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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. Hi folks, Got a few items to sell and clean out the drawer. Buyer pays all shipping charges, I'll throw in the box and padding. Bartech Dual Receiver bracket. $80 Sony XC-57 B&W Camera with 21" power/video cable with 4 pin male lemo 90 deg connector on one end ( great for the PRO Vid/Pwr connector on the top stage), No lens, but cam and cable is in excellent condition.. $100 Tally- $100, I added a less intense LED on the side that the cable goes in opposite the bright one, so you have more options of where to place it. Canon Grip Zoom controller, with the Canon 8 pin connector. $150 Lowel Omni light grip, New $12 ( I have several) Miller tripod camera plate $40 Panavision Power and video cable for Transvideo Starlite monitors 15" tip to tip length version $70 Long version 20" to BNC and 27" to power connector $80 XCS Docking ring used $40 GPI Version 1 Recorder mount plate $40 Moviecam Steadicam 400' magazine in Mint condition $100. ( great to have on a bookshelf even!)
  2. I bought a blender last year, Been a professional Juicer and Smoothie maker since the day after I read the instructions.
  3. Hello folks and children of all ages.... For sale a fantastic PRO 8 pin SD Post cable. never gave me any issues. Works great.! you know you want it. Make me an offer... Message me separately, no need to take up Forum space. Ozzie@silverafilm.com
  4. Do you make one for the receiver? I'm all set for the Transmitter but the receiver would be great to have one that went from there, straight to the P Tap...Ooooh a coiled cable would rock! Ozzie
  5. Paralinx Arrow plus here, couldn't be happier. I do wish there was a cable made that went from the Tx or the Rx, straight to an AB P Tap without having the USB in between, but maybe soon. I hear good things are going to be shown/unveiled by Paralinx at NAB. So far, I'm happy. Bought a Bolt ( non internal battery version) , it stopped working 20 minutes after receiving it, I overnighted it back to them, they were supposed to return a replacement unit for Sat delivery, nothing, Monday morning came and went, nothing, when I called and asked where it was they calmly told me they would not be able to deliver and they would be happy to ship the replacement unit to me in Italy, If I would not have called them, they may never had told me that their promise to ship the replacement unit overnight to me was false. They were very nice on the phone but I could not risk the replacement unit having an issue. Ordered the Paralinx, overnight, everything worked, and has continued working. I'm happy.
  6. I purchased the monitor for my job in Italy last month, Was excellent, but not too good in Sunlight, or in overcast conditions. brighter than my V-R70P-HDSDI, but nothing compared to any Transvideo Superbright monitor. I use the V-R70P-HDSDI for all my studio work since it's super sharp and works great. The LCD70MD-3G Monitor I use in an IKAn monitor bracket with the Paralinx receiver and the Anton Bauer Mount to hand to a director to view footage. It's very sharp and the Directors love it. get the $19 Hoodman for it and you'll be set. And at the price, you can't beat it. Ozzie
  7. I'm pretty happy with my Arrow plus as well. NAB will supposedly announce their SDI add on module.
  8. Vitamix 5200 still strong 2 years later, and I have an 8 month old in the house, his mom blends everything fresh, he has yet to taste formula or anything canned or bottled from a store. That Vitamix rocks... OH, And I rock the WK dual mount vest...9 years now. But I still want to get a pro Vest for some jobs, Miss my old pro vest. And I'd love to test out the ExoVest at Cinegear to see how it feels. PS, The WK Dual Mount Universal Delux vest with the articulaing second socket for the front is quite a bit more than the Exo price. Quite a bit!
  9. Just returned form 10 days in an Italian Boatyard, Talk about METAL!!!!!, Welders, Grinders, Torch cutters, ,10' mountains of scrap metal stacked up in rows, Brass, Steel, Tile, Aluminum roofing strips, you name it...EVEN kitchen sinks!.. The Paralinx Arrow + worked great!. I was never further than 60' from my Director and her Monitor but it never broke up on ship. The only time it did break up was when I was under the ship in the dry dock. When I crossed to the other side of the supports under the ship the signal broke up and stopped being received all together, but in all fairness here is the description of what was between me and the receiver/monitor.... Blocks of cement 8' wide, by 36" thick, by 4' high, then a 1/2" thick metal frame above them, with an 8' long x 36" thick by 24"high solid block of wood. I don't think anything would transmit thru that.!. The roof was 6' above the concrete floor and was the Underside of the 101,000 Ton 1000'+ long Cruise ship. Kudos to Paralinx and to Aaron at Hot Rod Camera for the quick service and shipment in a pinch!.
