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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. BTTT- Back to the Top Bump- same thing TTT- To the Top All three of the above are used to bring your add or comment back to the top of the list when folks search the latest posts on the forum. Now, there is a common courtesy used on other forums which is to wait 3 days between BUMPS or BTTT posts, this way your not upstaging new posts that many folks have not seen. AKS-All Kinds of Stuff-Accessories-All kinds of shit And yes Will, "Bump" was the white dust that helped most late 70's and 80's movies be made, most of it made it's way to those movies via the good ole MIA.
  2. Dimensions(TX/RX Body): 6.14”(W) x 8”(L) x 3”(D); Ext. Antennaes 8”(L) Weight: 1.8lbs. Battery Type: 3-Stud Transmission Distance: 50m in open space or 30m through walls Transmission Latency: less than 1ms Transmitter: 1 HDMI input, 1 HD/SDI input, 1 HD/SDI Loop through output Receiver: 1 HDMI output, 2 HD/SDI output 1080p: 23.98psf, 24p, 25p, 25psf, 29.97p 1080I: 50i, 60I 720p: 24p, 25p, 50p, 60p Supported Format: SD: 480I, 576I SDSDI: 525/59.94I (NTSC Equivalent), 625/50I (PAL Equivalent) HDMI: HD 1080I, HD720P and NTSC/PAL
  3. I've had 2 Bartech's since they came out, sold them during times where I was on a very long job with no chance of steady, and then bought others when steady type work started up again. I've never had a problem with them. Service is top notch. ( just checkouts and preventive check ups) I have the Standard model with the Focus handset and the version with the Slider handset which I use for Iris control. I thought about getting a digital receiver and adding the slider module to the side of the handunit, but more often than not, I end up handing the slider unit to a DP to control the Iris when needed, so I have never spent the money to do that upgrade to the handheld focus unit.Every operator works on different types of shows. Not everyone needs all the toys, for instance I've never owned a Preston...Just under 16 years since I bought my 1st full size rig... I would get the BFD digital receiver for the auto calibration, but a lot of my work is live TV where I pull my own focus, and as far as I know, there isn't a digital system with a hardwire servo so I can control the focus on the gimbal, This is the reason I've never switched to Preston. I've used the Stanton system for some shows and it is fantastic I must say, I believe I will probably purchase a system one day just to have it. I plan to purchase one of their motors exclusively for jobs with broadcast Canon and Fujinon lenses. In preparation for that I did have Jim modify one of my receivers with a High /Low switch on the board, so I can use a Bartech receiver and power/control a Stanton focus motor on Fuji/Canon lenses. This way I save the weight of the rod, and the Focus motor on the live shows and still use the small hard-wire box from Jim under my Zoe zoom control. The M-one motors I have have been great, I purchased them used, one had a problem and I sent it in to get calibrated, got it back within 3 weeks, I may have been lucky, but I've never had an issue since.. My opinion and advice is Get what will do the job now, planning too much for work you don't yet have with gear purchases just doesn't make business sense. That's how I ended up with every specialty low mode bracket there was, extra cables for panavision, moviecam ( 2 versions), Aaton, even the Kinor russian camera power cable, seperate cables for every video tap made, etc.. 90% of that stuff was sold at a huge loss after years of those cameras never being introduced on any of my jobs. There are successful ops running 30 year old 3A rigs, with no fancy donkey box, adjustable battery boxes, or sliding monitor mounts, standard definition monitors, and the old giant turd batteries, the only upgrade they've done to their gear in 30 years is buy a Decimator 2 and keep on truckin, and bringing in the checks. I've been to Terry Wests' house several times and seen rigs that look like they should be in a Steadicam Museum and he's just adding an SDI/HD run from top to bottom, of the non telescoping post, or adding an extra power connector, and off it goes for another 10 years of service.. Get what you can.. If you want a particular unit or system, and save up the money to buy it new, keep in contact with the manufacturer or seller to see what they have in stock, Buy it only when you have a job coming up that will use it. until that moment, it's best to leave the cash in the bank making money instead of gear in your closet depreciating value. How many of us have purchased gear, had it Fed Ex'ed and have used it once or not even once. Sure the fed Ex is deductable as part of doing business, but the interest on your money you didn't make is an $ opportunity lost. Enough rambling.....Fly well Ozzie
  4. Chris, Hi, So when I purchase a Gen 2 with yoke, can I later on purchase the level box and it will be able to connect to my gen 2. or do I need to KNOW I'm getting a level at the time of purchase of the gen 2?. Just thinking cost issues when first buying a new monitor later in the year. Thanks, Ozzie
