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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. The only issue I ever had was with Disney, and all they did was make me write a letter requesting insurance and provide them with an equipment list. I thought the letter was strange, but it wasn't anything like what you're dealing with. It sounds like a lawyer has too much time on his hands. Please keep us posted on the outcome, as this sort of thing affects us all. Good luck.
  2. I think you have your dates mixed up Ron, because I didn't get called to work that night. I'll wash my banana hammock just in case.
  3. I'm either a 14 or 15 depending on the shoes, so I have the same problem Marc. When I lived in Orlando I had to mail order all of my Merrell's. There's a bit of a better choice in LA, but it's still a problem sometimes.
  4. Alec, Have you tried Superfeet? Here's a link to these insoles if you haven't seen them before. They provide a little extra support and stablization and work well with Merrell's. I've been wearing my Merrell Chameleon Stretch a lot lately, but I also have the more rigid and rugged Mesa Ventilator. The Chameleon Stretch are a bit like the Nike Free, but with a more rigid sole. I've operated barefoot on two occasions. Once was on a beach where I had to go from sand to water, and I wasn't warned in advance, so I only had one pair of shoes which I needed to be dry later in the day. It wasn't too bad and I even did a bit of a run going into the ocean, but walking on sand with bare feet will tire you out VERY quickly. The second barefoot occasion was in a house in Beverly Hills. Our last shot of the day in this house was in the owners bedroom, which has very expensive hardwood floors. The owner would not let anyone in this room with shoes on, so both Shannon Elizabeth and I had to work with bare feet. It was a very small move so I wasn't affected too much. After a long day of operating it actually felt pretty good the get the shoes off!
  5. I've been a Merrell guy for a long time. Still am really, but I just bought a pair of Keen's since I've been hearing good things about them. Merrell's last so much longer than sneakers for me. Sneakers always seem to fall apart on me really fast. Plus, Merrell's are made in the U.S., which is a nice bonus. People sure do seem to love their New Balance though.
  6. A lot of kids are watching videos all the time. The difference is that most of them are watching them online. I was speaking to a record company person a month or two ago and they said that yahoo music and aol are the way most people see videos since they can find the exact video they want to see whenever they want to see it. Yahoo and AOL even have exclusive deals for some videos, much like MTV used to have. The world of music videos has changed a lot in the last few years.
  7. It's a pretty large patio. Ten tables maybe....? And there's a pretty big bar inside. It's been a while since I've been there. I've been a bit confused as to why space has been such an issue. I understand about the free stuff....but do we really need free food and drinks? Sure, it's very nice of Mike's wife to offer, but we've been paying for our food and drinks at this thing for years. It's not like we're broke. I'm sure we can cover it if we go over what was expected. I know a couple operators who have been at the 'get together' for the last two years who aren't coming this year because they feel like they aren't welcome, and that's a bummer to me. I guarantee there will be many people there with much less experience than these guys. There have been newbies at this get together for years. I don't get what's bad about that. Anyway, I'll be there drinkin' it up! Hopefully not too many people will feel that they aren't welcome.
  8. Hmm, I've never heard of a problem running a film camera upside down. I've run Arri 3's, SR's, and 435's upside down and never had any problems.
  9. Yeah, you missed the good stuff, but it was nice of you to stop by anyway.
  10. Bummer about the Mac issue. Here are a few of them on youtube. No BTS there though.
  11. For the BTS junkies out there.....I did some ringtone videos for Pepsi Smash with The All American Rejects recently in Atlanta and they've posted some behind the scenes video from the job. You can check it out here. Scroll down just a bit and the link is in the middle of the page. The ringtone videos are also there as well. The current link has all of them in one clip. Most of the stuff we shot was on steadicam, but of course it's been chopped to bits, so the long oners are nowhere to be found. My stand makes it's first cameo in one of the ringtones. Let me know what you think.
  12. Exactly. I didn't think of the LCD being upside down. Makes sense.
  13. Respectfully, no. In inverting the sled for a quickie low-mode (without remounting the camera on a low-mode bracket), there is no need to electronically flip the monitor. That the image will need to flipped in post because the camera is recording uside down is clear. Try it! If you want to see the image right side up then you need to flip it on your monitor. Otherwise the image will be upside-down. I'm not sure why you think this wouldn't be true. The camera is upside-down, obvously the image will be too.
  14. Since the camera is upside down, your X and Y axis' will be flipped, so that left is right, right is left, and up is down, and down is up. You need to invert and reverse the image or else you'll be operating completely backwards.
  15. I almost always prefer to shoot with the camera upside down if the project isn't going to print. It's quicker than switching to real low mode, and depending on the bracket it can be much more stable. I own a Master Series and I can flip the X and Y axis. I thought all of the Master's monitors had this feature.
  16. Here it is on youtube. Weird video, but very nice operating.
  17. What do you mean by "slow on fast movements"?
  18. Check You Tube. You can probably find it there.
  19. No, since it was the exact same poll and davids was posted 5 mins earlier than your I deleted yours to prevent confusion Well at least I know I'm not going crazy.....well, maybe I am, but not about this. Thanks for the update Eric.
  20. What, you didn't like my poll David? Had to start one of your own did ya? :P Oh, well, I'm in. How strange. I don't even see the poll I posted now. I posted the exact same poll as David, but it seems to have disappeared. Twilight zone moment.
  21. Bill, Thanks so much for the detailed description. It was very informative and entertaining to read. Please post more often!
  22. Isn't this the way you spend every weekend BJ?
  23. Mystery solved then....or so it seems... :ph34r:
  24. I'll second you on your comments about David Hable. I'd been having a string of mysterious problems with my modulus (who hasn't), but the mysteries came to a halt after David fixed both the modulus and a mis-behaving cable. I'm still not even sure WHAT was wrong with it (David knows), but he managed to fix it quickly and inexpensively while also spreading general goodwill between Canada and the U.S. I'd highly recommend him to anyone with modulus troubles. Thanks David!
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