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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. George is down to one rental rig... I can see/ and they did rent the vest for a shot or 2, but for a month... that takes the whole rig out of business... Denis Lane might ... but he also has cut down on his equipment as productions are getting cheap (I know: tell me something new) and I heard UPM's on the phone... for that rental I can get an op including gear... Oh well. Try: http://www.steadicamrentals.com/
  2. If that's your only complaint... Even had him in my address book that way for the last decade or so, he never complained. Oh well... can't make it right for everybody. later, Irvin (as I am known for most of the people in my professional life that don't bother to check... And I don't care as long as the check clears)
  3. The only time AC and DC play nice together is when Angus swings the guitar and Brian is at the microphone... The reason that gyros run on AC is the fact that the units were originally designed for the US military (okay actually for naval applications as Ted Kenyon was an avid sailer and to stabilize his binoculars on his sailboat he converted a gyro that he used for instruments he was building for planes, AC is safer and more efficient) to be used to stabilize binoculars, sextants, cameras and to an extend film cameras for reconecance missions and the current used in Planes and Helicopters is AC, yes there is a DC circuit but is not used as it's low draw. Anyhow You want to keep them separate. Larry Mcconkey would be a great person to talk about that as he did just that or at least used to have that. But not in the same cable. He is using an Ultra. The center post "cable" is actually 'Individual Cables' that are bungied together, so adding an additional cable is fairly straight forward. But it's not in the same cable but in a separate cable going down beside the main center post cable. And on an AR for sure as the cables are already under sized as it is. I see a nice meltdown happening there. If you really have to have an internal cable pull a separate cable running beside your original Center Post cable and isolated it properly... Cables, cable... cable... enough... Wait a minute... You have an AR... what do you need the Gyros for??? Anyhow, Good Luck, Erwin
  4. Hey Peter, Will see you there. Not sure if I will drag out my new cart... maybe... we'll see. Erwin
  5. Hi Michael, It seams that you did the right first couple of steps. Taking the workshop etc. So you are at the next step... buying equipment or at least starting to. I would suggest to buy a new Vest that is build for you and your body type and fits properly from the get go and by pass the used market on that.( If that's what you really want to do for a living). It's like buying somebody's old sneakers (but that's just me and many will jump in and refute it). I know several ops that still own there first vest and still use it on a daily bases, Colin Anderson comes to mind. Usually the number of rigs somebody owned is considerably higher then the number of Vests. Yes it will cost you $4-5K but that's it, you spend it once and you might not buy one through out your carrier (exempt for the obligate service, repairs, etc.). I might still own my first PRO vest if it hadn't been for the break in... oh well. I personally started with an original 3A that I had access from the local rental house (Thanks DEnny Clairmont) and later used a master for practice and on my first workshop. That's were I developed the dislike for that style of vest and the sweat that came from other ops... having to basically start from scratch adjusting the vest every single time I wanted to get into the rig. After the workshop I developed the contacts to have access to other ops' gear. Getting the whole rig for practice was never the problem, it was always the Vest that was the hick up. Either I couldn't get it or I was not allowed to change anything on it. Even just turning the socket block over was a big deal to most ops... that's how I changed how I operated... I used to be goofy foot... (As I found out on my first work shop). I am still baffled that I was able to talk Charles or Colin into letting me borrow theres... And stunned that Chris Haarhoff offered and let me use his for several shoots after mine was stolen to bridge the gap until my new Vest was build.... Anyhow... As soon as I had the possibility and ability i went in for George to measure me up... and haven't looked back since. That's what I suggest to newbies when they ask me. And I have yet to get a complained from the guys that did as I suggested... But I am getting a lot of : Oh I should have listened to you! When they didn't... Every time. You can spend your money twice by buying a beat up used one and about a year into it for a brand new one or just skip the first step... It never fails. And if you decide to sell it in a years time you still get most of your money back. Your call. Just my two cents. Erwin
  6. Any Digital Motor works... as long as you have the correct motor cable... even though most have the same Lemo connector but are not wired the same...
