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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. The rig can handle it. Where you should be concerned is your accessories through any non regulated connection. Those RED bricks will come off the charger with a little more oomph (highly technical term) than a lot other batts. Don't know much more about the Swit batteries by Switronix other than they are lower priced in the market from what I hear.
  2. IDX also makes an AB P-Tap to Canon 5D/7D power supply
  3. Looking good with your U2 Sanjay! Just curious, it looks as if you can adjust the positioning to the arm by 1' up or down? What other Chapman products will this work with, any cranes? -Alfeo
  4. You got part numbers for us or just spill the name
  5. Nice job Charles... what about HDMI cables? have you found a flexible mini with an angle so its not sticking out the side so far?
  6. Riccardo, Had not thought about the using DVI... my UltraBright2 monitor has a DVI input. with the 5D, do you still have the drop outs and c.10+ second delay while the camera re-communicates (handshakes) with the monitor? -Alfeo
  7. Sorry Louis, but the Decimator 2 will not take a HDMI input which is what is needed off the 5D or 7D
  8. Seemed to have burned out this little switch while in use last week. Not sure if the switch was not rated for the capacity of a fully charged RED brick or not. May have been no securely in the seated on or off position, but will investigate are report back. I don't think it was due to two PowerCubes + RED Brick, because diode is inline (but will look into that also.) -Alfeo
  9. remember, if the production has a contract with a union that covers your position, then they legally can not change the terms of that agreement with the union. You CAN however negotiate above and beyond the rates (scale) but not the working terms. now I believe (speculative), you can also take the 1099 approach with the production company as an independent contractor via loan out, which actually means your responsible for your own insurance and workers comp. Beware, this could mean that you could be liable for nearly anything they try to dream up and throw your way... and sadly, it would would up to a court to decide if so. Any one got any legal knowledge of this? -Alfeo
  10. as in martial arts... a solid and balanced stance will help. If you move, the frame moves.
  11. I found this: I did notice the op pulled back and lensed in after Cristiano's words
  12. This was actually taken at the Maine workshop and we did fly with the Transvideo 3D View monitor (hence the ultra stylish anaglyph shades). I personally do not like to only monitor one image, but yes, it is best to only view one camera and one must decide and stick to that decision for continuity and make note if they have to switch to the other eye/camera. I would recommend the capability to view both cameras, especially in a parallel rig because of the larger IA and convergence (if any) simply because you will have bogies in the other camera that may not show in the primary cameras field of view. My last parallel set up was two Reds and I put the two LCD's next to each other and framed up that way. On my Ultra2, I can switch back and forth from the 2 HDSDI inputs.
  13. the shear lack of focus, lens choices, depth of field and exposure control will cut out the PRO-sumer, but I would love to see a producers face when I break out my HDpda camera to shoot a job on, because I can now call myself a HD Camera Owner ;)
  14. My Settings then fourth tab down Change Display Name (I took a look for myself and say my user name put in by auto form fill... that could be confusing.)
  15. ABSOLUTELY!!! I got dibs on a Glide Cam 2000 that was found in the trash bin... been using it as a door stop and would love to upgrade it ;)
  16. Byran, you hang on to that lefty... you'll be needing it after my Latin Brothers take you righty away with your hopes with Germany ;) [i know... felt it twice with USA & Japan] -Alfeo "Euncuh's for Ghana"
  17. Sorry about the dead link.... I believe this is the photo I was referencing.
  18. How about sharing a link Sanjay ;) I want a looksy too
  19. so what is the shoot out... or did you just mean shout out! Jim... hide and run, I think someones trying to shoot at you!
  20. That's what I was thinking Bryan... that's just insane not to have the proper tools for the job... I don't own one, but and TV job, I show up with one! It's not like they have to invest in a Preston FI+Z like most of us. -Alfeo
  21. Oh god... those poor children down front must be getting smothered by the ops when they are going in that close... If someone put a camera on me that close they would on be recording my palm as I start to extend my arm to a more comfortable spatial arrangement. To me, its just bad operating to encroach that much with a 'non-actor' and could lead to mishaps and possible injuries... remember the Berlin Wall / segway incident! Once I even had an actor squeamish when the camera came into the one foot range... -Alfeo
  22. Directly after the second score, during the celebration, it looked like the player turned into the 'way too close' camera... then the camera went waaaay aloft. Which brings me to the other thought, is it just me or are these operators getting too far into these players personal space... I saw during the national anthems the camera move into (not zoom) a chin to eyebrow shot. How about lensing in?!? -Alfeo
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