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Osvaldo Silvera SOC

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Everything posted by Osvaldo Silvera SOC

  1. I'm sure if there is space, the folks at Nebtek can add the AB plate on there for you. They're AB dealers. I just sent them a Boxx SD Tx/Rx system and they added the AB plates front and back on the TX. Used it last night and all was good! Great folks!
  2. Doesn't the front mount on your WK vest have a female socket block on it?
  3. Ahh, I remember when I would get a focus puller and a safety utility on live shows....Those days are gone. Ozzie
  4. Funny you mention they sent you a check for less. A deal memo will clear that up next time. I had a client that had hired me before, hire me for a job I had clearly stated my rate for and they agreed. The job went 16 hours, my rate then was for 12 (now its 10). So I charged the 4 hours. After 30 days,i called about the check. I was told the owner wanted t speak with me. He told me he was not happy with the rate and to tell him what would be fair fo him to pay. I explained that he knew about the rate and that it was no fault of mine they went over. He continued that he could just not pay that. I was so upset I just said " That's fine you can keep the money, this one is on me.". He tells me he'll send me what he thinks is fair. I got a check 2 weeks later for 40 percent. I returned the check immediaely. They still continued to call me for steadicam work. And whenever they would call Id quote regular rates and would say I needed a deal memo stating the rate I quoted and OT rate and. Of course they wouldn't. Mind you I shot for them for 10 years before that all over the world. Some folks just are not ready for steadicam. I'm friends with them still I just don't do any work for them anymore even though they still call.
  5. I hope to all that is good in this world you turned down the first offer! MTV pays reality shooters low but more than 500/12 so offering less for steady with gear is just the line producer wanting to test the waters.
  6. For those of us who fly alot with gear...Always see what the bump up rate is for First Class on any carrier your flying. 6 hours is the cut off mark, so 6 hours before the flight (AT the airport only!) you can check yourself in at the self service kiosk, and you may be offered a first class upgrade for a particular amount of money. The upgrade price may be less than the price of one extra case, and you usually are allowed heavier bags and 3 checked in instead of 2, so on many occasions I've upgraded to First or Business and actually saved money.. Weigh ALL your options..... Also, American still does the media rate..... Fly safe.
  7. I always ask the PM if the set will smell nice before passing on any discounts.
  8. Is this a separate item one can attach to the sled and run HD/SDI into and out of it?
  9. Several weeks ago I was called for a 2 day MV here in town. They started saying the artist was from Europe and was coming to shoot a MV in Miami. It was being shot on an Alexa and they had a budget of $600 for a steadicam operator and gear. I told the lady on the phone, I was sorry but I could not do it for that rate, the next words out of her mouth were. "I could Double it to $1200 would that work?" I kindly declined and told her the rate that would work, she said she'd get back to me, and I never heard back. This is not the first time a similar situation happens, in my case, it is always with the Hispanic or Latin clients, it's in their nature to start at the bottom and slowly go up to their limit. Sometimes there are many phone calls, each increasing the rate until either I accept, or the job is passed to another. I don't know if they even used Steadicam for that project. But the fact that the rate doubled in mere seconds led me to believe they were either playing around or had more than they originally intended. Having been married to 2 production managers, I can tell you, the budget is not ever set in stone. if production wants something, they will figure out a way to get it. Maybe switching the executives rental from a corvette to a chevy aveo will get the funds needed for the toy they want. Ozzie
  10. Excellent!, Mandy.com has the same exact ads, although I have gotten actual good paid work from mandy.com
  11. Pedro Guimaraes has his and he rents it. find him here on the forum.
  12. It is more important to be able to focus than to be able to zoom if you have to pull your own focus on the gimbal. If you have an assistant who pulls focus for you, then a zoom control is more important for you to have on the gimbal.
  13. There are like 5 on ebay right now, seems like folks know something new is about to be released..... Won't it be funny to look back in say 5 years when EVERY operator has a $300 rock solid HD tx and Rx set up in their kit and we laugh at how much stuff used to cost.... like the present price on a Sony BVW600 $700 compared to $80k in late 1995. Ahhhh progress!
  14. Great work on the Samurai power cable. Clean that job up some and sell those things quick!

  15. Take I-10, Drive east for about 40 hours,....John's in Orlando, FL
  16. "Ironically the army had their own crew and was even using the same module and same contractors and their pictures are perfect..."" That's amazing, probably their frequency engineer is having fun blocking everyone except their signals. Hope it works better in the future.
  17. A quick email to Scott at BOXX will answer any questions you have. make sure you tell him what venue as he may already know any security measures in place there to provide you with the right frequency system. if it's the olympics, I bet BOXX and Visilink are already the main providers of the wireless HD systems. they're both from the UK I believe.
  18. Great post. I've seen those for a while, a cousin was wearing them for crossfit a couple of years ago and loved them, I also saw a behind the scenes glidecam op with those on a MV I was on. he loved them. I got a pair of Inov 230 in black/black crossfit shoes after a good friend who owns a crossfit studio in LA told me about them. Very very light and excellent for live events I feel. I still have yet to try out those skeltoes, but I probably will, thanks for the heads up on those.!!! after doing some research just now I think I'll be ordering these black mid hi fila's, Thanks Mike!!!!
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