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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. I switched from fingertipping to palming (although I wouldn't call it that) a few years ago. I think I have more control with this approach and can relax my hand a bit more during shots. I basically just wrap my fore finger and thumb around the gimbal (they almost touch) while keeping the rest of my fingers and hand raised off the gimbal. It's a more even grip than fingertipping (for me) and I think I actually have less contact with the gimbal this way.
  2. Wow, that's really too bad. I didn't know Matt well, but I know he had a good heart. He'll be missed. Thanks for posting Will.
  3. I've often wondered whether the folks that run IMDB have ever had anything to do with the film business. After this recent change, it would appear not. But I guess it's a step in the right direction.
  4. What's an HDX 900p? I've yet to use it or even hear of it. Is it an HD version of the SDX? And if so, I'm surprised Panavision is carrying them.
  5. Pretty cool. Thanks for posting that.
  6. You couldn't have influenced them....the level isn't dead center!
  7. Yikes! I didn't think of the undercutting operator situation. That's already a concern...I wouldn't want it to get any worse.
  8. That's the whole point. No one wants to undercut someone else or themself. I don't think being old has anything to do with it. ;)
  9. I get what you're saying Alec, and it definately makes sense. I wouldn't want the rates to be public either. I was thinking more of something small and secret that only steadicam operators knew about. But it sounds like there are a bunch of people that wouldn't participate anyway, which pretty much makes it worthless. Oh well, I guess there's nothing wrong with talking about these things and bouncing ideas around (whether good or bad).
  10. I think it's good for TV, but I don't know about features. I think TV would be a good start at least.
  11. You know, the producers all talk about rates, so we should too. I think a simple webpage would be a great idea. When someone works on a show (especially a show that has frequent day players) they could post the rate and rental they got. Of course rates will fluctuate depending on who the operator is, but at least we will all have an idea of what to expect so that we know when we are getting lowballed. For example, if I know the standard rate on a particular show is $65/hr. with $1000 for rental, if they call me offering $50/hr. and $750 rental, I'll know I'm getting lowballed. It seems easier than trying to call around and find out what other people were getting on the show. Heck, we don't even need a whole website, we could just start a thread here on the forum that people could post on periodically. Although, it would probably be nice if it was anonymous. I wonder if Tim could make an anonymous section for us for this purpose... Just my $.02....
  12. Nice to see you here Brad. Welcome.
  13. Uh, you may want to fix your font size. Sorry, can't help you with the arm.
  14. Thanks guys! I worked today, but the birthday gift was that we wrapped at 4PM and only worked an 8 hour day! It's funny that a "regular" work day for a lot of the world is a very short one to us.
  15. That sounds great, but I would guess you've never gotten anyone to pay it. Or have you?
  16. The XFL had two operators (vest and all) on the field at all times. One behind the defense and one behind the offense. Of course the XFL offered no insurance for those operators....I remember they called a lot of steadicam operators and couldn't find anyone that would do it. I believe they ended up talking handheld guys (that had never done steadicam before) into doing it. Interesting operating to say the least.
  17. I have a 2000 as well. After I fried it earlier this year I sent it to David Hable to be fixed. He did some simple upgrades and since then it's been better than ever and rock solid. I was planning on buying something else when the modulus went down, but it's been so good since it's time with David that I've had no reason to upgrade.
  18. Did someone say kegerator? I like beer. I'll be at your house at noon Ron.
  19. I would have (especially after I noticed the discrepancy), but I didn't own a digital camera.
  20. I had a situation a few years ago where the UPM was changing timecards (almost everyone's). I noticed this because I wasn't getting any meal penalties (we went into penalty almost every day). It was a non-union show, but meal penalties are guaranteed by the state of CA, so I still should have gotten them. When I asked the UPM about it he denied it of course, so I called the payroll company and they confirmed that I was correct about the law but refused to show me the timecards that had been turned in for me by the UPM. I basically hit a dead end and ended up doing nothing about it (besides demanding that we break on time or close to it every day). I've often wondered what recourse I had in that situation. Does anyone know what I could have or should have done? Sorry to stray from your issue Christopher. I don't want to hijack the thread.
  21. Sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds painful. I'm a bit confused about a couple things. First, what are "stilts"? I thought maybe you'd just mispelled 'sticks', but then I saw that you wrote it more than once. I've never heard this term before in relation to camera. Is it a British thing? Second...I often like to fly cameras like a digibeta with a battery because I like the added mass and it also saves my sled batteries. Those types of cameras are often easier to balance with the battery on the back as well. It's not like that's a very heavy camera, yet you seem to infer that it's some beast of a camera. Are you using a smaller sled, like a flyer or something? Just curious....
  22. I'm in the pickup club as well. I used to have a Nissan Pathfinder, but I much prefer my truck. I have a double cab Toyota Tundra with a Tonneau cover over the bed so no one ever knows what's in there, unlike the SUV. The short bed is a good idea....where were you a couple years ago Will?
  23. I'm sure you love your country...but what the hell?! 9 years? Are they serious? Ask them for their tax records for nine years...they'll probably laugh. Why can't we all just act like human beings.......nine years.....give me a break! Good luck buddy.
  24. Pushed back! Never! I'm shocked! The auction process has begun many times on many things relating to government BS, but that doesn't mean squat. Maybe you're right, but I'm skeptical at the very least.
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