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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. No problem Rob. Yes, easing the strain on our knees and joints means that it is working for us. I did think that it would help us about 60%-90% while staying greater than a 90º (more conservatively around 45º) bend, which far excised most conventional moves we make. The more it bends, the less it works. Our muscles are still doing all the work. When he did the squatting move, that is a 100% muscle it's all a 100% muscle, but it would give us a support that isn't there for the aging joints. And I TOTALLY agree with you about the fitness program, no substitute... something I've been neglecting my self (wife will attest).
  2. Shouldn't have a problem. Try to get the steadicam mags though, otherwise you'll be fighting the weight shift. The viewfinder is attached to the door and protrudes out on the camera more than your use to, allow a bit more room on your outside clearances (no issue if your goofy). Low mode can be tricky if you don't have the steadi mags. I couldn't get to work with the brackets the house had because we didn't have steadi mags.
  3. Thread already started about this: http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...ic=8951&hl=
  4. Just like the Honda Exo sure, that would be more practical in taking most if not all the load off. The support is still there. That is why he has the straps at above and below the knees. His muscles are the spring that you spoke of. The rods and hinge will remain most effective greater than a 90º angle. So it will help support the weight. More than what we have now. Our lower half takes 100% of it, wouldn't it be great to reduce the number! That could work, we don't have to fight against a properly loaded or adjusted are. I don't believe that camera is a fake at all, if you look at the rods once the rig is on, you can see them working. As to the midriff, different set of physics applied to that area here, before the weight was applied to the hips and supported by the shoulders with front and back mounted vest. His system puts it below the hips to the solid ground, the lower back nor abs are not working as hard as they would with a vest. I would guess that they support about 60-90% of the total weight applied to our hips, knees, ankles and feet. Thats why he did the hard mount to the boots. As far as movability, it looks very accommodating to our needs, more so than the Honda Exo. My biggest concern would be getting hung up on things or even hitting the bottom of the sled as the support rods protrude out. But I would have to say good start on something. I think in about 2 more years, we will see something a bit more pleasing in looks and function. Sure it looks funny, but when have we ever NOT look crazy. I say Bravo! Would love to hear Jerry and Garrett chime in . . .
  5. Looking at the photo, there shouldn't be much possibilities of obstruction. That thing looks like it should be in a Mardi Gras parade.
  6. Just be quick, witty and nice at the same time... "Are you freakin' kidding me?!? I get ALL the great seats wearing this thing!" "add all the stars just wanna hangout around me?!? Go figure..."
  7. I didn't see anyone respond to this... The balls are used for virtual technology. We use a lot of virtual Jib where I work so when CNN debuted this virtual steadi we were all kind of curious. The effect is much better served for a jib than steadi, however. The balls on the rig tell the equipment where the steadi operator is inside of the studio. However, it isn't very accurate and it causes the virtual graphics to float quite a bit. Hey Shane, You say that its not very accurate, is it due to the lack of IR cameras? I did a quick test at this past NAB and one of the issues we experienced was signal drops on the tracking of the balls being obstructed by the operator and simply moving outside of the cameras viewing area (small stage) also there was a need for a higher placement of the antenna with the tracking balls. Do you have and photos or can someone find a screen grab of the rig used? The placement of our antenna was close to the front of the rig near the lens. I would assume that any inaccuracies would come from the placement of the antenna in relationship to the film plain. If they have not accurately accounted for this offset, then this could also contribute to a problem. Or is the floating your speaking of more due to the operators operating? They maybe able to add an some sort of averaging to the math applied to the movement of the rig, especially the markers on the horizontal axis. I would love to talk more about this to you. -Alfeo
  8. So how did your audit go? what exactly where the area(s) of examination? Looks like my numbers up also. Any advise, did you go in alone or with representation? -Alfeo
  9. "Frackin' A Sir, I just took out their weapons specialist sir.... HOWRAAA!"
