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Thomas English

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Everything posted by Thomas English

  1. Scott, is it really that sunny where you live? I might cry.
  2. If measuring the voltage out of the 3 pin lemo's is a little tricky. Could you try the following: Plug the Alexa into one of the power outs at the Bottom of your sled.I know you might not be able to work like that but its a test. What D and J box are you using? When did you buy your centre cable? I am assuming you are using a 4 stage post?
  3. Trying to control a massively bottom heavy rig. His Gimble looks like its at the top of the post. Poor chap.
  4. XCS, GPI-PRO, TIFFEN or even Marell ... let me know. Thomas
  5. That leverage on the top stage also massively concerns me. Generally you have so much shear weight pulling so many things in the wrong direction. You definately worry for your kit. Whats also so tricky is that tiny distance between the front of the gimble and the back of the upwards pointing camera. Controlling that gimble is so it doesn't bump that camera is hard at first. I know one camera is pointing upwards and its CG is below the Gimble but I still don't get how short Larry's post is. I've only worked with 2 REDs on similar dimmensions and my post is never that short. The Alexa's must be more rear heavy than the REDS. Its noted that he is carrying a battery on the back of the top camera. This has helped shorten the distance of the bottom 3 batteries away from the centre post. That distance being too long is a nightmare on hard mounting systems
  6. My mates are shooting a super low budget feature film. I'm happy to mooch down there and knock out some shots for them but I want to really concentrate on chatting up Art Department and Make-up than humping my 12 flight cases, magliner and van around. So considering using a Pilot they have access to. I figure with rigs feasibly getting lighter and lighter I'd better get some lightweight practise in. How has anyone rigged a Bartech on a Pilot? I've got a V-Lock to Pag plate with a D-tap out, I could put on the bottom battery and run a cable up and over the front. Seems sensible? I've never really looked at one. Can it take the weight with a 5D, Bartech, CP2 and a plastic petroff mattbox with 2 filters?
  7. I imagine it would be quite good for those handheld running shots. Where if you did have it on your shoulder its just too jerky and on Steadicam its just too smooth. Also you can do handheld running shots off to the right of you or to the left of you. Anyone tried running yet with it? Gyros ? Its a must have item for the arsenal I think.....
  8. Do you know if we can upgrade our analogue M-One motors to digital M-Ones? Otherwise; how much is a digital M-One? How much is a package? One Bartech TX and a digital RX?
  9. Except that the XCS Ultimate has had HD-SDI since day one of it's introduction 10 years ago Haha... this could get nasty. Marty, take great care promoting products on this forum. I believe no advertising is allowed. It will only do you and your firm damage having the likes of Eric's infernal microscope inspect you. On the subject of Curt. Really really nice bloke and I quite like his sleds. I also really like the MK-V sleds, XCS sleds, the GPI-PRO sleds, BaerBell sleds are really cool and hey Tiffen make some really good sleds as well. I don't like Progear sleds though.....
  10. Erm.... Thats awesome! What motor do you recommend. I am used to using that M-Motor that I sometimes also hook up to my washing machine. What is a good value and strong digital motor?
  11. What was that Op. trying to join the huddle? bit close no? He needs a J7.
  12. I dunno, If you consider the rig like an asset/liability. With the amount most Steadicam ops spend on kit,toys, batteries etc. You might find that a lot of them do actually only have $20,000 /year take home pay.
  13. Little monitor half way down the jib.....
  14. Master Arm for sale. Its in good condition and has served me well. Fully serviced with replaced bearings by Brian Busbee (Bees Engineering) and hardly used since. £5500 UK pounds Stirling UK buyers pay VAT.
  15. I am in agreement with Pedro when it comes to providing radio follow focus systems for 3D. Don't do it. Leave your Preston at home guys. 3D is such a nightmare with so much going on you really don't want to be involving yourself. Especially when the blame game starts happening just before an important shot. Its enough for you to keep this behemoth balanced on your rig with a correct supply of batteries and to be keeping an eye on where stereoscopy are placing all their boxes. I don't wear glasses whilst shooting. what would happen if there was a RED rock about to trip up your left foot? Or even a green leprechaun running from camera right into your path. You would be blind to it!
  16. I wonder what 3D rig he is using.... The Alexas are heavier than the REDs stripped down so I am seriously impressed that he has managed to get two of them on a Steadicam with a G70.
  17. Did Larry start selling his Rickshaw designs in the end?
  18. I would love to have a big print of that photo to put on my wall!
  19. I use an Element Technica 19mm bridge and dovetail plate with large 19mm bars and an old RED cradle with a battery on there to power my bartech.
  20. Thanks Dave, It was very interesting browing the photos on your website with your Battery Hanger in full use. Is the sled in Dynamic balance in all those images? Very interesting. Cheers Thomas
  21. What bracket is that you are using to attach a battery onto a dovetail plate? Certainly the Baer-Bel Cat Griller could be used for this but I am very interested by what you are using. Thanks Thomas
  22. Mr. Puli ! Hows you Senior? When do we get to go to the pub again? Looks like I might need to come to Aus. $5000 seems like a lot since there are no diodes or clever electronics in there, BNC looms or post connectors. Essentially its without a D-Box. I think that $5000 might be including the D-box. Bearing in mind that the MK-V and the PRO "battery hangers" are half that price. Tools free is always good. What D-Box are you using James? What Post? What Sled?
  23. Why's that Robin? To get the gimble even higher up the upside down post?
  24. Do any of you guys have any experience of the Steadyrig battery hanger. I heard mention there was a new batch possibly to be made in the future... anyone know more about this? Anyone have an estimate on costs? It seems like a good idea and a clean improvement on the PRO design. Being able to separate that front battery forward yet having all the measurements marked so you know exactly what is what with your different battery combinations. Any ideas on stiffness with whip pans? I'm not sure how strong that centre V looks. Betz engineering, Satchler, Tiffen and MK-V are currently championing this system where you can swing the batteries up and down as well as in and out. Is this really necessary? Thanks guys
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