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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. Anybody seen, used or heard reports on this unit? http://www.vocas.com/links/zif100-link.htm http://www.abelcine.com/store/Vocas-Z-10-Zoom-Controller/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RWOwTJiv9w
  2. Yep! Thats a junker! I'll take it off your hands for $100 and I'll even pay for the shipping... that's how nice a guy I am.
  3. and be sure to use earplugs if using the one-sided Comms Headset... I even put one in the ear that has the speaker to tone down a bit.... nothing worse than an excited camera person blaring over the loud ambient level in your ear(s) or over excited directors in the booth/truck
  4. Christian, Sorry to slant your announcement thread off track, but any chance on a unit that will focus also?!? -Alfeo
  5. http://www.prompterpeople.com/flex-series-ipad-teleprompter.html
  6. I saw one similar with iPad... I like the idea of another excuse to buy an iPad or 2.... Any problem with vignetting on ENG wide lenses?
  7. Rob, did you ever get those pics?
  8. Ramon Engle also ops one... he used it everyday from what I understand on Good Eats... but i think his saving grave was that the Producer/Actor is also a DP... so he knew what the rig is capable of giving him for his show. Not to mention Ramon is use to running around swing a stick in the air (Lacrosse.)
  9. If you don't find one in NY, One of the techs at PC&E in Atlanta started a prompter biz on the side... I'm sure he picked up a steadicam light weight one. Call and ask for Eason 404.609.9001
  10. OHHHH EEEEMMMMM GEEEEEEE!!!!! ROTFL.... Great find Matt! But no answer to the lowmode!?! But at least my rig wont take a crap on set between breaks!
  11. On set... try a nice fat header cable to a HMI 10K or larger At home or off set... tennis balls are also good and if you really want to dig in... golf balls
  12. it would be awesome to take the same test parameters to RF Hell Central.... Times Square. Can someone arrange that side of the hill also?
  13. Hands down the IDX CamWave has been a great investment for me... pretty rock solid and only a few times have there been any issues of hits or drop outs. What type of work do you mainly do? if its live.... not so sure you can get away with the IDX. I flew the Nucomm CamPac2 on Ídolos Finale, Live-to-Air show in São Paulo this year on the Tango and it worked rock solid also. -Alfeo
  14. Whip pans have to be done with a post level to the axis of rotation... so as you found out, you need to trim by adjusting your boom on your arm and not tilting on a whip pan. That said... you can trim and tilt your post IF your in the rare situation of whipping between two actors a complete 180˚ and you are trim it directly in the middle of the two heights (good luck with that one.) Yes, with a film camera you need to kind of plan for your whip pan... so if your whip is at the beginning of the take then DB at the top of the take... like wise if the whip is at the end of your take, then adjust your DB for the displacement of the film mag.
  15. Chris, stop gripping and search/read the forums more... http://www.steadicam...&attach_id=4614 Chris knows I'm just giving him shit. But really I searched just "Tally" (i believed the "light" in your search held you back) and found all sorts of goodies, even a wireless tally box make back in '06 and one the Eric Fletcher is selling along with a J7, should ask if he'll slip up the items. But for the most part, I remembered from reading the forums a while back, that someone was looking for the schematics of Peter's homebrew tally. Its just that the forum is becoming a bit redundant and starting to feel like a google search nowdays
  16. Cardio... which I do none of and Abs (Core) will support your back... which I also do none of oh yeah, squats for you knees... which I do none of I guess what I'm saying is that you will gradually build the muscles needed to do the job... just the other day on a live show, the utility was asking me if I wanted my dock... I said no. It was more work for her to drop the cables and fly the dock over for me to rest for all of a minute and the run it back off the set and get back to me before the count down. Pop open the vest and put the sled on the shoulder is what I do and she asked me was I trying to be He-man? Nope, just didn't see the need for it... I wasn't like I was exerting energy standing at rest, now IF I had just jogged up a graded incline on a two minute take... NO TIME TO GET THE DOCK!!! TAKE THE RIG!!! But IF I was to hit the gym... defiantly the core muscles and get use to stretching like a runner... THAT will help tremendously.
  17. Chris, stop gripping and search/read the forums more... http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=4614
  18. but its own actual movement is so jerky... kind of like when using some strong gyros
  19. Read this thread for some resent good intel Gimbal zoom control for video cameras? Personally the G-Zoom is looking pretty good, especially because you already have a Bartech
  20. No, that was just Kelli Lee and her friend that rolled in with me... But Ruben is always trying to one up me... It's a Vegas NAB thing... But maybe thats why the Gucci bags!
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