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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. Hi there Ramon, I tested the HD unit out for a few days several months ago The range was absolutely fantastic when I tested it outside. Crystal clear and sharp all of the 2 blocks I walked away from it. The receiver was on a C stand about 8ft high and there were plenty of trees between me walking down the street with an Epic and the Xmitter. The only thing that didn't do it for me was the delay. It was about .3 seconds. which is too much for multi camera broadcast work. The receiver I had was supposed to be made much smaller, but I haven't looked into it again to see what they're selling. It's based on the Microlite, I guess all the Vitec companies share stuff. RF Central, Bexel, Anton Bauer, Vinten, etc..
  2. Isn't visiting Walter's shop like a trip to the back halls of a Movie Magic Museum!?, He could charge admission to just walk around and watch stuff going on and see the props in every nook and cranny.
  3. If you work on live TV and have to run your own focus, you'd rather have the Analog receiver control your focus, so you can plug in the manual focus box, or plug in a Stanton, or G Zoom etc.., There is no current way to manually hard wire focus control to a digital receiver/motor driver that I'm aware of. best, Osvaldo
  4. Nice!, P1 with Link system cost more than our rigs!...If they had full telemetry...$150-180K
  5. Your such a tease Eric. But a good one at that!. I'll be ordering one soon. Looking forward to it.
  6. Will, Just read the post, if your arm needs re attaching, let me know, I got a guy. And on the topic. I've had my own health insurance last 15 years, First Blue Cross, they sucked for me, kept raising the rates every 3 months even though I hadn't had any claims or even gone to the Doctor!. then Humana, they started raising rates and I only go once a year to get a full check up, and now Aetna. very happy with them. not cheap, but no hassles. Only bad thing is for individuals paying their own health insurance they offer no maternity, even if you have a family plan. ( they told me this after my wife was on the plan 18 months and we found out after the OB told us Maternity wasn't covered!. WHAT!!? My son cost as much as a Pro arm to be born, CASH!! Exercise, eat right, get a physical EVERY year. find a target weight and stay there. If your not healthy you can't do your Job If you have a bad knee, a bad hip, a stubbed toe, a messed up hand cause you hammered it by mistake hanging a picture framel....you can't work. So be careful and mindful of everything you do. you need ALL of you and your extremities to do our job. my .02
  7. Hi, The Phantom V is pretty feature rich. Rob V's suggestions for changes to the regular Phanton were done and the sled is excellent. Ask Rob V. he uses is for live shows one week and a 3D job the next.
  8. Bump, Transvideo Cinemonitor 3 Superbright with 8 pin lemo power option $1100 includes shipping in the continental US.
  9. For the TV broadcast lenses ( Fuji/Canon) you can get a Bartech analog receiver and purchase a stanton Focus motor with canon and Fuji gear ring and the bracket to attach the motor to the lenses, then the Bartech small box focus controller and velcro that to the gimbal handle. The Bartech wired focus box is like 100 bucks. The Stanton focus motor with canon gear is $295 new. Not sure what the seperate Fuji gear costs. But it can't be much. The Stanton lens motor mounting bracket is $85. new Then you send the BFD analog receiver to Jim. He'll add an internal Hi/Lo switch inside the receiver to drop the voltage going out the motor plug, and make you a BFD to stanton motor cable in the length of your choice. Call Jim for pricing... When working a live show, you don't have to worry about heavy focus motors, or rods to mount them on. Just open the receiver, flip the switch, close it up and your ready to control that lightweight motor with your BFD, Either wireless or hardwired with the Bartech focus controller.
  10. This was and is the first and only time something like this happened to me on a set, and the production co took care of it So I could not comment on how common it is, But I had my insurance anyway just incase anything like this would happen. I offered and paid their deductible of $500 and they paid the difference to Robert and then got re embursed by their Ins. co. Great guys, Did 3 Music Videos for them, all 35, all fantastically well organized.
