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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. but at least I'm enthusiastically jaded now! and I thought my jaded enthusiasm was optimistic... -Alfeo "need more jadism in my life" Dixon
  2. Funny thing is that i'm getting the reverse effect. When I add the archos into the mix, it actually cleans up the modulus signal. I have the 504 powered off the base of the Ultra2 via adjustable DC jack, which charges it. Turning the sled on will cause the Archos to power up also. There is also a setting to which I can set the time for it to power off or not and backlight setting. -Alfeo
  3. Sam, I think I may have come across the mechanics for your issue. The other day I was asked to help this guy setup and operate his new gear out the box. I agreed because I didn't have anything else going on. He did tell me it was the Glidecam V-16. (not to good of an idea) Now I have flown one of these about two years back with a digibeta cam. No problems. He's using the HVX200 and its not the lightest camera in its class, but I had to add three of the weight plates Glidecam supplied with the rig and still had the tension at minimum setting, if not none at all. I still had to fight the arm to bring the camera to an acceptable position. I also notice on slower moves that the was this 'unsteadiness' to the shot. I later noticed that the arm without enough weight sort of acts like a loose rubberband, meaning there is a springiness between no tension and tension. Now I know the Merlin does not have an arm, but it's still in the same ball park of physics. The vest also caught my attention. Unlike the upper level vest designs, this vest has a solid bar which the arm attaches to. This bar is their way of bypassing a double action arm. This bar is welded to the best and does not move at all. While walking, I had the vest too long and my leg movement would also help to achieve this bobbing action. I made adjustments to correct this. Now to you and your problem... are you resting your elbow in on your body for more stamina and stability? Doing so could help produce more jerky movement. Try bring your elbow up and keeping forearm inward towards your body. See if this reduces the bobbing. Try to relax more and don't stiffen up your arm. Flow like water and bend with the wind.
  4. Damn Irwin... where can I get the third axel mod for mine?!? Somehow my Senior Cart just doesn't cut it anymore... :huh:
  5. Nope! Atleast not on the show I started with the varicam and when they found out (Sony suits) they MADE us use the F900 two and a half weeks in. -Alfeo
  6. Nice Zoom lens your flying there Amando... I think only the optimo could beat out that lens configuration. Maybe next time you'll bring a camera to the dance with you. -Alfeo
  7. thats unfortunate... as I was just going to recommend this system to a few people that where complaining about the lack of focus control on these cameras.
  8. Heck... I'm thinking of a new startup company called Battery Dispatch.... hmmmmm
  9. Just a very quick stab at this... could it be a grounding issue? try to keep them in the same approximate while powered, but do not have them attached to the same metal object (i.e. unscrew them make sure neither have metal to metal touching the plate.) Also try powering from two different sources not on the same circuitry. -Alfeo "Hmmmmm" Dixon
  10. ------------------------- If it's 4 pin to 4 pin just make one. if it's 4 pin to limo, or 4 pin to hirosi or something else call Terry West he'll make all you want and send them out to you Terry West 310-374-5711 Or find one of the guru's in Atlanta on the forum and they'll hook you up Good Luck If your in need of a 4pin XLR to a 3pin Lemo (LEMO ECG.2B.303), then you may be in luck! Do you know the pin config for your rig? -Alfeo "got that 4pin" Dixon
  11. Trung, The biggest question you need to answer Trung, is do you want to DP or operate steadicam. If it is steadicam, then a great workshop will help a lot more than film school. If your answer is to DP, then film school may be a better solution for you. While in film school, you will meet and make relationships which will eventually help you to nurture jobs down the road. I watch alot of Korean (dubbed to Japanese) and Japanese films / mini series and I am very impressed with many of them. Once you understand how to move the camera, which the workshops are great for, then the world becomes your classroom by renting movies and reading publications and communicating with others such as here. Myself, I did the workshops, but not film school. I think if I had done the filmschool route that I might be possibly be closer to being a breakthrough DP, than rather a breakthrough operator. Best of luck to you. -Alfeo
