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John Stout

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Everything posted by John Stout

  1. I believe the industry term you are looking for is "Oprah Rich"
  2. Peter thank you for the information. What a great experience you must have had being able to work such a historic event. Thank you for posting the picture as well. Too bad you didn't have the RF freedom, but it sounds like you had a good time anyway. At one point I did hear him tell the SS, that he didn't have a shot because they kept getting in the way. I guess it came off his on camera mic.
  3. According to Dan Erbeck from another thread, "The operator on the field for CBS is John Mantak."
  4. We have a Kessler slider (Philip Bloom 3' version). We got the SKB long gun case to travel it in. Great for checking in with the airline. Everyone always thinks it's a long gun. Case comes with pick and pluck foam so you will need to adjust it to your specific needs. Once we know we like a case layout, we replace the pick and pluck with thick dense foam so the case isn't always shedding pieces. Electric knives work great for cutting foam into round shapes like the slider has. We then packaged all of the automation accessories and the tripod we mount it on sometimes in a second SKB case.
  5. I am interested to know who will be representing the community on Superbowl Sunday? How many Steadicam Ops will be on hand to shoot the event?
  6. Alfeo, What a great way to do it. We do our billing like this for everything not just Steadicam. It gives us the greatest flexibility to make a project work, but not reduce the market level. I wish more people did this. I think it also reminds the client the value of what they are getting.
  7. Greetings, Does anyone know who the Steadicam Operators were for President Obama's and Vice President Biden's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue? I am sure that there were quite a few ops between network feeds, the inauguration and the parade, who else participated? John
  8. I know a lot of us sound like broken records, but before you plunk down your hard earned class, go take a workshop. It will solidify your decision even more once you have a chance to fly and learn a bit.
  9. There is a great second market for Steadicam (and other manufactures). You should not have a hard time re-selling your Zephyr. Someone is always looking to buy used.
  10. We put a JVC DT-X71H on our Pilot in replacement of the SD monitor that it came with. It flies on the Pilot quite nicely. We are currently running it with the SD wiring. Everything looks quite nice. There are three monitors in this 7" line. The model we chose is the middle one. They can be found at B&H for a good price. We are using a battery on the monitor while we are awaiting an adapter for the DC connector to 4 pin so that we can power it from the sled battery. I am sure there are many opinions on using "SD wiring" for HD video. Yes it does require an updated cable, however, for the camera and work that our Pilot is doing it is working out just fine.
  11. Terry is the man. Quick, fast, and durable.
  12. I suggest choosing the V Mount (my preference). You can get an adapter or JBOX made to be able to power your camera and other accessories as well. Can't do that with AA.
  13. We have used the Paralinx Arrow with great success. We are excited by the one to 2-4 receiver upgrade that will be happening at the end of the month. Even had a directors monitor in the elevator of an arena the other day with a camera on the arena floor. Had good signal until the door shut. Thought we would loose it completely, but it held on for a little bit after the door closed. Once the elevator started moving we lost it. Once the door opened again it re-acquired it pretty quick through a couple of concrete walls. My only problem with the system is the same as everyone else's, HDMI vs HD-SDI. Not a crisis, we have lots of converters, but it would be nice to not convert. For the price point and reliability, I am ok with the connector trade off for now. The team at Paralinx has been very responsive when we have had a question or needed something. Good guys. When you think about we have a couple of really great suppliers that we as a community have to work with: Terry West Jim Bartech Paralinx as well as a host of others. Glad the community is looking out for each other.
  14. As promised, Terry delivered on the J Boxes. Here is the photo of the J Box. This one has a Pilot end on it, but the others that he made have a Lemo connector for attaching to the Zephyr. Each of the boxes has three 12v 3 pin Lemo connectors and one 2 pin lemo 5v. This allows us to power camera, Blackmagic converter, Paralinx Arrow transmitter and still have an extra connection for future use. Could be used for follow focus, or other accessories. He also modified some battery emulators for our Panasonic HPX-170s and Canon 5Ds so that they have a Lemo end and can be powered off the J Box.
  15. I thought that the other difference was that the SOA workshop allows you to bring your own rig and camera if you desired, where the Tiffen workshop did not allow it. Is that correct Jerry?
  16. I agree with Robert, give Terry a call he is great.
  17. Glad to hear it all worked out well in the end. Happy Flying!
  18. I would try giving Tiffen a call in the morning. I am sure that they will be quick to take care of you. It sounds more like it has an SD monitor vs an HD monitor if it doesn't have an HD-SDI connection on it.
  19. What happens if you run a cable straight out of the camera and straight into the HD-SDI connection on the monitor and don't go through the sled?
  20. Daniel, Welcome to the forums. Have you tried connecting the camera directly to the monitor? If so and the monitor gets signal, make sure that you have the right connection from the sled to the monitor. If I remember correctly, there is an SD and HD connection on the sled, you could just have the wrong one connected to the camera and the opposite one connected to the monitor. If you find that your sled wiring is the challenge, the good news is that Tiffen is just around the corner from you.
  21. We use model 3I-2918-10B-C http://www.skbcases.com/industrial/products/prod-detail.php?d=&id=645&s=p We like them a lot. I believe it is the 1620 equivalent. They are lighter empty than the 1620. You can get them at all the normal places B&H, Adorama, etc.
  22. We should get them next week. I will post pictures when we receive them.
  23. We like the new SKB cases. Latches are better and easier on the fingers, price is less and the base weight of the case is lower. Makes it a good by all around.
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