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Alfeo Dixon SOC

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Everything posted by Alfeo Dixon SOC

  1. Hey Doc, Lets just say that Peter Abraham was running around in bigger rigs and not just for 5minutes... I hope he will chime in on this and how it felt to him personably on "those muscles" and his injury. For me, I jumped in the EXO vest minutes before we were leaving the hall on setup day. It felt strange and I was not really comfortable in the vest. I made Chris spend some time with me on the setup and it also appeared I had picked up a nasty habit of leaning back that I started to immediately rectify. Once I got a good fit, it warmed up to me and I could certainly tell that my lower back was no longer working as hard.
  2. Alec, I am defiantly not a rocket scientist (I did start off in aerospace engineering) nor did I truly ever understood "power" while going for my physic minor, thank god for optics class, which helped even out that other one... I looked at my amp meter (Mode 2 for current[amps] being drawn from both batteries) on the Ultra2 and took the numbers directly from it. Mind you this was also off older PowerCubes but fresh off the charger.* So my numbers were during the peeks (spike) and once they settled into a constant. That number also included the UltraBrite2 Monitor (36W max. @ 24V (15W typ. with brightness at min.)), MDR2, Two DM-2's and general rig electronics PowerCubes off the charger were coming in at 16.5V (6Ah) *side note: I recently had to purchase 4 new PowerCubes because mine where not giving me adequate runtime. this came to light when dealing with an F35 and KiPro Mini powered through the camera... finally had to find a separate source to run the CamWave and KiPro Mini. Hope that helps to clarify Alec
  3. i doubt that is actually an operator, look at the grip and the aiming of the camera...
  4. NAB with Tiffen, so most defiantly at op night! Hey Robert, how about a desert outing?
  5. Sometimes they have demo product that they sell at reduced pricing... just meant for her to check there also for used or new
  6. Your announcing to the forum that the Zephyr can fly an Alexa... like Ron said, this is a printed fact, but I was trying to let anyone else reading your post know that they better think twice about the job they try to book with that rig and Alexa. Sure, its great you own both, but many do not own the camera and will NOT be given a prep day with the AC building the camera to work out the kinks as you have done, but you still do not even have your remote focus motors and MDR/Bartech hooked up and I guess your going to go tethered (another 4.5lbs). If you noticed my F65 post... I spent an entire day at the camera house to work out the kinks and boy there where a few... intact so many that I ended up not being able to test with Cinetape and CamWave mounted due to everyone wanting to go home. If I had just shown up on the day as most productions try to make us do, I would have been in a world of shit storms "figuring it out" on set with an AD look at me like I'm worthless. Sure you can tell them you should have had a prep day... but guess what buddy, your costing them a lot right now!
  7. Only on paper Ron, not in the real world where we live and work in.... just wait until he throws on an MDR, motor, filters and then sound jumps on with a locket box and receiver with those hunky ass xlr connectors. OHHH! did we [production] mention you'll be flying a teleprompter today?!?! Good luck with all that.
  8. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-VQAy0gxWItOGVhZTcxYWUtNWIxMS00MzNlLWJiODQtMjBhODExYmI0OWE2
  9. and I though I was the [only] one that noticed this trend. I learned from Tiffen while demonstrating for NAB, that one should only speak highly of the products we represent (I don't receive a check from Tiffen) and let the consumer arrive at their own conclusion with the education we have given them about the gear. But NEVER badger another product... even if it truly does suck like a rotten egg on a steamy August day in Georgia.
  10. Never noticed anything of the sorts on my G70 (original 6th unit sold)
  11. What kind of Black Magic is this??? Sorry to backtrack to Janice's original post (part of it)... Is there a part that just pops off, to allow that lower section to come off for X-tremly back heavy cameras (as you have demonstrated)? -Alfeo
  12. Peter, glad to here your product is moving along, I remember the first time you hit NAB with the Hocus Focus. About the manual calibration, once you set your stops, will the unit zip the motors back to center? Reason being, most of those lenses are servo based and will "slip" if the focus knob is turned too fast, thus your calibration will then be off. I found this to be frustrating for the focus puller on long and fast racks also... nothing you can do about that other than tell the adults "You can't have that rack because someone went cheap ass on the package!" It would be great if you implemented a DSLR Lens mode that would not do so, currently ALL motor drivers on the market zip to center after calibrating... kinda of like showing off how fast I can moooooove baby!!! Just a thought -Alfeo
  13. Heres the nose off Ron, all you need is a plug for the open area and your good to go... just no more digital level and remote top stage. You also loose the small lemo 0B 3 pin for your MDR, but you do have the two 12v regulated Hirose 4Pin, which I had a Multi D-Tap made for the odds and ends and have a MDR D-Tap power cable for.
  14. Thus the mod is done... 3alityTechnica MDR mount and Female V-lock
  15. Fits all the Tiffen Rigs with top stage nose Part # 250-7918 Preston Receiver Bracket $410 - New Buy mine for $250 + shipping
  16. Sanjay is right on point with what I was thinking also, just got lazy with the velcro, it even holds my moded Decimator under the MDR2. http://elementtechnica.mybigcommerce.com/products/Preston-MDR2-V%252dLock-Plate.html Only twice have I had to do something about the nose, which carries all the electronics of the motorized top stage and the digital level sensor. You can always 180ยบ it or like with the P+S Freestyle 3D Rig, just remove the nose all together and use an analog level. Not hard to do, just a few screws and your done
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