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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. Anyone had their camwave experience a vertical roll, just like the old tv set would? -Alfeo
  2. Great for monitoring and tracking projects... but completely off base from the topic which is invoicing software
  3. The prototype Ultra 1 should be out there somewhere... That's the one I grew up on until I got my Ultra 2... and yes, it is now owned by NFL Films.
  4. Ahhhh... What you speak of Thomas, is the so called "Great Divide" as my photo instructor said many moons ago when our school actually had a functioning darkroom and we shot mostly on chrome and photoshop sat on only one of the dozens of computers in the computer lab. Its the quintessential gap between artisans and trained technicians. The artisan knows the shot before it is even set up and only needs one shot at it. The trained technician will discover the shot after trial and error. I recall a story of a table top shoot where the photographer took one frame and and the client went bouncers and demanded he shoot more... inevitably driving cost up and shrinking profits. Guess which shot was the final image... you guessed it!
  5. Actually, it could shoot you into a higher tax bracket. I doubt that there is less tax on it, but if you report the rentals on your SSN which then should 1099 Misc Income and there for is non-taxed income that will increase your personal tax liability. I don't think so, you may have some state incentives for business, but its cleaner and helpful to know the difference of what was wages and what was business income. Not to mention if you ever incorporate your business, your already in the custom of separating the two. -Alfeo "NOT a CPA, but I've see one played on set"
  6. FYI I had a production company ask me for my social security number for a rental invoice stating that he need my name also on the w9 as well as ssn, because I am a sole proprietor. The name part is correct, but if you have an EIN, you are able to use either. Don't let them force you to place this on your ssn if your book keeping methods are to use your EIN. -Alfeo
  7. Great find Robert! This is a key factor for those that are forced to work in a 1099 status. Even thought most of us are running business, we are still employees and do qualify for unemployment between jobs. -Alfeo
  8. You're saying the 605 records in h264? Can you post a short clip from it at full res on YouTube or Vimeo? Hey Robert, Yes it does. But there is no way to feed an HD signal into the Archos. It will also playback HD movie files that you load into it, but again, no HD DVR capabilities. So for get about HD-SDI and Archos. -Alfeo (504 Archos)
  9. If your still bent on the SR, maybe we could work out an upgrade for you with my SR Hey Eric, I just may be downgrading to the JR (Daniel???) Could post a few picks or point me to where I can find his Coffin Box? -Alfeo "tired of lugging that big F'er up and down my stairs" Dixon
  10. The SR is a bitch to get around with... If you've streamed lined to a Jr. I would stay with that. I almost wish I had bought the Jr instead.
  11. I think Tiffen only has three so far... when I did Ídolos in São Paulo, I had the only other Tango while Ruben had the 1st one at IBC, but just saw a production model a few weeks ago visiting the boys at the Georgia workshop. Whats the power situation for it? No problem on the SDI cables, its the thicker power supply cables that would possibly booger it up. In terms of IA, I'm thinking no closer that 6' and if anything a small parallel rig with one motor that could change the IA.
  12. Hey Pedro, thanks for a great thread. What's the IA (IO) on this little baby? I wonder if a super lightweight setup could be achieved with these to work off the Tango (under 6lbs.) This is about the best we could get on the parallel rig a few years ago at Paul's first workshop in '09.
  13. Hi Warren, do you know if there were any other additions other than just the ice? Was there or are there any other types of RF receivers or transmitters also in the vicinity of the receiver? Did the broadcast guys add anything? The banning could sound like a signal contamination. I would hit up Vickii Chaffee over at IDX and let them know whats going on... they are really super friendly and will be the best place to go for answers. Unfortunately, most of us own them, but hardly ever see the image that it transmits. But PLEASE post back what you do find out and how you solved the problem. -Alfeo "Tried the rink... but tall and lanky don't mix with hockey" Dixon
  14. Nice one Robert! I'm still wondering how I got up to $10K in cables with very few backups and I still need two !*#$!%@&!?"#@ Fiber Jumpers?!?!
  15. you could just mount a bar out to the side. Dovetail -> Bar -> Ball Mount. that will allow you to offset the ball mount and thus bring your camera/mount CG back over the center of the sled. Check you monitor, some monitors have a 1/4-20 thread on the side, but if not, just go with the L bracket approach.
  16. I just cant seem to get myself to allow for all my personal or business financials to be out on a single (duplicated) web server. I guess thats why I havent tried Intuits online versions of software. But when it comes time for a strong financial software that does a lot more than just invoicing and about 90% of accountants are familiar with.... Quickbooks is it. I only with the Mac version was as robust as the Windows, but if you own a copy of Windoz and dont mind using a mimicked computer such as Parallel
  17. Happy Holidays to you Robin! Hope everyone has a safe and joyful New Year!!! Lets make 2011 a prosperous year! -Alfeo
  18. I' ve been a beta tester for Quicken and Quickbooks Pro got about 4 years now and seen much improvements... I missed the online version so can't really speak on it. But the key to both is to check weather your bank will direct connect to them. At thus time QBP will not allow you to pay bills from the software. You will have to pay frombuoir banks billpay. Some credit cards do not direct connect either, so you will have to download and import (web connect) for those, bug beard the hell out of manual entry. Make sure you speak with the right department for your account when asking.... I had do many issues with my Wachovia Business account, as it would not play at all with QBP and the past 3 years of all manual entry
  19. Alfeo -- run! Last time I had drinks with BJ I was coughing up feathers for a week (ask Jim Bartell what I'm talking about) Not afraid... its funny how a scotch and water suddenly just looks like water Yeah, I heard your on the Collector job... hit me when your here. I'm right in Midtown... 5min from everything
  20. still on the Tiffen vest for the professional rigs. Yes, you will need to disconnect two Cross back straps that help stabilize the side to side movement in the vest. I guess you could unsnap the four snaps that help hold that large triangular center velcro piece for a bit of pre planning.
  21. Check with Bryan Fowler... I think he has two or three
  22. That folks was Tyrone "Muggsy" Bogues slam dunking over Manute Bol
  23. dag Janice... you just killed my short story I was going to write about me and my brother being at Klay's... while we where there, the law enforcement was camped out and all these guns around... then the 'Boss' showed up... Just kidding, Klay is actually a law enforcer (sheriff dept) and a gun hobbyist. The 'Boss'... well, that would be his lady that came home while we where there, he's all legit. So, about the MDR2, It does have some issues and was most likely on its way to Preston for repairs when it was lost by our illustrious United States Postal Service... buy Insurance, because if your stuff goes missing, it will likely end up in the hands of a sporting young gentleman such as Klay, looking to take chances on a treasure hunting deal seeking mission. -Alfeo
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