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Rob Vuona SOC

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Everything posted by Rob Vuona SOC

  1. All I know is I want to go . . . . it's just the $10,000 spending on everything wonderful in Italy that I'm not sure about . . .LOL . . . Hopefully I'll be there!!
  2. Hey there Mr Myers, Where have you been . . . .I need to talk to you ! . . . Hope all is well in your world . . . I'll call you tonight or tomorrow
  3. I thought.. i have seen them all, but this was simply amazing ! Call me really STUPID, but how the all you manage the cable like that.. ? ? ? :blink: John, WOW :) Very best, Erik Good Lord . . . . .Erick . . . .Now Johnny's head is going to be sooo big he won't fill in for me anymore . . .LOL . . . . Ok Mr. Perry wallow in it . . .you deserve it . . . You Da Man You should answer Brett questions for all of us Tethered TV guys . . .
  4. aloha rob just a small question i have a beauty pagent coming up and they want to use wireless,does the link system work with sd and does have a delay,someone once told me it only does hd which i find hard to beleive thanks It does both HD/SDI and NTSC along with Return . . . ."Think Dancing with the Stars" AVS has them for rent
  5. PS. Rob Vuona, call me when you can regarding Link HD wireless hardware. I have prices and info...how much $ do you want to invest? It's damned expensive! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yo John, Nice stuff, as always . . . Damm that Link system . . .I may have some contacts for it as well, but I'll call you and we can talk also I may have some dates for you, Alan Carter says Hi as well . . .
  6. Come on Rob, the white hair was Philbin. Tell Dave thanks for another shot on that reel I am putting together for him....lol. Classic... I am sure he will know exactly which shot I am referring too. JM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was watching and said the same thing to my wife, "Crap now Jeff has another shot for that damm real" . . .LOL . . . . .
  7. woops, sorry Dave . . .LOl . . .I thought the white haired guy in the isles doing H.H. was Hector . .LOL . . .Kris have you dyed your hair, was that you . . . Oh BTW, for all of you, Hector in all of his glorious 63 years is the steadicam on Dancing with the Stars as well . . . .still flying old faithful, the Steadicam masters.
  8. It may have been Freddy Frederick out of Tenn. he does alot of these types of shows.
  9. The sad part about the whole Zeppelin gig was that it was shot for IMAG only . . .so I heard . . . But obviously Dan "Bootleg" Coplan has some sort of copy, that . . . .well . . .ya we all want to see . . . I called a bunch of people over there to get on that gig, Dan who directed it ? where did you get the copy? Peace Out Rob "Jealous" Vuona
  10. The operator is Dave Eastwood Last nights Oscars He makes it all look easy . . . .still don't know why a show like that won't use the Link wireless system . . .?
  11. Collin, use your stanton zoom and focus for now, you still have that right? Waltham Ma . . . .Hmmmm Try Jeff Silverman, he may know where to get one at this hour 954-232-8503 Good luck What are you working on?
  12. Hey Bry, I heard a rumor that It's coming back to Canada, so I hear . . . .hang in there I'll ask Howie Monday and get back to you Afton, I'm sorry you have such anxiety around so many beautiful women, maybe I can get one or two of the girls to give you a shout out so your not so afraid of the end of the world . . .LOL . . .
  13. Thats why you Da man and the rest of us end up flying the extra pounds . . . .
  14. Is it a good gig? . . . .da . . .26 beautiful women all day long and I normally only do the first act . . .shhhh . . . .don't tell anyone . . . .then I get to surf to forum and look at the girls . . . . Anyone want to come by and check out the girls oh I mean the show . . . .I'll be there Monday 25th, Tue. 26th, and Fri. 29th Culver Studios stage 6, just email me and i'll put the name on the list . . . .LOL . . .
  15. They are shooting a follow up "response" to that video today. Wait till you see the cast of this one! Can't wait to see that . . . .your talking about a response from Jimmy right? oh God thats going to be funny
  16. Hi Charles, I'm glad you enjoy her. She isn't for everyone. But she is really sweet and professional. She comes prepared and starts every master with the saying" Lets have fun with this one people" to the crew. She makes it fun. They are busy scrambling for new material and hope to be back in mid-April shooting.Thanks for the feedback with this and all the other things in which you have helped. Have a good year! Aloha, Ron Veto Hey Ron, Was that you who shot the Sarah and Matt Damon video . . . .? Wicked Funny !
  17. Cool, interesting enough, My wifes BMW X-5 comes standard with that . . . unfortunately I don't get to use it . . .LOL . . .
  18. Oliver, It seems you have all the idea's already, Jerry Holloway suggested wrapping the extra cable around your post controlling arm. I haven't tried this way yet but planning on it . . . I fly with a cable, triax or fiber everyday and I use the off the back of the camera to my vest system . . . .Trico adapters with BNC and a wireless PL system makes the cable very minimum. As for the Fiber I use the same system only with a fiber adapter that brings the size of the fiber cable down to a quarter of the original size and very manageable. Hope this helps Fly Safe and sell the producers on the LINK system maybe all of us broadcast guys can go wirelless one day
  19. [quote Maybe the autofocus might go into search mode while making the shots and is best keep in manual, I really don't know...I have a sense that most people work in manual mode but either they have assistants or have years of practise, right? Thanks for giving answers. Jose, That's a Big Noooo on the auto focus, Charles has the exact right idea for you, you won't achieve the shots you are hoping for with any camera set on auto focus, while moving you camera will be hunting for a focus point. Set on 6-10 feet keep the lens wide and fly safe . . . . You also asked , "would be possible to learn to use the JVC and the steadi rig in a resonable time? Reasonable time is what? a month . . .NO longer maybe . . .to get the shots you are hoping for Hope it helps
  20. Happy B-Day ! Charles When I grow up can I be like you?
  21. Congrats, I wish I was coming by, but I'm on set until 11pm Hopefully I'll see you on the next one
  22. Rob Vuona  SOC