  10. Hi Job, I bought the Plus version of the Paralinx from Hot Rod cameras and used it with great success in Italy in a Boat Yard all last week. I plan on using it for return on the Voice Kids next month. I, like you, hope it works!!!
  11. $350, hasn't been used since Overhauled by AB in December. Latest firmware already in it, will charge all AB batts, Lithium included. I'll be on a job from Wednesday on for 11 days so if you want it and buy it, I can ship it Tomorrow or Tuesday.
  12. Have been scouring the net, and I came across this Marshal Monitor to use in conjunction with the Teradek receiver. Marshal V-LCD 70MD with the 3G-HD/SDI option $790 at BH Add the V-Pac-DC adapter to use AB Batts $60 at BH, add a Sunhood $18.99 at BH and I think I'm golden, I'll just have to make sure that AB plate has a P Tap output on it and get one of the above mentioned Rigs to attach the monitor to and hand off to the Director and I'm good......I hope.
  13. So what do most folks use as a nice bright monitor you can attach a bolt receiver to and power it all with an Anton bauer batt, hand the whole thing to a director and walk away? ANy particular monitor brands/set ups? post pictures please. I'm looking to buy a bolt and a monitor and put it all together for a C300 job coming up in the next week. Camera will be on the rig for 10 days straight, Kamio ringlight, and probably the canon 16-35 and the 24-70 F2.8 as lenses for the project. Thoughts... Ozzie
  14. Hi there Scott, Each market is totally different. but In my opinion here in the Southeast, your reel is what will get you work. Not what rig you have. I've been asked maybe just MAYBE 3 times what rig I own by a producer or person calling on the phone. ....in 16 years of operating.... And when they did ask, I actually took notice, because for me in my own personal experience, never get asked that... and none of those calls for work ended up in....work. You may be in such a small market that they just don't understand what the steadicam op is worth. You can try and pitch yourself as the human tripod, although I don't recommend that. You could say that you'll save them tons of time with dolly set ups and that in turn will get them done faster, or get more set ups done in a day, although its not true, Dolly's have their place for certain shots, where Steadicam also has it's place, they are both tools, both priceless tools when used properly to move the story. Work on your reel, showcase your reel. advertise yourself. Maybe a local University film program has some very enterprising young students in te graduate program who have a great idea that could benefit from you being part of it. You in turn will gain some great work for your reel, and you will be in the mind of budding young filmmakers about to branch out on their own....network network network!!!. Enough rambling for me...... off I go. best, Ozzie
  15. Hi folks. Does anyone have 1 or 2 4x5.650 filter trays laying around you'd like to sell? Standard horizontal versions. let me know what you have. Send me some pics and what your looking to get. Looking for 2, but I'd buy one if thats all you have to spare. Thanks, Ozzie Ozzie@silverafilm.com
  16. I sometimes feel sorry for the poor Office person who is tasked with making these calls.... then again sometimes not.
  17. What's the weight of the sled DB2 Top electronics Post Gimbal Lower electronics gen IV bottom with Jumper block Want to compare it with my Pro Lite
  18. Did the guy not think the Hero3 would work for his project? Did he want you to bring an Epic?, if so, Bring the Epic, but your gonna need like a $10 quarter roll to balance that smoothie out. unless your not using the Boxx with the Epic, then your good to go without the quarters.
  19. Hi Pascal, When they told you "their usual guy is out of town" Does that mean the guy that does steadicam for them is out of town with his rig?, or do they do the steadicam themselves, and always rent a rig from another owner? This might be the time for you to do the job for them. If all they want to do is rent your rig, find out who the operator is, if he's been trained, how long he's been working, etc.. Do like the rental houses used to do when they carried steadicams. They asked to be sure the operator had taken a full course or were "Certified" etc.. PS, What kind of rig do they want to rent from you? best, Ozzie
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