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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. Is this an issue a firmware change in the cinetronic 2 is going to fix? Right about now is where the ops with a 3A sled (updated wiring and 2 batt plates) and a decimator are saying "what is everyones fuss?, I get the signal just fine on my greenscreen"
  2. Hi folks. Who makes custom bnc cables? Looking for nice thin but shielded cable for short hd/sdi runs with 90deg connectors in some of the ends. Also would love to know from the same person if there is such a thing as a crimp on 90 deg rca connector... Ozzie
  3. Hi. I chatted with him last night online. Very trustworthy
  4. Looked up ops in that part of Utah. Torry Tukuafu. Very accomplished op. If its him, its a safe bid I'm sure....and were almost the same size!!!
  5. Good idea, ill do that thanks. In the description while short it seems the seller knows what they have and the current suze
  6. I'd love to bid but the seller is New and has zero feedback
  7. Hi folks. Looking for a good working Stanton Focus motor, these are the motors that Jimmy Jib users put on the broadcast lenses. some ops buy extra motors only to find out they don't need them. If you have the bracket with the small rod, the motor with the standard Canon gear and maybe even the Fuji gear that goes with it, let me know. Thanks I know Stanton sells them and has them in stock, but just trying to save some funds. Please PM me. Ozzie
  8. As soon as there are some shipped I'd love to hear comments from actual operators on the High Bright DP7 model.
  9. If the agent or agents at the counter aren't familiar with their own rules, you may need to school them on their own policies by showing them a printed version with the area of interest highlighted. And if you don't have the time to sit and wait, be prepared to dish out the cash..... USAair just plain and simple told me "We stopped offering that a long time ago" and there went the first of a dozen $1250 payments PER leg.
  10. Goof Off and Goo Gone work well, Sometimes Goof Off wont do the trick and then Goo Gone does it, and vice versa. Happy Summer cleaning! Ozzie
  11. Hi folks. Who would you recommend I buy the Samurai Blade from? Who has the best shipping/return policy? Im not looking to return it but I want to make sure it's an easy process if needbe, main reason I dont buy from local vendors here is they would make me jump thru all kinds of hurdles if I wanted to return something. Any recommendations, let me know via PM, Thanks! Ozzie
  12. Rob V, buy one of these Trakdots and let us know how it does when your on the global run about show. if its as good as it says it is, Im sure the Steadicam community will be able to arrange purchasing like a 100 of these and maybe they give us a substantial discount, or maybe free yearly monitoring.
  13. Calling Charles Papert!!. please do an Audio Dub of that stabilizer course depicted in the youtube link on that Ebay auction of this Knock off
  14. Any updates on the DP7 High Brightness monitor? Still on track to ship out units in a couple of weeks?
  15. Can't comment on the Ikan, Ive never seen or used one. I believe if Marshall would come out with a non glossy screen for the 70MD-3G it would fare much better in the outdoors.
  16. I just got the module with the in and out this way I can use the current paralinx arrow receiver or the teradek bolt. Being that teradek seens to be getting betterwith its voltage range and customer service. I may just give the Bolt another try. Your idea of the 9"monitor is a good one. Make sure it's the high resolution one with high brightness. No issues with the anton battery plate there. I'm actually thinking of using a cinetronic 1 for a director monitor
  17. Full size HDMI connectors. I haven't tested the cross conversion so not sure if it will convert an hdmi input signal and output a hd/sdi signal
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