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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. Just got to say That is a very cool set up....I have a Contineo Viewfactor un powered cage and love it. BUT,,, 225K shutter actuations!? Geez! that is amazing! How long did it take you to accomplish that!? I take it you took a lot of photos as well as use it for HD shooting. Ozzie
  2. If someone messes with you on a deal, Call them out, Name names, locations and times, We all work too hard to buy this equipment we use. If folks are here wasting our time, we better make sure everyone knows about it. It will only help and protect others from having the same thing happen to them. I've sold things and bought things from members of this forum and before this forum, the AOL chatrooms many many times, even before Paypal was popular and most of the time either I or the other op sent the items out before even seeing a check, just on the fact that they were working Steadicam operators was a sign you could trust them. Kind of like if All Steadicam Ops were of the same tribe and Trust was inherent. That's no longer the case with the advent of starter rigs, etc..and thousands of people buying rigs and making Steadicam Operator business cards the next day. Good for you for telling the story, and Glad you made it out OK. Border crossings and customs could have made your day a living hell.
  3. Still working on it. The folks at Steadicam took a look at the cables, Said their sensor cable is working as it should. But they could not get the lower end cable to light up at all. I find it odd since it worked fine at Terry's, then with me it worked and lit up, only backwards, even though it's wired just like the diagram on the Steadicam Archer 2 manual states. I asked the service rep at Steadicam, that if the lower cable I provided did not work, then I'd like to know what they offer as a lower tally light. I was told they Do NOT have anything for the lower part of the sled with a Tally light. Now, to be clear, this Steadicam Archer 2 I'm working with was bought with the upgraded Steadicam branded Marshall 7" HD/SDI monitor. But this Marshall monitor does not have a Tally light built in like other Marshalls do. So it's amazing Steadicam does not offer a cable to power the monitor, provide composite video and a Red Tally LED one can velcro or otherwise attach to the top of the monitor. They're missing out on Hundreds of dollars! Cable is now on it's way to Terry, we'll get it working, no doubt about that. Now if I can only get my employer to provide me a return monitor...... Ahhh the Latin live world.
  4. Generation 2 recorder mount. $119. In very very good shape. Transvideo Hirose 10 pin to Hirose 6 pin cable. If you have a Transvideo Cinemonitor with the 10 pin Accessory Hirose connector on the back, And you have the Transvideo Titan Tx/Rx units. This cable will power the TX and also receive the video signal from the Tx right into your monitor. Just one cable. I bought it new from Transvideo ($165), used it a couple of times with rented Titan's and never bought a Titan system, so it's time to go. Titan to Transvideo cable 21" long $80. Also selling a Transvideo Superbright Cinemonitor 3 with steadicam bracket under the monitor (Transvideo part), mounts on your support spigot, comes with new Sunshade from transvideo, sunshade plastic snap on frame, new rain cover still in plastic, OEM case, Transvideo Screen Chamois, monitor cable 8 pin Lemo to 8 pin Lemo. I purchased this monitor new from Transvideo, it was serviced and checked out at Transvideo Intl in California in May of 2011 $1600, includes shipping in the US.
  5. If one were to have the Steadicam made Tally sensor to Hirose Din plug already and plugs it in to the top box, Then wanted to make a cable for the bottom 8 pin lemo to have a 3 cable break out of it with 4 pin XLR, BNC composite and TALLY LED to velcro on the monitor.... how would you wire it? I'm having a bit of trouble getting this done.
  6. Looking for anyone with an Archer 2 that uses the Tally system as designed by Steadicam. With the Steadicam brand sensor on the top, plugged into the front box and the monitor 8 pin lemo at te bottom outputting Tally signal to their monitor. Anyone? I already spoke with Derek at Steadicam, who does not think Steadicam has a cable with a Tally light on the end of it. Even though they sell the top sensor. HELP
  7. Is that a 7"?. I wonder if there is a Superbright model? I see the picture on their site, but no info.
  8. Have a friend grabbing the cables and taking them to Steadicam to be checked out. all set, thanks. Ozzie
  9. Thanks for the offer, but the Cables in question are at Terry's place. I appreciate it.
  10. Hi folks. I'm on a job with an Archer 2. Had a cable made up to go from the 8pin Lemo Monitor out at the bottom to feed 12V xlr power, bnc composite, and a Tally LED to velcro above the Marshall Monitor. Above the sled I have the Tiffen Tally sensor connector with the photo sensor and the multipin connector that plugs into the front of the front box. However, its working backwards. When the sensor gets a light the tally down below turns off, and vice versa. Sent the cables back and the two cables work just as they should on a work table. If someone would be so kind as to take their archer sled with 1 battery to Terry's place in Redondo beach I would really appreciate it, Id be more than happy to cover gas and lunch or something. If the system works fine on your archer 2, then the sled here has a problem, if it works the same as with mine, then its a cable thing. Either way it would help get to the solution. Call me if you can swing this. Ozzie 305 216 8395
  11. I'm about to start a long job with the Archer2 as well that belongs to the client, Here's hoping its an isolated problem. The sled Ill be using has the same Marshall monitor. Ozzie
  12. Fantastic compilation of work!, Very cool!

  13. Looks like the Matrix in the movie...Can you speak to the oracle? But seriously, Call Tiffen and let them know.
  14. What's wrong with the Flying V? Steady V? The Vuona? Free pair of 5Fingers with every purchase signed by Rob.
  15. Hello there Pete, I was looking into a Titan set up like yours with the plastic case and the extra channels several months ago. I asked Marianne at Transvideo about the plastic housings and the extra channels and Marianne mentioned those are not allowed in the US, some FCC thing, Just wanted to point that out in case a US buyer asks. Contact Marianne or Noel about it. It was an excellent price but not worth the hassle of getting it confiscated ( Although rare, it has happened). Good luck on the sale. I've always liked the Titan SD transmitters.
  16. Chris, bring one to test out in Miami and Cuban food and Mojito drinks are on me while your here!. Ozzie
  17. Are those Triax or Smpte Fibre 304M? cause those look similar to what I'm using on a job this week. Instead of one connector inside, they have several inside there, kind of looks like 2 shielded coax cables with two others on the side.. Smaller and lighter than a triax connector and the cable you drag is lighter too.! UPDATE:, I saw the connectors I use and their LEMO FUW.3K and PUW.3K, so never mind.....
  18. Very nicely done. I'd love to see a behind the scenes of that shot. good work on the grips for putting the door in last second. And lucky none of those little guys running around tripped you!. great job. I'd add that to your reel.
  19. Describe the shot, and what camera are you going to use? both of those things will steer the advice in certain directions...
  20. This is the one I have. Works every time. Brand is Genus. http://www.ebay.com/itm/GENUS-GL-G-FG-FLEXIBLE-LENS-GEAR-FOR-FOLLOW-FOCUS-SYSTEM-CAMERA-ACCESSSORY-NEW-/370636657268?pt=Camera_Filters&hash=item564baa9274#ht_1741wt_1139
  21. What camera are you using? You can do it yourself.....hehehehe It takes a moment to get up to speed, but when you do, you can ride and shoot faster than most can run. if there is dialogue to cover from the runner, then it might not be a good idea. I have another bike that the AC rides and pedals and I sit on the back in a bolted in tractor chair facing backwards while shooting handheld.
  22. For sale 21" Hirose 4 pin to Modulus Power cable. Mogami brand cable. Works to power the modulus from many broadcast video cameras ( rear connector by the audio XLR's) and Tiffen sleds. $100 shipped in the USA. paypal prefered.
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