  11. anything not a letter or number, comes out giberish on my Android phone and PC Tablet. At least it did at first, now I'm not sure if that's happening anymore, I'll have to look for it tomorrow. I do love that when I get an email on a posting It shows me what was posted. Previously I had to click on the link and have my phone take it's time to open the site and show me the post. I like the new version. Like anything new, just takes time to get used to. Remember seeing water for sale in a bottle "WTF!", Who would pay for water!!!!"
  12. If your talking real broadcast HD, the type that can be intercut with other broadcast HD cameras there are only a few contenders Visilink or Gigawave and the BOXX Meridian, the others cannot even be in the same room. And if you think the Meridian is expensive, price out a Visilink system.............when your done with antennas and transmitter your in the 70K ballpark. Remember seeing the Olympics broadcasts and seeing all those cameras with the black boxes on the back and the big black mast like antennas....those were the L1500 visilink transmitters, there were 70 of them at the Olympics.
  13. that brought back horrible memories. I did not have a backup arm. but as luck would have it, our grip was buying steadicam gear and had a 3a arm at home. he went and got it and we finished the day, and i believe he got some rental cash for it. production had insurance and the arm was rebuilt by Robert Luna and is still with me to this day working very well. I think that was 2005. Its the only time ive ever had an arm issue. Turned out my arm did not have the gold springs it supposively had when i bought it. So Robert put in the right stuff.
  14. Excellent write up on the Tally option, Thanks for taking the time.
  15. Tell them you'll do it for half your usual rate for the first job as a break the ice kind of thing...., but you'll only be able to use one leg. Half for Half. Sounds fair doesn't it?
  16. Philip definitely have someone in LA serve as an intermediate. Have the buyer pay for the shipping first off, then you send the rig to LA, either to Tiffen if they're cool with it, or another operator or friend you know and trust in LA. The buyer can go check it out and then send you the money. Once the funds clear, let your contact in LA know it's clear to release the gear. PS. The payment should be made by wire transfer if at all possible. Maybe a Cashiers check or even personal check from a bank where you have a branch near you. NYC and LA are big cities and should have 30 different major banks if not 50. That way you can walk into a branch and cash it, this way there is no chance of the check being denied AFTER it's been deposited and cleared. Which has happened. If I was the buyer, I'd jump on a plane, check it out, and then go to my bank branch near you, WITH you and have them make your Cashiers check right there and fly back with the gear. But like was mentioned before, if it's an operator you know or has a good presence here and is easy to find, it should be no problem. Just my thoughts...
  17. Transvideo Superbright Monitor $1200. GPI 2 recorder mount :SOLD Power/Video cable: Transvideo monitor (10 pin Hirose) to Transvideo titan video Tx (6 pin Hirose) $60
  18. Oh, lol. That's a relief. I was saying to myself, "wait a sec, isn't he an op ?" Thanks for the clarification. Ozzie
  19. Can't wait till this puppy comes out. Hopefully it's good and reliable. Most things Sony are, so here's hoping. Seems like a grat alternative to the big brother 65 http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/show-highend/resource.solutions.bbsccms-assets-show-highend-F55.shtml
  20. Try reaching David on the steadicamguild site. Or visit the Steadicam Operators association site to find ops by region. Also on this site there is a Jobs forum. I think you'll find more folks will look on there. Good luck with your shoot. Also when you post. Indicate if your A.C. has a focus system or if the operator will need to bring one. Also will you have a wireless video Tx will it be SD or HD ? Someone starting out that would do the job for your rate might not have a rig that would hold the Alexa with big primes and accessories. Indicate if your using codec or just recording to the sxs cards. All these things will describe the situation more in detail to a potential op. No need to have the poor op show up and not be able to use the rig because of 1 small wire, or the weight being too much for his/her set up. And always remember. If the op's inexperience shows up in your finished product, was it worth saving some cash..? Just my .02
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