    Hey guys, As we all know . . .the Holy Grail of Monitors is still not available as an all in one monitor with all the bells and whistles to fit all of our needs at the right price point, but . . . . . .I have been emailing a tech over at Nebtek. I told him to log onto the Forum and give some insight into our monitors needs and this is what he had to say. Maybe in a month we may have what we are looking for? . . . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Rob, The current NEB70HDS is treated with a military grade "Daylight" coating. It is not transreflective but it is similar. An unfortunate side effect is that the coating turns a perfectly good anti-reflective screen into a reflective one. I have a couple of Steadicam operators in Hawaii that swear by this unit, but they have not seen the "new" unit yet. I was checking out your specs on the "Holy Grail" monitor, and our next gen model will meet or come close to a lot of those specs. One thing to remember on LCD panels is that traditionally the higher the brightness the lower the contrast. Once you get up to a 900 NIT Brightness, you end up with a 100 (or 200) to 1 contrast ratio. Which is why so many companies are using films (transreflective and otherwise) to punch up the brightness of the unit. Unfortunately these films can lower contrast or make monitors reflective (as it happened in our case). It's a bit of a catch 22. I believe that you need a 600 NIT brightness in order to see a monitor in the harshest outdoor environments. At that point it becomes all about picture quality, and you can throw the specs right out the window. I've seen 100 NIT brightness monitors that were totally "blown out" indoors but looked great outdoors. I've also seen units with 700 to 1 contrast ratios that you couldn't see in bright studio. So forget the specs and look at the monitor itself. It's not about what works for somebody else... It's about what works for you. We all have different features we're looking for, and we know what we want to pay for those features. That's why we allow a 1 week demo on all of our units. If it works for you... Keep it. If it doesn't work for you... Send it back (just don't beat the hell out of it before you do). I have no problem answering questions from Steadicam forum members, but my overall Steadicam knowledge is not up to the task. I don't like to join a forum where I don't have a complete working knowledge of the equipment being used. I'm hell on film and video cameras, but the Steadicams were never the gear I had to use personally. Please tell anyone on the forum that I'm always ready and willing to answer questions though. I'll keep you updated on the next gen model when it becomes available. All the Best, Rob rob@nebtek.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Dustin, Holding the rig, even a Flyer on a usable shot for 20-30 minutes is not something you want to do. Not impossible but certainly not something you want to do when you have no second chances or retakes. You need to go put a rig on with your camera and try it . . . .you will asnswer all your own questions Otherwise . . . .yell cut at the bride and groom , then ask them to put the rings on again . . .LOL . . . Good Luck
  24. Back in the day . . . . .Back when they were fighting with swords . . . I shot way too many F!@#$%ing weddings, but hey . . . it put me through college and lots-o-drinking money . . .LOL . . . So, first of all . . .the church may not allow you to be moving or standing up and around the Alter, second if they do, you still won't want to be doing the whole ceremony on a steadi. Make sure you have a camera on a tri-pod with good audio and if permitted, then use the rig for awesome cut away shots, (ie: Up the isle, across the heads in the back of the church . . etc . . ) along with all the particulars at the reception . . . The first dance will be great on Steadi . . . . In any cased good luck, but don't fool yourself and think your going to get a great ceremony video 30 min or less all on Steadi even if it is a light weight Flyer . . . Just My 2 cents Fly Safe Peace Out Rob "Can't even go to weddings anymore" Vuona
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