  5. I too purchased a cable a year or so ago, all good.
  6. If it's a broadcast zoom with internal zoom servo, a G zoom or a ZOE-ENG will work out just fine for Zoom. For Focus though, it would be a stanton unit with it's motor attached to the side of the Fuji/Canon lens or a J7 connected to a broadcast lens with it's own internal focus servo ( they do exist although fairly rare to come across them.) or a bartech with the hardwire box velcro-ed or taped to the bottom of your gimbal under your Zoom rocker switch. Let us know what camera and what lens you'll be using. EDIT... Upon viewing the photo of the unit, You may be using a Cine lens with a mounted zoom motor like a Heden, or Preston motor, if that's the case. someone else is pulling focus and your doing the zoom I would guess, in this case, It may be quite uncomfortable to strap this to the gimbal.
  7. here is something I posted on facebook last week ( April 4th) while still recovering from a sudden blood clot in my right lung ( Pulmonary Embolism) "Hi folks, sorry I've been lost and out of touch here for a few days. I'm currently cooped up in the hospital since Sunday with a pulmonary embolism and slight collapse of a portion of my right lung ( from the blood clot). I am on lovenox and coumadin to thin out my blood to a level where its safe for me to be discharged and I can then continue to administer the medication myself. The great thing is, when I am discharged I will be able to return to work and just be careful not to cut myself (which is rare in my line of work) during the time I am on the blood thinning medication. Now to the timeline of the symptoms so that it may help someone recognize them in the future and have them take the necessary actions which would save their life. I returned from Italy March 1st, worked several jobs over the following days and weeks..on Sunday the 24th I did a bit of steady and had a few days off, on Wednesday I felt some discomfort under my right collar bone, like a sore muscle pain, thought nothing of it, on Thursday I felt the pain under the collar bone and a slight bit under my right rib cage, by Friday at work (steady on LaVoz kids) I felt pain when I took in a deep breath, but nothing I did at work made it better or worse, Friday night at home there was no more pain under the collar bone just under the rib cage when I breathe in. Saturday started with the same symptoms, went to work, and the pain all of a sudden went away and I was feeling better. Went home and the pain came back and got worse, so bad, I could not sleep laying down, whenever my breathing pattern took a deep breath it jolted me out bed with pain, I thought someone had kicked me in the right rib cage, but no bruise, or redness. I took 2 ibuprophen 200mg and 30 minutes later was finaly able to fall asleep sideways, I could not lay on my back without bad pain, Sunday was better, I would find out it was better cause I woke up, got out of bed and didn't lay back down at all, so the pain wasn't that bad, later in the evening while sitting at home watching TV., the pain started to increase and this time it did not matter if I was breathing deeply or not. I decided to drive myself to Memorial Miramar ( Hospital), they were so great with Annette and Vaughn when he was born, I drove the distance to that hospital. Triage, EKG, chest x rays, blood work, then wait, blood work showed something that Dr. V in the ER ordered a Cat Scan. The scan showed I had a blood clot in my right lung. That started the whole process of getting some Lovenox injection in me and monitoring, they moved me upstairs and into a room. In the coming days I've had full ultra sounds of both legs which should no other clots anywhere. So Dr. Moya who is taking charge of me while admitted is thinking that I very well may have gotten a DVT (deep vein trombosis) during my return flight from Italy, which could have formed in my leg, and even a few weeks later have traveled towards my shoulder, then down into the lung where it was lodged, a deadly situation but one that when treated leads to a scare and not a life altering change. So.....moral of the story.... stay hydrated, and get in the habit of stretching well before any long periods of sitting still, whether on a plane or even at home or on a set while sitting on a dolly. Get up, walk around, get blood flowing, and stay healthy, get check ups, DVT and PE (pulmonary embolism) both cause death in rare cases with strokes, heart attacks and embolisms but their possibilities of happening can be prevented or reduced greatly by just being pro active and not being sedentary. I hope to be home soon. Stay healthy friends, there are too few of us good ones left!" I am home.. Got discharged last Thursday late in the evening, continued to inject myself in the stomach twice a day and on Monday the INR level in my blood finally went up to 2.2 where I was able to stop taking the injections and just stay on the coumadin pills, which I'll be taking for the next 6 months, with blood work every 2 days now and hopefully next week I start every week, then every month.. I can already go back to work full time. and am now a few days later 100% strengthwise. Laying in a bed even for a few days, only getting up to sretch and go to the restroom can have pretty drastic results on your muscles. All better now... Fly safe.
