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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. A couple of questions for you guys using the archos or lyra..... Is the 20GB model of either of these big enough? How much recording time do you have? And which model do you own and why did you buy that one? Is the quality of either of these good enough to use for a reel, or are they just good for playback? Thanks.
  2. About thirty (or more?) operators saw this at a Steadicam Guild get together shortly after it came out. Yes, it's one continuous steadicam shot and it's almost an hour and a half.
  3. Ron, This might be a good opportunity for you to try out the Canatrans and let the rest of us know how it works. I'm guessing somebody in town rents them? I'm interested to hear a report on the Canatrans from someone using it in a real world situation.
  4. I'm pretty sure Larry McConkey did it. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. I like the new look. Very soothing. Ahhhhhhh.....
  6. Thanks again for all the info guys. I showed up for the job today to find a......LW II. Cool! I was happy. I'm still not sure what all the talk about the X was.....apparently that's what the producers paperwork said. Anyway, sure enough it was a 14 hour day. Three takes of one shot is all the steadicam I did all day. Of course, I operated the rest of the stuff too (unexpectedly) so at least I wasn't sitting around all day. The steadicam work was light, but the handheld with the GII was a nice work out. So the X worries were squashed, but I was prepared thanks to you guys.
  7. Thanks for the info guys. That information varies greatly from what I heard from another operator. He said it was a lot like a lightweight but a bit heavier. Hmm, I guess I'll find out tommorrow. It's suppossed to be a half-day, which of course probably means 14-16 hours. If anyone hears a loud crack around Hollywood tommorrow it could be my back!
  8. I've got a job on Friday with a Panaflex X. I've never heard of this camera before and am looking for any tips about the camera that will allow me to be properly prepared. Any mounting wierdness? Same power as other Panavision cameras? Run/Stop? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Garrett, It seems to me some kind of sliding plate could be devised so that the socket block could slide up and down. Even if it doesn't slide a great distance it could make the vest just a bit more versatile. Have you already thought of this and shot it down for any particular reason? I liked the vest a lot and enjoyed seeing you again. Thanks for sharing!
  10. The socketblock was originally in the center of the front of the vest, but Garrett has since moved it about 6 inches to the right so that it is relatively in the same spot that it is in on the master vest. The design is a bit different in that the vest has been stiffened on the right side so that it basically mirrors the arm of a back mounted vest, without the extra piece. The rest of the design of the vest is basically the same. It looks exactly like a regular Klassen back mounted vest, except that there is no arm coming around the side. I really wish I would have taken a picture of it. I wouldn't be surprised if David Grove has a picture of it. Hopefully he does and will post it here. To me, it felt just like a regular back mounted vest....except it was mounted in the front. According to Garrett, this version of the vest will be available soon through Klassen and Tiffen.
  11. Well, I managed to miss the meeting, and make Jon Myers miss it too. At least I was doing something productive (working on my new reel). Anyway, I'm interested to hear what some of the other operators that made it to the meeting think of the vest. Good? No good? No difference?
  12. I had a chance to see and fly Garrett's new Klassen front mounted back mounted vest (don't know a better way to describe it) at the Tiffen party the other night. Not owning a back mounted harness (and only having flown one a few times) it's hard for me to say if I prefer the back/front mount over the back mount. What I CAN say is that I like it! I think it takes the best of both syles of vest/harness and combines them. I'm looking forward to hearing what operators that already own a backmounted harness think of it. I believe Garrett's vest will be at the Steadicam Guild get-together tonight for any attendees to try. Plus, there's free food tonight, which is another reason to go.
  13. Well, Jim's not an operator, nor is he stuck up. I think he was just posting some news he heard to help inform the other members of this forum.
  14. I'm planning on being there....hopefully you will too. Back on the subject....since no one has mentioned it....the opening shot of The Birdcage is a great one. Scott Sakamoto I believe did that shot, as well as a lot of other great steadicam.
  15. Wow, I'm really surprised that this has been an issue. Camera assistants that can't read are BAD!
  16. I put my $.50 in and I still get no picture! What a ripoff! It may work for you, but not for anybody else. Please try again.
  17. Thanks guys! I had to have a post birthday recovery day, so I think my birthday was pretty good. Happy birthday to you too Jim!
  18. I have to agree about Elephant. Matias Mesa did some wonderful work in that film. He also did some nice work in another Van Sant film called Gerry, which came out in 2002. If you thought Elephant was slow you should see Gerry! Although I really enjoyed both films. I saw the first episode of "House, M.D." last night and saw some really nice steadicam as well. IMDB lists Jeff Mart as the operator. The show has a very interesting look. There are parts of it that look cross processed and also bleach bypassed. Good show.
  19. Alright Howard, you simply MUST post those pictures now! I'd want to see them just to see the Mitchell on a sled, but to see KUBRICK's Mitchell with the famous NASA lens on a rig... Sweet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd love to see pictures as well. Please post some Howard.
  20. Hmm, the name Garrett comes to mind....as well as Liz Ziegler.
  21. Maybe Dan will chime in and tell us a little about it. It sounds interesting.
  22. Michael, You've been hitting "reply" when you post, but right below that is a button that says "add reply". Click that one to post without quoting, or just erase the quote before you post.
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