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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. The Zephyr is less than 12K NEW with an HD monitor and V Lock or Anton Bauer batteries.
  2. I own an Atlas arm and I'm currently half way thru a 10 week job with the clients sled and the G50x arm. I miss using my Atlas arm. The G50x is nice, don't get me wrong, but it's not even close to my Atlas in my opinion (and that's all that really counts to me). Oh, just in case folks wanted to know for weight carrying comparison or whatever, the built Sled I'm flying weighs in at 37 pounds. Without the return monitor, which I'm promised will be arriving for next weeks show, that will add another lb. or so.
  3. Every market is different. A camera operator friend tells me a great camera operator rate in Buenos Aires is 250 USD per day flat. And one makes a decent living with that. Here, although that's more than the average US Citizen makes many of us would not think for a moment of accepting that rate for 12. Every place if different and every ones circumstances are as well.
  4. If we hadn't seen any pictures of the first prototype brown stabilizer we'd laugh at that one too. Everyone makes what they can with what they can. How much is 10,000 ZAR anyway?
  5. My wife is PISSED!!!!!! Jim, look what you started!
  6. "...if the effects of the Freesh extenders last longer than 4 hours, please consult a healthcare professional immediately", that's from the package containing mine.
  7. 15 years now, no tilt head, doing well. I also have a Super post in the closet just for giggles cause I've had the need to use it once. Don't get me wrong, I would like to use the superpost more, I just don't have the call for it. Tilting stage on the other hand, I learned without it, don't know if I'd use it myself. It's just another tool to use on very certain shots. If your doing a long shot that has both tilted shots and straight on shots, you'd be screwed using a tilt plate, unless the big majority of the scene was done using the post straight and the top stage tilted. Just my .02
  8. A bunch of steadicam related stuff I have on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/sch/shutter181/m.html?item=300789846854&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  9. Hi folks, selling a bunch of stuff on the bay. here is a 14" Transvideo SD monitor with a yoke I had made for it to put it on any regular 5/8" spud on a stand. Hopefully selling today, cheap cheap cheap!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/300789261648?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  10. Ask Carlos at Miami Film Connection... He MAY have one in stock at the store 305 406-3335 Ozzie
  11. Take a look at the Stanton website under steadicam and then the pdf manual for their control has all the pin outs. PS, They are now making and selling their zoom focus controls again.
  12. William, my therapist wants to speak with you.... That's the DEVILS music!
  13. Felicidadez Amigo! Que buena noticia! Que siga la Salud!
  14. Not to Burst anyones ad here but the folks at Phoenix will sell you a 6 footer for $575 and get it shipped in 2 days. Both I and the company I'm working for ordered one. I received mine in 2 days, and so did the company. They ordered a 6 footer, and I ordered a 7 footer. I like the 7 footer much better, but the 6 footer works fine. Phoenix Optix in Ashaway, RI
  15. Randy, give Dereck Whitehouse a try, last I saw, he had a bunch of those NEW at his place. Ozzie
  16. A 3 pin lemo ( XCS), or seperate connector of any kind for the Tally would be ideal. In my case anyway instead of in the 8 pin Lemo. Ozzie Looking very sharp Chris, very sharp indeed.
  17. Oh....OK, I'm sure folks who saw the add before were thinking.....Ehhhh, maybe not, but the now correct number is Much nicer. Why the sale? Got the Mk3 now?
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