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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. How long you need it and when? Mine is at CPT in Atlanta while I'm in Kenya. They can ship it out if you have lead time. Call Frank 404.223.5007 -Alfeo
  2. This is DEFINITELY when steadi ops should get a stunt bump! Mr. Fawcett?!? any reply...
  3. Yes, actual job. Would love to hear some of your notes Sydney, the camera's growing on me too. We shot a few test will in Dubai, we hoped over to Jamira during our 7 hour lay over and was truly amazed at the performance. would upload a few, but prep has been hell and the internet is soooooo freakin' slow in Nairobi. Must get sleep now!
  4. hmmm.. can't upload the last one, same size.
  5. I became an operator to get out of shooting stills... Now, I'm back to shooting a still camera on the rig. Just prep'd it on a Flyer rig. Too tired for details.
  6. I had a few problems that were solved other than the HD Component issue from only the F900 at 23.98 fps. I did have a backlight go out. Thats about it.
  7. Taking a stab at this... please jump in if I'm off (like I had to ask!) Playing around thursday night (9 hours and not a single shot for b-cam/steadi) I some what recall my Volt Meter on the U2 reading around 7.5 Amp drawing from the Sled, Ultra Bright monitor, MDR2, 2 Motors and Red. When putting the motor into constant violent action, the gage jumped to a max of 8 Amps. With my sled in parallel using 2 Power Cubes (rated 14.8V and Max constant discharge of 10A), 6000mAh each, should yeld 12000mAh = 12Ah So in theory, 12Ah x 60 min = 720 Am / 90 min = 8 Amps I was running the CamWave HD, but off its own battery, which is 12W draw which would add another 1.4Ah for the 90 minutes. 9.4 Amps needed for the 90 minutes of running time. Can I make it? I did notice that the Preston would start to get choppy when around the 12V mark on the voltmeter and the Red's LCD would stop working before the camera gave out once the power dropped below 12V. If you were to fly the Red Brick which they say is 140Wh x 12V = 11.6 Ah. For 90 minutes that would be a draw around 7.73A Thats a little close.
  8. Red is power hungry, can you even get 90min out of her is one question you have to ask?
  9. Charles, Would putting one of those 75 ohm bnc terminators on the empty bnc output, would that solve the issue... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the termination processes. -Alfeo
  10. Sounds like I'll be one blood-shot eyes exhibitor Tuesday morning... B)
  11. Just tell the producer that you and 'your' rig, even if it is not actually yours, "My rig and I have a deep personal relationship and we're really not looking to add another into our relationship... it's really like some stranger asking you to borrow your girlfriend or wife, for their own personal enjoyment and pleasure..." And that is very true my man!
  12. Hey Janice, Are you coming to NAB? I'll be in the Steadicam booth again and would love to see it first hand.
  13. Janice, Is this attached at the waist to the operator? Because my same thoughts were that of Iain, what keeps the unicycle effect from happening? It all makes since now. It seems that the only precautions you would need are chin guards and small strides. This would be killer for a slow walk n talk, but I'm afraid it would restrict one in a lot of other ways. Very nice.
  14. I have to agree with Robert, I've been on QBP for Mac and also a beta tester for the last three versions. The app has made tremendous leaps unless you are a Wachovia banker for business accounts, still not direct download. That is the biggest hurdle, check and make sure that which ever bank(s) you will be using the app for, that they will direct connect, not web connect (download from web and import).
  15. i used pCine & pCam both on the palm and never bought them... I was glad to give up my $40 bucks! Thanks David.
  16. Make sure its not a Power2000 (NP-QM51) out of Japan, it will not work in the HU3, Preston sent out some and they never worked properly. It reads "SQ lithium M" on the front.
  17. I'm getting a look at this in Atlanta @ Barbizon tomorrow at 8:30am. The Pelican rep will be there with it and the draw options and all. If anyone wants to take a look at feel free, but call Sloan and let her know your coming. Barbizon 101 Krog Street Atlanta, GA 30307 (404) 681-5124
  18. Hey Ron... Never been to Jumbos and not sure if I want to :blink: But in the ATL we have Goldie (Claremont Lounge) and she is one beer-can-tit-bashin-broad... Alec, not sure if you ever got to that spot? anyway back to the subject. The most recent pilot I shot here, the producer was quoting way too low rates, but I did get them to agree to 20% above the ped ops. The Kit was equally low $600/day but I was also able to negotiate my HD wireless at a discounted rate of $200/day where as the rental houses charge $300~$350/day. So in all, It got up to a decent rate, but I never put the rig down... so I earned every penny of it. Even better, is that they are way late on payment (even the actors) so all my discounts do not apply, so now I'm due full rate. It's a good thing I ALWAYS invoice full rate and then apply the discounts along with payment terms on the invoice.
  19. Media rate overweight is 80-100lbs depending on the airline I'm thinking along the lines of <70lbs... just another excuses to get a 1st/Business class ticket out of production.
  20. DAMN Erwin... Did your old case drop on your toes? LOL Your right. I remember when I dropped $8K on my stills camera kit I'm still trying to sale. I was debating between a $80 bag, $100 bag or a $200 Pelican... WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING! I got the pelican, that's the last thing I want to think about is having a shattered lens because of inadequate protection. Just like when I got my quote from today for Liability Ins., again a no brainer and looking at what the finance company charged me on my rig loan, I just paid double last year, but now it covers me and not just them.
  21. Eric, what about the top area... looking for a place to rest the HU3. Do you think they will make a deeper tray? I guess you can always leave out the tray above to make more room.
  22. Seriously I was looking to by a large shipping case that will hold 3 other cases (Preston kit, CamWave and Lite Panel) Using this 0450, I could consolidate and customize for one great shipping case and eliminate the extra cases. I guess by the time I get everything custom cut it will be a $700 case, but damn worth every penny... as long as I can keep it around 60lbs ~ 70lbs. Three cases total is not so bad, heck that will pay for itself within the first flight or two with todays airline rates on additional baggage.
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