  7. I am playing with that one right now: http://www.cmotion.eu/index.php?mod=specia...did=2&id=20
  8. Try: www.broadcastvideogear.com They are in Burbank and have a used equipment sales division...
  9. Congrats! You are a brave man... we stuck with one... and she is quite one to handle.
  10. As you might have realized by now, looking around this forum, that we use our real names around here. Please do so and people will happily try to help you out... Thank you.
  11. Really... I am sure it's a joke but... really? http://www.swiss-army-knife-wenger.co.uk/s...ant_wenger.html
  12. It's interesting how they are sober when they build that stuff... but always drunk when naming it... hmmm.
  13. I never got Chris Haarhoff to tell the whole story... just something with Mexico... a lot of booz... and some kind of donkey show... but I could be mistaken... sounds very much like the 1980ies workshop where they came up with missionary...
  14. Don't do that... you make me blush...
  15. Not the longest lens I ever used, but a macro shot with less then a quarter inch depths of field supposed to be blown up for an IMAX commercial... Production wanted to shoot in a real IMAX theater, the scaffold they build was several feet taller then it should have been, so I had to use the superpost... I wasn't a fan of the shoot as the pivot point was the front element of the lens and I told the DP and Producer it should be a MoCo shot in a studio, but they were all "Oh it will be fine" ... even with the Cinetape, I don't think they got one single shot that was sharp... Guess what... they never called me again... should have listened to my gut and said no... oh well. Longest lens on 35mm was 180mm, dolly shot (they already had put the dolly to bed, so you're up)... later running shot... on regular bases used 135 and 150. On 16mm anywhere from 200mm to 300mm whatever that converts to 35mm equivalent. The moment they see that you can actually do what you said on the phone you could... you are in the triple digit lenses... every time. Especially when the DP refers to the 75/85 as his "wide lens". Okay by me as long as the 1st can handle it, i'm game...
  16. Contact Tim Tyler (the owner and the kind person that lets us go rampant on this site) directly.
  17. Hi Kelli, Not sure where the problem was, either put in Artemis or the manufacturer Sachtler and I found a bunch without trying... or even just go to sleds and you should find more then enough... Artemis: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9463 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=1935 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7444 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7214 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=129 Other stuff: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=6117
  18. Thomas, I use a J-Bracket on a regular basis. I use a 6 inch and a 8 inch, i used to use longer ones but they proven to be unpractical as the arm was always in the way were I wanted my operating hand to be... I use them underslung, meaning I insert them from below and keep them in place with an arm post clamp. Try it it will greatly reduce the flexing as you have one point of attack versus 2 places to get bend... But I admitting: the longer the arm post and with it the larger lever and he heavier the payload the bigger the chance of flexing... or if to heavy, permanent deformation of the arm post... if not also damage to the bearings in the D-Link of the arm. I had several 20 inch arm posts or "man makers" that Bob Ulland had made to make up for what had nature given him or not in the vertical roam... not a size that I would be comfortable to use. The flexing scared the crap out of me. Brian, If you bought it from CP/Tiffen then it's an F-Bracket, If you bought it from PRO it's a D-Bracket... and if you add a second arm post to it, it's a J-Bracket either way.
  19. Robert, I don't think that this monitor is made for us. ARRI introduced an HD video tap a short while back, so they have to provide an HD capable onboard monitor as a camera accessory... BTW: Standard unit of luminance is candela per square meter (cd/m2), also called Nits in the USA, from latin "nitere" = "to shine".
  20. Hey Ken, Does Denzel Washington know, you took his car for a spin... I'm sure he had a deja vue...
  21. For the DM-1 call Geoff Shotz: 1 (323) 933-3323 Look out , he is on East coast time.
  22. Do tell... Care to share? I am all ears. Steadicam@LandauCamera.com
  23. A Master series should work, right? http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=11028
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