connect through.
  3. I've heard mention of these now and again. Now I am looking to buy a handful of 32 pitch flexible gear rack strips, so I can always have a rack available to mount to various broadcast lenses. Anyone have a source for them? Many thanks, Peter Abraham, S.O.C.
  4. Glad we ventured into the wilds of Brooklyn, Lesli and I had a great time. Good to hang out for a long while. We must do it again now that you're in the city. Surely will take you up on the offer if a moment of equipmental need arises !!! Best, Peter
  5. Proud to be all of the above :) Indeed I do !! At this point, it'd be wisest to stop by a slaughterhouse and pick up a side of beef. Best Peter
  6. Call or email Derek Hester. He's the head of Customer Service at the Steadicam facility. He is at dhester@tiffen.com or at (818) 567-7917. Best, Peter Abraham, S.O.C.
  7. Which model of Heden motor? Got a photo ? Best Peter
  8. Ahhh yes. Dining by the kilo. When I get myself across the pond, you should feel free to return the culinary gesture. :D
  9. Hi Colin, if I may suggest contacting my terrific former colleague over at the Steadicam factory? Derek Hester is the head of Customer Support and will do an excellent job of getting with you on this. His contact is : dhester@tiffen.com Best to you, keep flying safe, Peter Abraham, S.O.C.
  10. Gosh, I would hope nobody would demand insurance on a hunk of steel !
  11. Looking for a few with the gear racks. Dig into those old boxes! Model I, II, IIII, IIIA or EFP will fill the bill. The longer the better. Thanks, Peter Abraham, S.O.C. peter@steadicamproductionservices.com
  12. Ahhh I love ya too Rob. When I'm in a position to accept a referral from you, oh baby you will know it. As for the gear details, still working all of that out ! Best, Peter
  13. Hey I was your teacher- as everyone associated with the Tiffen Steadicam Workshops program says during the workshop, stay in touch, the relationships begin when the workshop ends! Remember that I've been teaching Steadicam Workshops since 1990. I've been asked to put this info onto my cell phone voicemail so I'll share it here as well. The go to person for sales or service calls is Kristi Davis at the Steadicam facility in Glendale, CA. 818-567-7910. She'll direct calls appropriately. Best, Peter
  14. Usually pride goeth before the fall. In this case, just after.
  15. Dude... everyone should, at one point in their career, be operating a Steadicam and look up to see an enraged ex-rapper raise a baseball hat in your direction. Andrew, yep !!!!
  16. Alec stopped by with an abacus and a fifth of tequila. I think he was trying to tell me something...
  17. Career Reboot. After significant resolution regarding the back, I'm back. Pleased to be rejoining our community of craftspeople as a freelance Steadicam Owner/ Operator and Camera Operator. Best to one and all, Peter Abraham, S.O.C.
  18. It happens. They're quite useful, those small weights. I tend to take a few more and tap the two that are locked together forcefully whilst holding it in my palm. Tap, turn a bit, tap, turn a bit. The threads are seized temporarily and frequently the strike of another weight or two against the seam where the two are bound does the trick. Best, Peter Abraham, S.O.C.
  19. Keith,

    Thanks so much, it was a very high-energy group ! Everyone worked as a crew, and that's such a big part of the experience. Thank you again for the extra efforts the next day. Always something new to learn !

  20. Pretty nice stuff ! A few thoughts. The headroom overall is a bit high and the lens is also a bit high. Might have felt more "centered" considering how wide angle the shots were in Don Juan if you boomed down the rig for the runs. Nice leading, pretty clean horizons. Don Juan- I love it! Not for the faint of heart. Now to the reversing the monitor trick. Turn the camera around. Re-balance. Panning is a rotational phenomenon and so your hand and brain will "get it" rather quickly if you reverse the camera/ monitor relationship. The brutal part is tilting. You have to force your hand to unlearn the angular pressure that comes as second nature. Tilt up? Pinkie pressure. Now, tilting down is with pinkie pressure. It takes a force of will to get that going in the brain. But with a bit of practice, it can happen. With an un-notched centerpost you can simply unlock the post clamp and spin 180 degrees. With a notched centerpost ( Pilot, Scout, Zephyr ) you will need to unlock the plate and turn the camera around. Don't forget to remove all cables first. :) Best Peter Abraham
  21. Good morning, The Tiffen Company produces two "Classic" 6 day Steadicam Workshops a year. One in December south of Atlanta, one in March east of L.A. in the San Gabriel mountains. For a workshop close to the DC area, I cannot reccommend the SOA Workshops highly enough. They are also a superb experience and are instructed by and taught in the same method and syllabus as the two Tiffen Classic events. The next SOA Workshop is in October. There is also the Maine Media Workshops. Check out their website for Steadicam Workshops. Their next one is to be held in early July. Best, Peter
  22. Good afternoon, The Tiffen Company is pleased to announce that a 2 Day Steadicam™ Zephyr/ Scout/ Pilot workshop will be held at R&R Lighting on July 25 & 26, 2012. The location of the workshop is 813 Silver Spring Avenue, Silver Spring MD. 20910. Tuition is $ 600.00 USD pre-paid at the time of registration. This group is limited to 9 students. To register for this or any other Tiffen Steadicam Workshop, please visit our Workshops Web Site. Best Peter Peter Abraham Director of Technical Services, Steadicam® GM, Steadicam Workshops Program The Tiffen Company 90 Oser Avenue, Hauppauge NY 11788 (917) 453-1219 Office / (845) 595-2270 Fax pabraham@tiffen.com http://www.thesteadicamworkshops.com <http://www.thesteadicamworkshops.com/> Skype: peterabrahamsteadicam
  23. Hi Zhong Wei, We do make a breakout cable for this situation. It takes the 6 pin HRS ( Hirose ) connector and turns around to a BNC and 4 pin XLR for power. It is 807-7510-02. The price is $ 290.00 USD + shipping. Email me to try to arrange it straight through Tiffen. Where are you located? Best Peter Abraham Director of Technical Services, Steadicam™ The Tiffen Company pabraham@tiffen.com
  24. Good Morning, The Tiffen Company is pleased to announce that B&H Photo is hosting a 2 Day Steadicam Workshop. The Workshop will be held on September 5 & 6, 2012 in New York City. Please note that this workshop is not held at the B&H Photo store. It is held across the street at The Westside Jewish Center. 347 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 Tuition is $ 600.00 U.S.D. prepaid at time of registration. To register for this or any other Tiffen Steadicam Workshop, visit our Workshops Web site. This group is limited to 9 students. All Steadicams and gear are provided for students. If there are any questions regarding Steadicam Workshops or systems, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Peter Peter Abraham Director of Technical Services, Steadicam® GM Steadicam Workshops Program The Tiffen Company 90 Oser Avenue Hauppauge NY 11788 (917) 453-1219 (845) 595-2270 Fax pabraham@tiffen.com http://www.thesteadicamworkshops.com
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