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chris fawcett

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Everything posted by chris fawcett

  1. :blink: http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=177...mp;show_title=1
  2. I've tried a few bone crackers in my time. I'm not impressed. Quackery, I'd say. Try some Alexander Technique, if you're the patient type. Sorry to be so negative :( Chris
  3. Hi Rob, I don't want to sound too alarmist, but nerve damage progresses from temporary to permanent by degrees. It's generally a function of duration and extent of compression. Please be careful. It's a warning sign you really need to heed. Best wishes, Chris
  4. Hi Rob, I'd call that a really bad idea Rob. Aren't we talking nerve damage here? Fly safe, Chris
  5. Way to go Louis! Only madly jealous. Chris
  6. You're welcome. I'd call Tiffen, and ask to speak to Rob Orf. Good luck!
  7. No takers? Tilt Head? Frameline Generator? Artificial Horizon? Motorized Stage? No Tools? Drop-In Stage? HD? Am I missing something?
  8. If you're wiring for 24V, PM Mikko Wilson. he's done it. Chris
  9. Hi John, I find the 8" too big. I don't like 'hunting' around a large screen. I like the compactness of the 6" but a range of sizes seems like a good idea. I'm surprised about the mails. It seems out of character for Transvideo not to answer. I'll ask Jacques the next time I see him if you like. All the best, Chris
  10. Nope, but here are the preliminary specs on that transmitter: HD SDI 422 10 bits up to 1080 60i HD SDI 444 10 bits up to 24 fps (maybe 12 bits) SD SDI 270 Mb Composite PAL/NTSC 2 Channel Audio Embedded SDI or Analogue Balanced 10-36 V + Battery Operation + some other 'slightly secret' functions. Will keep you updated on that. Chris
  11. I'm glad you asked...because I've just been waiting for the excuse to write in and bore you all by telling you HOW F***ING BRILLIANT MY NEW MONITOR IS, when I've done it about ten times in this thread already; but here we go. Before going to shoot in the Amazon rainforest, I mentioned to Jacques that I'd probably leave my lovely Transvideo at home. I guess I expected him to agree?wrong. He reminded me that the unit is completely sealed, with?get this?a goretex plug in the back that allows any moisture to get 'pumped' out when the monitor is running. For 5 weeks, through 100% humidity, 100F + temperatures, tropical downpours, and equatorial sunshine, the monitor performed so wonderfully that I never doubted it for one minute. I love the frame-line options, where I was able to quickly enhance the barely-visible frame seen through the video tap, and then lower the view outside the frame by a couple of stops, so I could still see what was about to enter frame. The horizon was great too. i cycled through the options until I settled on my favourite one. Best of all, I still love the look of the picture. I feel I can see the movie I am shooting. A subjective opinion, perhaps, but one I have experienced with no other monitor. You can fall into those blacks. So yes, we are very happy together! Chris P.S. Jacques is working on an HD transmitter which I hope to test. I'll post some specs soon.
  12. Shameless. I wonder if it works. It's interesting how so many knock-offs look the part, but completely fail to perform like the evolved product we are used to. Having said that, it's a tribute to the genius of GB's original design that no matter how badly understood, copied, and indeed, operated, even the worst rig can stabilise a camera in a way that was impossible before the Great Brown Stabiliser Paradigm Shift. Chris
  13. Hi TJ, That's a sweeping statement! What features do you mean that all these sleds and vests have in common that the Clipper 324 lacks? Chris
  14. Why do they always steal my Leatherman?
  15. 5 weeks in the Amazon, sleeping with tarantulas and vampire bats, could not prepare me for just one evening in Madrid with you, Amando. ;)
  16. When? I'll sell mine sometime next year. Chris
  17. Thank you, Alex. C'mon guys. Let's not be like the builder that says "All this will have to come out!"
  18. P.S. No the arm isn't under load. The arm MUST be under load to adjust. Read the post carefully, and good luck! Chris
  19. Thanks Robin, Yes, all taken with the Leica C-Lux 1. Only 6 Magic Pixies too! Chris
  20. As Alex just commented in another thread, how many times have we heard the 'Robocop' comment? Some guy was shot dead in the Balkans wearing a Steadicam. You can just imagine how it looks through a telescopic sight to some methed-up sniper. We used to wear cricket protection gear when filming riots, because it looks so stupid people would stop to laugh at you. A shocking pink vest, maybe? Chris
  21. Thanks Ed! It was pretty wild. The lab reports are good, but I've yet to see the footage. I'll post some on my projects page when I get a telecine. It's an Aaton XO. I liked the camera a lot: simple and sturdy. The only let down was an antique video tap that had about 3 stops of dynamic range. I had to pull the gain on the fly a couple of times, which really pissed me off. All the best, Chris
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