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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. Unless your looking to add in a pot to control the voltage regulator, just go with a fixed regulator for your a.k.s. power output. 12V Regulated Most of your gear that is built for steadicam and production usage will handle upwards of 16~18volts... thats just about what your batteries output fresh off the charger. You really only need a regulated 12volts for the ones that will only take 12volts. On my Ultra2, I do have another DC out that is adjustable from 4.5v to 9.5v and this is good for my Archos and such.
  2. You don't have the luxury of choosing you camera... So if you want to give me all your calls for jobs that fly film cameras... Go right ahead, I'll take it!
  3. I tried today the remote to trigger comm and yes this worked, buy still went with the bulky wireless comm because I hadn't figured out the method you guys are using... I even asked the comm tech wether a Bluetooth jumper would be pratical off the xlr. Was thinking of modding an old heli aviation headset just for driving around town!!! Then got to thinking about this problem. Not off topic... HIJACKED!!!
  4. Teach me the Jedi ways Robert! How exactly do you do this with the Stanton? Do I need to be attached into the camera or the Stanton with my com headset? I'd hate to drop another cable off the camera, I usually get a wireless com from audio... What kind of drop time are you using with all these tethers anyway?!?
  5. Why do you need the mini-xlr? what purpose those it serve? is that the power source? Does the focus knob have end stops or is it just a servo wheel that keeps turning?
  6. Yes it is... But that is not the reality on these live shows. I've only had the luxury once. Robert, thanks for the intel. I would be willing to try one out also, but right now, I also have to pit the money on the Stanton... Being a dayplayer, I have to be spot on and can't just put the faith into a product I've never even seen yet. But I still have to have a solution for focusing... Are you guys just grabbing the barrel and pre setting? That sounds a bit reckless.
  7. My sentiment exactly Robert! I really don't want to buy the Stanton for $2.5K for antiquated new gear and exactly what this thread is asking : Gimbal zoom control for video cameras? any other solutions except jimmyjib ?
  8. I've rented the Stanton from a fellow op and now looking to maybe get my own... getting more and more live shows with no focus puller. I'm use to using the controller as a handle now and comfortable with the thumb focusing and finger zooming. Has anyone used the G-zoom after being accustomed to the Stanton? Any one got any better pics of the G-Zoom... the website is vague and nearly useless for that info. I was with Tomas in thinking it was zoom only. Thanks for the clarification Mike, did I miss something on the site which said this? [ still vague ] -Alfeo
  9. the wrap around to reveal the backup singer was a nice touch. Did you or the director block out most of the move?
  10. I assume you are squeezing the aperture down like an asphinkster... (sorry, couldn't resist) but really, if your not planing to mount motors for iris and focus, then your good with the smaller rigs. I would stretch for the Flyer at least, that way you'll be able to get more use out of it down the road or resale.
  11. i often feel like we do more before sunrise than the freaking Army or Marines
  12. Nice... reminds me of zoom control that Preston no longer makes. Any chance of a version that can has a focus wheel as well? Is it possible to also use our Preston MDR instead of the Schnitte?
  13. interesting choice to make the switch from don juan to missionary on the stairs good job
  14. Sounds great, count me in also. Hey Ramon, what are you using to mount on TW? Hows the CG on that camera? I would think it's pretty centered on the L to R, so that of set would require some counter measures to of mounting all your junk on the dumb side... is this close? -Alfeo "seen one at NAB" Dixon
  15. And if I can get an upgrade or date from them... I'm all in too!!! Now that scares me... to see the bones is a lot of radiation... but by then, we may have already burned off the ozone and living in a Riddick world -Alfeo
  16. Damn Janice, way to make us boys feel good about ourselves... I guess I'll order myself a "feel good" vest with a front plate molded with six packs and pecks to cover my sagging gut you and your 10%
  17. Not bad. wonder what the price difference from the Arri LMB-15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC36dPsu52I
  18. Full-body scanners under attack by consumer group, pilots As the Transportation Security Administration continues to deploy hundreds of additional full-body scanners to airports nationwide, the devices are coming under increasing attack. A consumer group called the Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a lawsuit against the government, challenging its use of the scanners, which can essentially see through the clothing of air travelers. The suit questions TSA's guarantees that the machines' images of travelers will never be saved or sent elsewhere, and will only be seen by an agent who views them at a remote location. In fact, the suit alleges, the government "has required that these devices have the ability to store, record and transmit the images that are captured," so they are equipped with Ethernet connectivity, USB access and hard disk storage capability. The suit claims that TSA apparently has no way to prevent its employees who view the images of "naked" travelers from using their own cameras or cell phones to capture photos of those images. And it notes that the full-body scanning systems run on Windows XP, which is "prone to security vulnerabilities" - i.e., can easily be hacked. The suit also questions whether federal officials have done enough to verify the safety of the scanners, which rely on backscatter radiation to produce images; and whether TSA agents fully inform travelers that they have the option of submitting to a pat-down search instead of going through the scanners. The group is asking the court to suspend the program. Meanwhile, the president of the union representing American Airlines pilots has sent a letter to its 11,000 members suggesting that they refuse to go through the full-body scanners at airports and require pat-downs instead. The letter from Capt. David Bates said the TSA's security screening procedure for pilots "has spun out of control and does nothing to improve national security." He said the full-body scanners "produce ionizing radiation, which could be harmful to your health," especially since pilots already get heavier than normal doses just from flying frequently. Although the letter urges pilots to opt for pat-downs instead of scans, "There is absolutely no denying that the enhanced pat-down is a demeaning experience," Bates wrote, saying that pilots should request pat-downs conducted out of public view. "Maintain composure and professionalism at all times and recognize that you are probably being videotaped," the letter said. TSA issues rules on toner cartridges, new MacBook Travelers were advised by the Transportation Security Administration last week that it will no longer allow passengers to transport toner and ink cartridges of 16 ounces or more on U.S.-bound flights, in either checked bags or carry-on luggage. The new security advisory came in the wake of a failed terrorist attempt to set off bombs aboard international flights. The bombs, sent via commercial shippers from Yemen, used an explosive powder hidden in the toner cartridges of printers. Meanwhile, TSA said that travelers who are carrying Apple's new 11-inch MacBook Air laptops do not have to remove the computers form their carry-on bags when they go through airport screening - although they do have to remove the larger 13-inch versions. Earlier this year, TSA said that electronic devices that are smaller than standard laptops - things like netbook computers, e-readers, and tablet computers like the iPad - do not have to be removed from carry-on luggage during airport screening. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  19. So its not too different from the BPA-1 (http://www.arridigital.com/sites/default/files/ARRI-ALEXA-UserManual_SUP_2-0.pdf section 8.7). Have you found that most houses don't carry this part? Is this the one you refer to with the offset or is it not a good fit to your dovetail mounting plates?
  20. I know, right!?! THEY think its the best in the house over at Turner Studios. I only dayplay every so often, but damn... I would definitely get jumpers if I was on the run of one of the shows. I don't do enough of these to justify buying my own.
  21. Found a quick and easy way to get your fiber line to drop straight down from the camera body. Simply take a carabina and clip it through the handle... made me so happen on my last job I thought I would share.
  22. From my experiences with manufactures, custom color runs are VERY expensive. Where as a custom shop could do a laser engraving for a lot cheaper.
  23. Oooohhhh..... A nice powder blue.... Thats a reeeeeal manly color for your steadicam cases there James Haha ok, I just thought it would be nice to have branded flight cases, you can never have too much self-promotion right? :P In that case (pun) YES! Now a strong black color with the logo engraved and painted in would be sweet... but not sweet
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