  8. They seem to be getting better with their repair /upgrade turn around, this is great to hear. It's because of this very issue ( Not calling/contacting to say they did not ship a replacement as promised) that I switched to Paralinx, but I'm glad they're improving. Every company has it's growing pain. It seemed like a great product.
  9. Dear folks at Paralinx, Get to the shop quickly, get to work on making the Tomahawk in mass quantities. Make it as small as possible Accept 9-28V, maybe even a circuit to prevent reverse polarity Both SDI and HDMI outputs which both work at the same time, add some 3/8-16 and 1/4-20 threaded holes on at least 2 sides. Then call me with a price so you can get my Address for shipment. Thanks, Ozzie
  10. Looks like the Nebtek is winning out by a long shot, in size and power input, no excess cable on the outside and more compact, although I'd like the option of not having a battery plate on the transmitter, Just a power connector to run a P Tap or other source to the Tx unit., Keep it as small as possible. And will the Receiver also be set in a case? Hmmm. Also, saw this on the nebtek site, which leads me to question......WHo MAKES it? Camwave or Paralinx? http://www.nebtek.com/products/CW%252d1.html
  11. Have the upgraded the power source for the recorder connector on the lower stage from the old 5V to 12V? PS, Just weighed my Pro lite HD sled ( same cable and quick disconnect connectors as my GPI Gen 3) Pro lite #008 HD, with Tally connectors top and bottom w/ XCS post, XCS ergo gimbal, 1 Bartech receiver on Diving board receiver bracket, 1 ZOE Eng zoom control on gimbal and hardwire BFD focus box on gimbal, XCS plate and 8" focus rod on DB2, Marshall 7" R70P-HDSDI monitor with AB SO plate, on single post XCS monitor Bracket....14 lbs.... Not too bad in comparison. Doesn't have the Dual HD lines or the P Tap connectors ( those rock on the Cine Live by the way), but light still the same. If this bottom and top stage was available when I bought the Gen 3, I would have definitely bought it, Seems Future proof!. Congrats guys!...and Gal at GPI!!
  12. BTTT. Everything listed EXCEPT for the Lowel Omni Grip has Shipping included in the price. Moviecam magazine SOLD.
  13. Is the Exo Vest available to demo in it's production form yet?
  14. Just flew Delta to Italy last month, carried on 1 HC to power the Monitor I had in my carry on in case they wanted me too, and the other 5 HC's in the case. never a question. Flew MIA to NYC, then to Rome, then to Venice, then back from Trieste to Rome, then to NYC then to MIA, No questions. I did have a full list of gear signed and stamped from US Customs. When I arrived back in the US at JFK, the Customs officers saw the cases, called over another officer who looked bummed he was gonna have to inspect this all, I pulled out the Customs form I had stamed and signed, and they said "WHOOF!, That's awesome, Go ahead", and I walked thru, scary they didn't check every case like I would want them to do, but it was easy enough. I only took 6 HC's cause I was bringing an Anton Bauer TM4 charger, which charges HC's in 2.5 hours, all 4 at the same time. Have a great flight/shoot. Ozzie
  15. They do make a fantastic C300 top handle.
  16. I've been traveling with my original Klassen soft case for my vest for over 8 years, over 200 flights, europe and back, Germany and back, Argentina and back, no issues ever. Still the same bag. It has some slight rips, from when I backed up on it with my car and dragged it a few feet, but that's about it. Just returned from Italy with it, never needed anything else. I keep the back mounted arm, in it's leather sleeve, and lay it in the vest, and keep the accesories leather bag with my front mount and extra straps, screws, in one of my other cases, so there are less things in the bag and keeps it lighter, which lessens the stress on the one carry handle. All good. Ozzie
  17. I don't believe they've shipped yet, if someone has one, let us know your thoughts.
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