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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. Why was this thread removed without explanation?
  2. Right, your real estate is to make sure you are making good on your loan. I'm not telling you to turn over your gear to the bank. I would explain to your banker the problem of the manufacture not making good on their product or warranty. The bank is not in the business to purchase faulty equipment and should have some legal recourse in the purchase as long as you are making good on your commitment to them.
  3. Have you tried to turn the camera on first and then the monitor? I had a similar problem with F900's and my UltraBright2... the particular frame rate of 24fps on the F900 was not liked... 23.98fps was ok. To further confuse things the factory was testing with the newer cinealta EX1 or 3 and both frame rates worked fine. All this to say it could just be a legacy firmware issue with the camera, has it ever been updated?
  4. Tomas, Sorry about your dealings, but you mentioned your purchase was with a bank loan... was this a business loan from your bank and was your equipment partial collateral? Check with your bank and see if they can get involved, after all, they partially own the faulty gear which the manufacture will not make good on. They have deeper pockets and fatter lawyers. -Alfeo
  5. Please take a look and see if a Magliner Sr can roll in and land in the back
  6. a very useful use of the sound or vtr guys carts... they have plenty of outlets and are usually close by... hell, most have an iPhone and BB plug for the nearby adults
  7. I looked into this also... if only an excuse to buy iPad2 Problem is that you have to be near the other iPad/iPhone/Laptop that is driving the prompter software. Which is ok if your on a medium size stage and the prompter op is within BlueTooth range... I repeat, within BT range which is usually less than 30 feet. I was also told that the iPad LCD is not bright enough for daytime viewing (have not tried, but just in general, I've heard numerous people complain about trying to view iPads in mid-day outside)
  8. In the Ultra2 Manual (last paragraph on page 32) So I would assume they have something available such as what I had built by Terry West on my Fracolizer Base
  9. The Steadicam Branded HD Transvideo monitor that Tiffen sells HAS been modified by Transvideo for Tiffen. One of the most important modifications, that you will not be able to get in the stock Transvideo version, is that the LCD has been inverted for better viewing in a downward angle. I don't recall what other mods have been done to the Steadicam Branded Transvideo... ask the Team Tiffen.
  10. Rob is modestly speaking of his Phantom V2(Vuona/Video... even the same amount of letters ) Love the mods and that case is to dream for! Of course the 3" stubbies wont work in your case with your return monitor clamp (which I liked)... but I just use the Picture-in-Picture feature of my UltraBright2 and usually keep my monitor close to the rig since its so big. But just like arm post, I think its more of a preference on the standard setup and then a quick swap when needed. My preference is the 3"er, but for all practical purposes, it think the 6" is a safer call for "in the soup" adjustments
  11. Awhile ago I had mentioned to the Tiffen Steadicam Team that I felt like the monitor rods were a bit long. Not usually a problem, but at times, they can constrict your setup, especially with my newer setup style with my monitor close to the post and as low as I can go to the bottom of the sled. The batteries could not be changed especially the inside battery, the rods stuckout for about 6" to 8" and could get caught on cables. Time had passed and I had not revisited that thought until my last feature... here I am on a one'r and takes one, two and three are all bust. Twice I conked my rig on the kitchen table about a minute in and now making those adjustments take three had a loud crash from my head greating the kitchen light which wasn't there on the first two takes??? Oh yeah, I moved the table but not the over head practical... take four all good... actors take. Take five everybody's in the groove and I'm settling into the lock-off... did I mention this is a real trailer home out of a genuine trailer park? SO, actors are great and I'm feeling good... make that great and no focus buzzes... "CALL CUT BABY AND LETS MOVE ON TO THE NEXT 7 PAGES!!!" is all I'm thinking at this point, just until my rig takes an unexpected nose dip toward the bottom right corner... WTF?!?!?! Yep... boom guys cable took me out (refer to last 5 words of top paragraph)! Let the TST (Tiffen Steadicam Team) know if your interested in these... Check out the 6" rods ...and the 3" rods
  12. http://www.atomos.com/ looks the sort... if so, I saw the Ninja Case at a local dealer (Showcase) in Atlanta and liked them, don't quite remember the latches, but will have to swing, by and look.
  13. Hi Daniel, Is this the case that the NINJA HDVR deck ships with? can you post a video to demonstrate?
  14. I think there should be at least a few categories... 1. Pocket crunchers (ProSumer) <$1K 2. Indie $1K - $5K 3. Pro $5K - $10K 4. Network $10K+ That way, its fare to us and the manufactures that are being compared to each other... lets face it, each level has certain expectations and tolerances.
  15. Ron is always upside down... That would be just below your clamp on the Tiffen rigs... not sure about the other style rigs.
  16. Where's the freaking LIKE button... Oh well :thumbs: :thumbsup:
  17. The new Boxx transmitter was about the size of a cigaret pack... they put one on the Tango in the Tiffen booth during the start of NAB... although it had issues transmitting that short distant, they assured that the unit was working flawlessly and that it was possible the signal coming from the CineDeck. The receiver was hidden behind a 7 or 8 inch monitor built into a small pelican case complete with external HDMI port and mount for batteries (Sony NP style) If they work out the bugs, it could be a must have unit.
  18. Very unfortunate and very sad. Let this remind us that not only our safety is ALWAYS at risk, but also the safety of others... there should have been someone safetying his back as well as some to safety that person as well... come on guys... we only have one life to loose
  19. i'm in... not sure or not if the Tiffen thing is on Tuesday night as well?!?
  20. try IDX. They may have something you can use
  21. Thanks for clearing that up Janice... thats exactly what it was. Not assigned as third party. I only charged them for not providing me coverage under their policy and me using my own policy as primary for covering me and my gear, not their gear.
  22. I had one of these in the past and simply told them, I sure do... BUT, for me to use my policy for your job I will have to charge you full rate plus a 10% surcharge for covering them.... and they agreed. It was still cheaper for them to go this route than to pay me and buy production insurance to cover my gear. They owned the camera package and no dolly, so I was the only requirement for a cert.
  23. Thanks Iain, same thing Zach from IDX said, good to know for the next time!
  24. Yep.... what the boys said... monorail is great, but gets a bit packed and then there are the buses also... as far as NAB its self, plan ahead and get a game plan together on what and who you want to see. Plan for at least an half hour at booths of interest and about an hour at your main stops. I think, operators night will end up on Tuesday again, but I'm sure there will be an official invite posted or just drop by the Tiffen booth and say hello. Strippers DO like your cash... and never hit on the hired help! See you there! Hey Jim... how bout an unofficial operators night at the strip club?!?!
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