  12. Have you tried to contact Steadicam Directly? Try Frank Rush or Robert Orf in Glendale.
  13. Just a quick look at physical attributes. Between the Titan Tx, Modulus 4K (?!?), CanaTrans and The Boxx, with an Video iPod 5G in the middle. A visual comparison done on www.sizeasy.com. A very cool site. http://www.sizeasy.com/page/size_compariso...-CanaTrans-350g The Boxx taking first place in the big boy category... while CanaTrans my be the little man in the room, but he's packin' girth. wait a minute... that didn't sound right !?! <_< hope you find this useful for something... -Alfeo "not what it sounds like" Dixon
  14. Elliott, I am VERY SORRY for you to have to feel as if you have to apologize for any wrong doing. As someone stated to me that that was your job and experience and I had no right to put your reputation at stake. I guess when you said you didn't know these guys I took as you didn't know and not protecting interest, maybe it is best to keep names out of it or maybe not. But the bottom line is that I never wanted you to feel this way. Heck, I guess most of us would have wanted to get our money upfront... I know I would have. But I was not saying that you did anything wrong, just that perceptions can be different across the board. Sorry... -Alfeo "foot-n-da-mouth" Dixon
  15. I totally agree about Jamie and I've worked with Bliss and they both are really cool and I wouldn't and couldn't understand why... unless it was about Elliot wanting the cash upfront and running to the bank. Maybe they felt slighted or figured Elliot had a chip on his shoulder... I don't know because I was not there. Info came from the camera house and Frank B. (CPT) was very certain of who did the job. In fact I was about to stop thru CPT just to meet Elliot and a say what's up to Jamie, but couldn't make it. BJ: Yes... Fat Cats whom I don't know if they even called anyone union for the gig, they are now signatories but GA is still RTW state (don't think it was scab treatment do you. <_< ) I can't say for sure because I didn't get a call but then again I haven't rerated to operator yet... my days are numbered ;) and they have a chip on the shoulder from my location manager days, so I think the burned me out of the rolodex. -Alfeo
  16. Paul, Did you try to recharge it? May sound simple but your battery might just needed a bump. Alfeo
  17. Just needed to chime in on this one. Ramon... whats up. DP was Chris Probes... don't know him. AC was Jamie Bussant (Little brother to Bliss the DP) whom I know as a 2nd and seemed to be a good guy. Never worked with him. Directors (two of them 'cats' for those in the ATL) very experienced and should know how to communicate their needs. Couple of things, I too had a director that attempted to grab the rig... hands on get a slight push on the gimble to 'help' their adjustment. ;) then a polite sorry but it works best if you direct me hands off (get it... direct me!) Balance on the fly if you have to... tell the AD and AC that you have to if they want to make it a good take... this will avoid the balancing off the dock. This you shouldn't have too many issues with since its mostly a fore/aft adjustment. As to the Boss thing... maybe try to be a little clever and give your self a nickname. Try "I'll call you Boss if you'll call me Ass... OK Boss?" (that actually may get you fired, but WILL get the point across) Did they even put a dolly on the package? If so a hard mount when the want the 'steadipod shots' will give you great shoots, a needed break and still nice movement if you dare to give them more... and no tracks needs for the dolly grip to give slight movement too. David George nailed a lot of good points... mostly about their own insecurities. OH! That same director that wanted to grab the rig... also asked me to "pan down, down, down, down... there!" I replied "You mean tilt down and start the shot off the pavement" (end of the day and after my third time telling him if he tells me what he wants, I will deliver it.) -Alfeo "hands off" Dixon
  18. Nice tip Jerry... I had to figure all that out my first time out on the job... still couldn't figure out the remote until I got the manual. It's now my best friend. -Alfeo "push to balance" Dixon
  19. Hope you had a great day like I did riding bikes and swimming with my seven year old bugger!!! and thats what it's all about :D -Alfeo "best daddy ever" Dixon
  20. I think this is why Bill's idea of a united "SOA FU-2 Standards" would make for an excellent idea. If the SOA stands together then there will be a better chance for this to happen.
  21. This is a good point Eric about the safety classes. That move was purely to save millions in workers comp cases for the producers. It seems to me that SOA needs to somehow get our jobs reclassified into a category such as stunt camera work. I can understand in my prior category of stills... if I drop my own camera, it was under my care and so on. Sure. But when we are directed by not us, but 3 department heads (all above the line) to do a shot. This really needs to be brought in front of Poster and presented to the International. I was not privy to the operators talks with Steven... was this issue brought up? Is it being looked into? If not, then lets work together and get it changed. Steven is (was just before elections...) being very aggressive on alot of issues. What say ye all?
  22. Glad you got things worked out E. CPT is one of my longest running relationships. I and Frank have a great thing... he curses me and I curse him... it's like we are married. About ten years ago I learned to load there, he's a good guy and know a lot (forgetabout his tough guy tude!) What you did is something you should insist apon and get paid for too. It won't be productions fault if things don't work properly with the rig config. Prep is vital! -Alfeo 'didn't get prep on my last one' Dixon
  23. Elliott, Call me... I might have a solution for you. 4.456.6957
  24. That's quite a grip on your post son! [Flashback starts: Vaguely remembering being caught with a Playboy Mag at age 9] :blink:
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