  10. I remember one of those exo's being powered by a small outboard motor, sound wouldn't be too happy :D Certainly a solution for Genesis 4:4:4 dual link SR deck! Hell, I'd even go for one of those Asimo's strapped into my rig... remote steadi???
  11. I didn't get a real look at the monitor, but three days out on location in a modern home which was a solid build, no issues. Adults wanted to rewind the first take to make sure they didn't have a digital hit on the tape in the F900. What they saw was transmission interference and of course no one is use to seeing that looking at HD... I even had a chance to chat one on one with Tony Iwamoto, VP of Marketing with IDX. Very nice guy and IDX has been very cordial, I gave a few notes and got instant feed back on the ideas/solutions. One issue I had was that I powered of the sled, which meant I had a 4pin XLR splitter cable feeding the camera and the CW-5HD. Because the 4pin XLR is on the right side of the camera body, it was a bump hazard and I had to play a bit further away from my left shoulder. We brainstormed on different solutions. The one I had was not sending power to the camera using the 4Pin, but rather only using the V-Mount on the back of the unit. The only other issue was inputs, being on the older F900, the only output is RGB Component and the CW-5HD only has HD-SDI inputs, so I still had to use an AJA box to get from Component to Composite. What other cameras are only RGB and not HD-SDI? We where shooting 23.98fps and also 59.94fps without a hitch up to about 50-60 feet indoors around and down a hallway. Did notice at prep, that it didn't like my iPhone at one point (data transmitting - possibly WiFi or Edge) in between the Tx and Rx only a few feet away. Very impressed and bravo IDX!
  12. Yea I'm going to that workshop, if there's advance copies floating around I'd be up for paying cash. ok Jerry, looks like Atlanta is ready for the first book signing... But if you can't get any by that time, I won't be too upset. I would rather fork the dough over to you too.
  13. You can sleep on the top shelf of your built magliner... very nice!!! -Alfeo
  14. Hey Jerry, Is it possible to get an advanced copy when you come to Atlanta in two weeks??? Please :D -Alfeo
  15. WOW... how long did it take to get loose from the rig and do you think the rip cord would have help you in a more timely exit? Also, I would love to hear about your dealings in recovering your gear with the insurance claim. Did the Production Co. handle it in a timely manor or did you have to use your own to claim against? Maybe under a topic in Legal/Business. (But please link to it) -Alfeo
  16. Very common for HD projects. A lot of steadi-ops do not have HD monitors and HD transmitters are just getting to the market that are within a reasonable price range and workable lag. Not to mention that cameras that also output a SD signal are now becoming more prevalent on the scene. It's odd that RED never attempted this also... unless they are planning to release the "RED-Converter" -Alfeo
  17. Nawh... That's good ol' Joe Thomas. But I finally met Lee up at Clyde Bryan's lake house cookout this past Labor Day weekend.
  18. Here's a link to an article more specific to the workflow and use from the DP interview. http://www.videography.com/articles/article_16113.shtml Half way down is a photo of me and the rig. Although, I'm a bit shamed about that tightness of the cables... but I sacrificed my FIZ3 to that A-Cam for a jib shot... this is my last day of a 10 week run and we just slapped the Bartech up... (Hey Jim... photo op!) More of the setup here (and tidy cables) http://gallery.me.com/alfeo1#100106/IMG_0222
  19. ...a bit!?! I felt it was more of a distraction... especially while i'm watching the op breathe. BTW... Obama made that meter top out twice last night, great finish for the 'O'
  20. i like the heavy duty handles from vfgadets. You will have to replace the Panasonic handle which you could do in prep at the rental house or give it to them and let them do it, because most handles have some sort of electronics be it a tally light or buttons and switches. http://www.vfgadgets.com/grip-camera/heavy...-camera-handles I called about the HPX3000 and they where still in the works on that model back in July. Hopefully they are caught up on production.
  21. i can't get the frackin disco music out my head now!
  22. I can't either and this seems to be a recurring problem that lots of people on the forum have. ~Jess i've got the same problem... are you guys using Safari 3.1.2?
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