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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. Here are a couple of links. The first one is probably your best bet. http://i500.nopdesign.com/apps.esiml http://samsung.handmark.com/i500.php Hey, if you want my phone just let me know. It's in great shape except for a dent or two. It's also recently been covered in a layer of Lisigav (much better reception)....which is nice. God, I feel like I'm selling you the damn thing. Just come and take it if you want it.
  2. Wow, that's really above and beyond. That's super nice of Russ. See, you didn't even have to ask! Just shows how nice this community can be. Good luck on the job Peter!
  3. Mm unlikely I think but would be great if someone could :lol: Not unlikely at all! Very likely I think if you just make a few calls. You might just get something for free or very cheap and show up on the job to an impressed, and very happy, DP. But you'll have to make the effort to contact a few people and be willing to owe someone a favor.
  4. I think Sprint is the only provider with the i500. Best service in town....just not at my apartment.
  5. If I may go WAY off topic and add the proper ending...."and he pulled out the Lisigav and I said ye.....what the hell is that?" Back on topic. I'm trying to decide how I feel about this shot. I LOVE the effort. And I love that they had the balls to even attempt a shot of this magnitude, but I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. I guess I'm a bit ambivalent about it at the moment. I think seeing the whole film and the shot in context would be a big help in this instance. What I fear is that my ambivalence may just mean that, in context or not, I don't love or hate this shot, which probably means it doesn't have the weight it was intended to have.
  6. That is by far the coolest, and smallest, Palm based phone ever made! I have one on my desk in front of me. Unfortunately, I also have a Treo 700 charging right next to it (had to switch providers, and Verizon doesn't support the i500). I think you just need to download (and pay for) a text program to insure that you can identify who's texting you. If that doesn't work and you need a new phone, contact me and we'll see if mine works for you. You can have it if you need it. I really miss using mine!
  7. Peter, If I were you I'd just bite the bullet and rent a focus system. The fact that the folks in production are being cheap doesn't mean that the DP and 1st AC won't think less of you if you show up without any way to pull focus. I would suggest contacting another operator that's close to you and seeing if you can rent their system. As everyone knows, steadicam operators are generally very generous regarding these types of things. Everyone will be happier if you have one, but if you don't you likely will never get a call from that DP again, and you'll never get a recommendation from the 1st. AND, you won't be able to do very creative shots because of the constrictions of not having the proper tools for the job. So, in my opinion, your choices are: A: Don't take the job. B: Bite the bullet and rent a system. C: Talk to the DP and try to get him to convince production to rent something. Start with C, go to plan B if needed, and revert to A if all else fails. Good luck.
  8. They are shooting a follow up "response" to that video today. Wait till you see the cast of this one!
  9. Good tips guys. Thanks. I'll do a little more trial and error and see what happens.
  10. Thanks Chris. I'll check and see if what I did was close to what you posted and try it your way if not. Alan, does that mean that I should use Chris' settings but change the bitrate to 4000? In some cases I had to rip whole episodes of TV shows. Will the file size be enormous if I use 4000? Thanks.
  11. Thanks Chris. Yeah, Handbrake is what I used. I wasn't that impressed. Maybe I mis-used it though....any recommendations would be appreciated.
  12. I think you're onto something Ron. I can hear the responses now..... Producer: "Wow! You look so young! I would have never guessed that you were old enough to have worked on The Shining." Me: "Uh, yeah, I've aged well."
  13. I just recently re-cut my reel and I had to rip footage off of DVD's in a few instances because buying the DVD was the only way I could get footage. It's such a bummer because the ripped footage looks like crap. Point being, it's hard to get people to take even a few minutes to help you out and give you footage. You're not alone in having this problem.
  14. I'm sure he wants to do something different for his birthday, not just the same old same old. Happy birthday Geoff.
  15. Maybe you're right...I don't know. I sure hope not. It just seems to me that if the producers beat down one union, it makes it easier for them to beat down other unions, which is exactly what we don't want.
  16. Don't kid yourself Brad, it's not the producers who aren't willing to talk and negotiate. Kid myself about what? I simply stated a fact and asked a question. If I didn't know better Michael, I'd think you were a member of the AMPTP after reading your posts on this subject. I was under the impression that most reality shows were non union. How can they already be under a unions jurisdiction if they're non union? The fact is, in the case of reality, the WGA wants jurisdiction over the editors because the WGA believes that they are essentially writing those shows. But I guess you'd rather keep them non union then have them join the WGA? Michael, it really seems like you're just very anti union. I know the unions aren't perfect, but man, we'd be really getting screwed if they didn't exist. If the WGA gets screwed on this contract you can bet that the same fate will befall the 600. We have much less power than they do, so we certainly won't gain anything in our next contract if the WGA gets screwed on this one. Again, I'm not saying the WGA is right for striking when they did, or right about the way they've handled any of the negotiations, but I sure am hoping they get a fair deal, for the sake of all of us. At a certain point, we all need to think about the greater, long term good for everyone, not just ourselves, and not just the day to day situation we're currently in.
  17. Wasn't it the AMPTP that walked away from negotiations the last time? Do you have a # for them?
  18. I've never had a problem with space when mounting motors on my Master. I think you get used to dealing with the nose very quickly. I'm surprised to hear you've had issues Ron. Has it been low mode that has been the problem?
  19. Ah, an important point! And so true!
  20. Ron, Have you been drinking scotch again?
  21. I think Ron and B.J. can send some your way, but you better have some Lisigav handy. Congrats on your new membership.
  22. This sounds like a joke, but this is actually an accurate description of every prep Ron goes to.
  23. I was expecting to see a bunch of chimps bouncing around the room.
  24. According to the WGA numbers I've seen, 48% of WGA members aren't working at any given time. But if you look at the credits in the back of the ICG magazine and compare it to the membership book I wouldn't be surprised if those #'s are similar to ours.
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