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Eric Fletcher S.O.C.

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Everything posted by Eric Fletcher S.O.C.

  1. Hate to say this but the gear I see having the most issues with fragility and breakage is the Tiffen stuff. PRO, XCS, Sachtler are all built like tanks and you have Try REALLY hard to break them. Tiffen tells you to send the arm back to the factory every year under normal conditions more often if used in a dusty environment, PRO you rinse the arm out with a garden hose if it gets dirty.
  2. When I have it in hand then I'll post about it, but it's the only plate that you will ever need for the Alexa
  3. Yes we tested it on this season of Dexter. AWESOME piece of gear. Very well thought out and implemented. Built with the typical Arri robustness we have come to rely on. So good in fact that I'm buying one and may dispose of my Preston (waiting for the outboard reciever first though.
  4. Guys Jump on this Package, I know James and I know how he keeps his gear. I give this sale and this seller two thumbs up!
  5. Looking forward to you contributions No not really
  6. There is another plate coming out and it's going to be the hot ticket. Just saying (My optical support plate will be available in a few weeks)
  7. Here's a case I had Mastercase build. For me they are the only ones to build my cases <img src="http://www.phone2forum.com/interface/scripts/viewimage.php?photoid=96623&code=p9MiiaoTjp29MoOYAdD7MA%3D%3D%0A"> <img src="http://www.phone2forum.com/interface/scripts/viewimage.php?photoid=96621&code=sq4Xw4mpsGV0HLBKXRnZ3A%3D%3D%0A"> Sorry slight issue with embedding the photos
  8. Chris, you are missing the point, arm performance is about feel, not a curve on a sheet of paper. Besides to understand and correlate whats on the page you need to actually know what they feel like, meaning you would have actually had to have flown the arms. the other thing is you make some pretty broad assumptions on geometry. What are you basing your observations on? if you havn't flown the arms or the rigs what exactly do you know or understand about what works and what doesn't? Flying a large rig at a workshop doesn't really mean that you have the experience to make observations on it's performance (to the advantage of some companies)
  9. Ummm that not the performance characteristic of either of those arms
  10. First off no such thing as a "Lift performance curve" it's a force curve nothing more. And honestly it won't tell the masses much about the arms. 99.999999% of the drivers in the world can't read a shock dyno graph but they can drive a car and tell you if they like the ride or the way that it handles. Hell, even a majority of the Professional race drivers I coach can't read a shock sheet. Then lets talk about the fact that Tiffen is using a word that is made up and doesn't really explain what is going on with an arm (and no the wikkipedia entry written BY tiffen doesn't count as proof that it's a real term. It's actually and economic term) Arms are either Progressive (the PRO arm) or Digressive (the tiffen made up word arms) A bit of an explanation is here http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=15133&p=71590 And this is what I'm talking about, even you don't understand what you are trying to present a tool to evaluate arm performance. Reading a chart won't give you an answer Actually flying the arm will. Another observation, Chris you are building a rig and from your own admission you haven't really flown a big rig, what leads you to believe that you are qualified to write a buyers/testing guide? As it is each of your information panels has HUGE errors in it. Take for instance your assumption of arm performance. The PRO arm does not "Bounce back" and takes no additional training or mental energy to operate.
  11. You hit it on the head Ron. CBS is pulling an ABC and making you honor TV safe? silly networks
  12. You're not changing the weight distribution top to bottom so you wont gain anything
  13. Turn off the level display, the bounce back and Roth is because you don't have a valid level input
  14. It's the "Just say no" setting. It's my default setting for that camera
  15. This is my go to pad, I have the CCC's which are great but this pad is awesome. As Ron Said just like the old Panapad I did end up buying one of these and love it. Just for the fact that it stays on the camera I don't have to wear a hump
  16. This is my go to pad, I have the CCC's which are great but this pad is awesome. As Ron Said just like the old Panapad
  17. Janice, it's not about weight, it's about crossing the gimbal when you are hard wired Brooks, I can help you out if you can't find any, I have all the correct tool to build them
  18. While yes your batteries are 90W/hr you won't get more than 30 mins out of them when you are pulling that load. It has to do with the way the current ratings are averaged and the droop on voltage as the batteries are being run down
  19. Guys it's Michael Johnson, he's a straight up guy, both Jack Bridge of PRO and I will vouch for him
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