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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Send me the pix, i'll try and post them....
  2. I can't get rid of that feeling that people who are asking for low cost solutions think that we are hiding something from them. If we could find something that is cheaper and does the job well, don't you think that it would be already discussed here and in use on Film sets worldwide? I would love to show up on set with less then $200K of equipment... especially when the UPM is dreading to get me a insurance cert as he doesn't believe me that my equipment is worth that much... or afraid to do so as he had to actually cover my lose in an incident. I had a seasoned Show runner come up to me a short while ago and asked me how much my equipment was... What $20-$30K? When I replied that would cover just about my Steadi arm she choked. There are certain pieces of equipment that are costing what they are costing, with a small margin of profit for the manufacturer. Nobody gets rich as of late making highly specialized professional equipment for a small nitch market like ours. Why are high end camera, Film or Video, costing in excess of a quarter Million just for the body? Because they expect to sell maybe 1000 in a 10 year life span. The RED has sold almost seven times that much in two... that's why they are cheaper... and it's all about quantity over quality (BTW: Does that thing finally work?). There are more and more companies trying to make a buck with people like you. Look at the track record of these companies.. how long have they build that specific piece of equipment? Are they going to be around in one, two or maybe 5 years so that you can make sure you will still have the parts and the support down the line? I owned 8 rigs in the same time period that I owned two Transmitter (Modulus, now the Canatrans) and two Receivers (Hermes and now the TR-1). There is no cheap solution for anything Steadicam if you are depending on your gear to make a living for yourself ... There are many units out there that you can get for cheap... why are we not using them? Because it's our lively hood. If it doesn't work properly I don't want to have it in my kit. I rather spend 3 or 4 thousand once, then buy several units and even piss off some Director which at the end will cost you WAY more. If you can find something that is cheap and works for you and you can live with the performance short comings (not that the high end units have none)... More power to you... you will however not find them on this website. Good Luck.
  3. Hello Bernie Keach, Welcome to our Forum. We do appreciate you being involved and posting here but please could you change your login to your real name. You can still sign with Marshall Electronics. We deal with people not Companies... As you can see there are no Company names used as login exempt for yours. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Erwin
  4. And then we moved it under the Preston MDR... problem solved...
  5. It has happened with a modulus and a F-900 in the past... I posted a while ago about a Music video shoot I did a couple of years back (tried to find the post, next time)... the P2 cards are very finicky and perceptive to RF interference... It manifests it self as a 45 degree pattern on the card and is only visible on a bigger screen. Our DIT realized it while dumping the cards... luckily he insisted on a test... we only had to reshoot one series of takes... but still. No indication on the Steadi monitor or even the flip out one, but on the Cine Display... there it was. Keep the transmitter away from the HD Movement or Solid state recorder. Oh well... Before the "incident" the transmitter is on top of the camera....
  6. Hey Alec, Going through GPI's "Was a great Prototype, but time moved on and I'm out a couple of grand" section... George had all the parts to build a PRO Monitor internal PCMCIA slot (which was hot at the time)... it sits in a cardboard box beside a mini harddrive with controller (price point $8000.- in parts back when)... Just if you are wondering why the PRO 3 monitor still has no recording capabilities... I used to own.... Sony Micro MV, Archos 300, 400, 500. Sony PC-5, Panasonic AV-1, etc... yet to find something that works... BTW anybody has a Micro MV Player? I have about 50 tapes that I can't play back...
  7. Didn't get a replay from Tim as of yet... I think what I will do is just starting to post pix to my website in any form or shape and just leave links to where to find thm... Oh well....
  8. No Red???? What do you mean.... what's wrong with red.... I don't understand.... Erwin "sickened by the boycott of the color red" Landau
  9. Start here: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?sh...33&hl=viper http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?sh...37&hl=viper
  10. Called up Paul, send in the Battery in question. Something was screwed up with the electronics/cells. It was still covered under warranty, got a brand new battery. Paul Rocks! Paul Dudeck work 1 (203) 929-1100 other 1 (800) 422-3473 pdudeck@antonbauer.com
  11. For Sale: Donkey Box 2 Includes 2 Follow Focus Brackets Old style for Brackets with 2 screws New Style for Dovetail Mounting Bracket In great shape, used to be a back up. Was serviced and cleaned by GPI. Price: $2500.- Contact: Erwin 1-818-448-2639 Steadicam@landaucamera.com
  12. For Sale: PRO 2 Monitor Bracket Asking $500.- Contact: Erwin 1-818-448-2639 Steadicam@landaucamera.com
  13. For Sale: PRO 1 Monitor Bracket Scissor style Asking $400.- Contact: Erwin 1-818-448-2639 Steadicam@landaucamera.com
  14. For Sale: DeRose Docking Bracket (For PRO) Asking $200.- Contact: Erwin 1-818-448-2639 Steadicam@landaucamera.com
  15. Hi Drew, Not really seeing a need for another Follow Focus Set Up, unless it's more reliable then the Preston, More sophisticated then the Arri, or cheaper then the BFD. There was a number of candidates that tried to put down a foot in Hollywood and quite frankly failed. Scorpio springs to mind as well as several different incarnation of Chrosziel... But putting that all to the way side, here would be a couple of things, from the top of my head, that could be nice, or have been raised by my AC's in the past, or combined in a high end Follow Focus Unit that nobody is building so far (including C-Motion): Hand unit: - Large LCD/OLED display, in color. - Touch screen input. - Build in transceiver and internal antenna - Multi network compatibility for different environments (Microwave, WiFi, Bluetooth) - input for video feed, video tap and displayable on said display (wireless) - split screen/over lay for focus display and video feed at the same time - SD slot to record takes? - Memory for SFX shots? - Have different sizes of text available, digital interpretation of Focus distance - usable as single channel but upgradeable to four channel - have option for dumb, or not so dumb single channel units (for DP, 2nd AC, Convergence puller, etc) - randomly assignable channels - Multi hand unit accessible, splitting/distributing channels - right hand/left hand user friendly - self illuminating focus ring, Iris slider, Zoom indicator - build in interface for Cinetape, Panatape, Sniper, etc. - Smart Lens interface for LDS lenses - enough memory to store all lenses used (past, present, future) - Build in P-cam software - Remote camera display for footage counter/harddrive clip counter (camera status) - ergonomic hand grip or housing - lightweight - low power consumption, running on cheap Camcorder batteries - multi attachment for batteries to expand operation - Software driven set up, but easily dumbed down if necessary - hardline compatible - dummy hand unit (Knob only, powered by Motor Driver or Camera Body) that will replace the regular Knob but work via the FF motors for quick rebuild, back and forth... