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David Baldwin

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Everything posted by David Baldwin

  1. Brian, You're totally right I think after taking a second 'scientific' look, this time with my spouse saying "what the hell are you watching". "Steadicam stuff, baby" seemed to work. Dave "working on my craft" Baldwin
  2. I could only watch for about 30 secs because my kids were eating dinner behind me and my 3-year old said "daddy, what are you watching?" but I didn't think the operating was all that bad. Maybe after they go to bed I'll watch again with a more discerning eye but it wasn't the worst steadicammin' I've ever seen.
  3. Luis, Dude I was watching that auction too. Amazing. Where the hell was this listing when I was desperately seeking an EFP three years ago? I paid $2500 altogether for a dbox 1 (mint), PRO upper junction box (also mint), PRO superpost (mint, promptly sold), and a 3A gimbal. All for $2500. I thought that was a good deal. This EFP sale blows mine out of the water. Somebody hooked themselves up with a solid beginning system for a very good price. Nice work whoever you are. Dave
  4. Bad-ass picture Rob. Did the director have you running those stairs Jeff Mart-style?
  5. Sweet shot of the op on 30 rock this week!
  6. I guess showing them their policies if they are being sticklers on the credentials might not get you very far... I guess we're back to square one on what constitutes a proper credential!
  7. There is no consistency in air travel anymore in my opinion. Ticket agents having never heard of a media rate is just one of the many fun things we put up with while traveling these days whether that travel is for business, pleasure, funerals, etc. Picture TSA for a moment. Every single airport has different standards when it comes to their passenger screening processes. They don't even know what their own standards are. Not knocking what anybody does for a living, but these folks make $8/hr. They don't know their own standards, they don't give a shit, nor should they for $8/hr. If all else fails and credentials from NBC, HBO, BBC, fancy business cards, pretty pleases and handwritten letters from Jackie Chan aren't doing the trick I say do what Jess suggested and print out their own policies from their website and politely show the counter person that. But I'm sure they'd find a way to play dumb even in that case. BTW, I've noticed that they don't really seem to care about bags being slightly oversize (pelican 1650). I don't know about overweight because my cases weigh exactly 50 lbs when I fly. To the mother loving ounce. Enjoy the friendly skies. Dave
  8. I've got a serious case of case-envy going with Ramon's set up. My PRO 1 with Hugo's Hanger lives on the front seat of my Toyota (buckled in of course) and for shipping it I break it down and stuff it into a Pelican 1610 in sort of a two-tiered way. Not feasible for an everyday case solution, but the two or three times a year that I need to fly with my steadicam gear this has worked out for me. I think the modular 51 solution would be the way to go since the sled is just sort of chilling in the passenger seat on a Del Taco bag. Dave "that's just Del Scorcho sauce on the screen, bro" Baldwin
  9. And there's only so much Rebecca Pidgeon you can put up with...
  10. BTW, I was not trying to be cute or funny with this link. I hope nobody took it that way.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100927/ap_on_hi_te/eu_britain_segway_death
  12. Hey everyone, A buddy and me are shooting some demo/promo vehicle stuff this weekend and I just can't do another soft-mount. I've already asked my wife for permission to buy a vehicle mount but she tells me 'not until after property taxes' yada-yada-yada. Thanks, babe. That nerve damage in my left thigh thanks you too. Anyways, we'll be mounting to a vertical speed-rail so I don't need the mitchell mount just the u-bolts and the socket-block plate. If anybody in the LA area can come through for a brother I'll happily supply you with two six packs of beer (or soda-pop) and I'll even wash your car in my new bikini. I can pick up anytime tomorrow and have it back to you Saturday night or Sunday whichever is better. Thanks guys. Dave
  13. I wonder who Youtube user "LISAGAV1" could be? It's a big mystery.
  14. Thanks for weighing in guys. Apparently (like Charles pointed out) the proprietary a/v cable solves any and all issues here. No need to downconvert anything as long as that cable is in the camera bag. I still don't know what the issue with the (3)!) downconverters was but after reading your responses I know a few more things to try if I find myself without this proprietary a/v cable down the road. These DSLR jobs are coming up more and more (sometimes for decently budgeted projects!) and if this crap keeps up I'm gonna scrap that plan for a new vest and buy a frikkin Pilot... Thanks again. Dave
  15. I was a little embarrassed today when I couldn't get a signal to my sled's monitor. We were shooting on ye olde 7D and things were not working out. Now I've shot with the 5D about a bajillion times and assumed we could just use the mini-rca out like they have on the 5D. As I now know, there's no such outlet. No big deal as we had three downconverters on set with us. We tried to run the signal through an aja (production's), a blackmagic (also production's) and a decimator (mine). Nothing but fuzz. Checked the sled and the monitor and all is well. Thankfully, there was only one steadicam shot planned and nobody got mad at me and I spent the day on b-camera happy as a clam. wtf? why on earth would the manufacturer require you to downconvert the signal from the 7D when they have component out of the frikkin 5D? Is it a menu setting like it is on the sonys? Am I missing something here? Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Dave "uh, sorry guys. I can't get a signal" Baldwin
  16. Charles really hit it on the head as far as I'm concerned. I'm doing everything in my power to keep the downconverter a 'separate' rental. I tell production they can use mine (I charge $50/day for my Decimator btw) or they're welcome to bring their own which will most likely be at least twice as expensive. 100% of the time, they've taken me up on my offer. My world is a little different from Charles's and Eric's as I primarily toil away in the student/short/video/low-budge world. But I realize that price points and practices I put in effect now as a relatively new op will only serve me as I move along. As far as the Garfield mount, that's my next purchase. I did my final soft-mount yesterday. I've now shot enough bicycle tires/kids on bikes/hipster-slackers on skateboards and bikes/and vehicles that I'm never doing that shit again in a vest. Google 'meralgia parasthetica' and you'll see what I mean. Now to choose between Walter's, Jerry Hill's and PRO's...ahhhh, decisions. Looks like I'll be doing a little research on the trusty ol' forum. How ya been, Dan? Dave
  17. I'll watch too! My wife digs that show. I still get excited and point at the TV when I see the steadicam guy. I'm all "See? See the steadicam guy?" And my wife and friends pretend to ignore me. Dave "See? See the dude with the steadicam? Isn't that cool?" Baldwin
  18. Hey Mark, Can you email me the particulars (I see it's a Sachtler) and what you're asking for your gimbal? Thank you sir. Dave rocksteadi2000@yahoo.com
  19. Hey Mark! I've got a nice picture from this past December of Portia wearing my rig. A rig that includes your old monitor. It's still holding up brother, thanks! Dave
  20. For the most part, the takes were pretty solid for camera and at no time was I made to feel that the problem(s) were with me or my operating. I had the DP take a photograph of the slate on take 50. I think the clients would have kept going if the producer didn't explain to them that we were about to hit overtime for the entire crew. 55 takes, baby. I know somebody out there has an even more ridiculous number!
  21. on an insurance commercial. Thankfully it was only a 21 second spot, so the day was actually fairly light, physically. The issue was we had to conform picture to the pre-recorded audio track and our only guide was a series of 'beeps' that would let camera/talent know where we had to be at any given moment. I guess I'm wondering if it is common in the commercial world to shoot to existing audio? Seems counter-intuitive/productive, but I guess I could come up with a reason or two why it would be necessary. Dave "let's do another 55" Baldwin
  22. Lisigav --check. Red loctite --check. Thanks, Ron. Hey, does anybody remember a couple of years ago when one of our non-English as a first language brothers wrote something along the lines of "excuse please, have searched all over the internets and am unable to find this lisigav anywhere. Please help"?
  23. Hey folks, Anybody have any idea how to better secure the tiny-ass allen screws that lock in with the side-to-side or fore/aft knobs on the dbox 1? Mine pretty much just spin and spin and spin... Dave
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