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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. Mine works great as well, But I purchased the Crossbow HD/SDI box only because at some soon point I would be able to get the matching HD/SDI Receiver, be it the Tomahawk or a variant of the receiver. Hmmm.
  2. You all do know that when someone clicks on your link, the Will hosted site will fire off a message saying "This Operator is now Retired, For all work, please see Will, Forwarding to Wills site now" It's all a ploy!
  3. Transvideo 4" Super Bright Starlite is now $475 shipped with the cable and pelican case. PRO Cinema HD top and bottom electronics sold.
  4. $3900 shipped in the Lower 48 U.S. States. All outside of US shipping is the responsibility and cost of the buyer. No tally cables are included Paypal fee will be added if paying via paypal.
  5. Hi folks The Top and Bottom Cinema HD PRO/GPI electronics are now $3900 shipped in the US via Priority USPS. Signature required If you'd like them shipped any other way, then you pay for shipping. Paypal add 2.9% Shipping is only included in the 48 continental US states. No Tally cables are included.
  6. How far do you need it to transmit? And is it just to transmit, or do you need to have control of the camera paint and Iris functions from a remote location also?
  7. Lots of cool stuff, I'm sure the prices are all great too. Have fun. These items are at a friends place in Miami. I've seen them all and everything is in good shape. http://www.ebay.com/sch/rasmod71/m.html?item=141071972213&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  8. Blonde, Giant, looks like the rig is a toy? yep Jeff Zachary, he's been doing that sideline run for many many many years.
  9. BTTT BFD Dual Bracket -SOLD MARSHALL HD/SDI- SOLD Silveratray -SOLD Boxx Cobalt is now a ridiculous $700 is paid by Money Order. $721 is paid by Paypal.
  10. That's about the only lens to shoot a reality show on an F5 that is available right now. Makes it nice and light. I worked on a long form spot for Jaguar where I was handheld with the cabrio on an Alexa, with wireless, and Preston on board. Not light but it was well balanced. I can imagine the F5 was pounds lighter. It was almost me as the DP on that job you were on Mark. almost by like 30 minutes when it came time to the decision.
  11. hi, and welcome, Which course have you inquired about and not heard back from specifically? Let us know and we can help make sure you get in touch with the right people to get into a course.
  12. If you work in the Live TV/Performance world where you need to control your own focus, Preston would not be able to provide a focus system, But Bartech and Stanton would. I'd love to go all digital and have a Preston....if they made a control pot to manually control the Focus motor from your gimbal, then maybe I could. But to date, there are no digital systems that do that. Main reason I stay with my Analog BFD's. They have NEVER let me down, in ANY condition.
  13. Just last week I was at a rental house where they were prepping a Movi, Epic, with a Heden Focus motor, a 100mm Prime Still lens with an adapter on it to fit the Epic, It had a Paralinx transmiter. The following day I went to visit the set for a moment and watched a few shots where the Movi Carrier was running from point A to point B, while the camera operator was controlling the RC remote looking apparatus, and about 40' away, in front of a large monitor, the AC was pulling focus. Simple enough shot, during the run the camera operator would pan from one subject to another at a precise moment. After Several takes they got it really really close, I'd say close enough for the client and they moved on. But all the while while I watched the run, I couldn't help seeing the up and down bounce. The previous day I had asked the technician that came from LA with the Movi about mounting it on a steadicam. He mentioned that they were in the process of making a plate that mounts a steadicam top stage plate instead of the top handle. So the test everyone wants to see is on it's way to being done. Great tool, but all the little exposed wires are nuts and the adjustments that have to be done at first set up are daunting to me, the inexperienced Movi person. This might be something that once refined, just lives in our Kit. How many near $15K accessories do we have that we use don't always use? Don't some of us have a complete replacement HD sled, spare Arm, spare vest, Hell a Real complete Boxx Meridian system costs that, a spare sled cost more than that. It's just another tool to play with. Then again, I don't see how it could be a two person operation. There will always be the AC to focus the camera, but to move in the rig, and control the pan and tilt, all while controlling the boom and movement in physical space is yet to be seen. A PERFECT way to use the Movi would be while doing stunt tracking shots from a Go Cart or Motorcycle like Mike McGowan does, similar to his special cage to fly just the camera system. Sort of bringing out a Libra head when you need it. The technician said they are about to put an Alexa M on there and have a backpack with the recorder, but that will be a system where the Movi carrier will probably be wearing an Easy rig. Only time will tell . In time if the Movi takes off, we will be able to tell who at the SOC meetings are Movi carriers.... The Guys with the huge forearms and shoulder traps. Ozzie
  14. BTTT The PRO/GPI Cinema HD top and bottom electronics is now $4100 with no Tally cables, $4300 with the Tally cables The XCS 2" Super Post with PRO threaded mounts and SD cable is now $2000 The BOXX Cobalt system is now $830 The PRO/GPI Generation 1 recorder mount is now $25 Adding a Transvideo 4" Starlite Super Bright SD Monitor with cable for the record out of your PRO. Perfect for the live guys. Has the On Screen Level option. Housing has seen better days but it's a great color bright SD monitor, especially on the outdoor live events. But for the price it can't be beat. $575 shipped with the cable, Transvideo Slider bracket and original Pelican case. Shown in the pics under the Marshall 7" HD/SDI monitor I'm selling. here is a link to the features of the transvideo starlite 4" http://www.transvideo.eu/Starlite/Starlite-SB price includes shipping in the lower 48 states via USPS Priority ( Usually 2 day)
  15. That thing ( 5" Starlite HD) just sounds very sweet! I have the Super bright Starlite SD 4" which rocks for a program monitor outside. So this will be the upgrade this winter hopefully.
  16. Same here with the Cam Jam, Amazing product. Expensive, but well worth it!
  17. Is the Small 5" HD/SDI monitor there? take a pic of that one also!.
  18. Transvideo also came out with a super slim 5" HD/SDI OLED monitor which records on an SD card, great for a program monitor for the Live guys, but a bit pricey at the moment. it's like 1600+ Euro!!
  19. price is now $2800 firm. Plus Shipping, which in the US is like $12-$13 for Priority 2 day.
  20. that was awesome! Brian you are quick my friend. ps. Alec, you mentioned Russell Todd. Would you think a market could be over saturated if there are too many Russell Todd ops? In one area?
  21. Is a Ferrari any cheaper if you live in a lower priced neighborhood?
  22. Hello Francois, Yes it is still available and the price for the electronics top and bottom is $4300 without the tally cables and $4500 with the tally cables. Several folks have asked why I'm selling them and where I got them and what condition they are in. 1. I'm upgrading one of my sleds to the Cinelive 2.I bought them new from PRO 3. They are like new and ready to work. Osvaldo
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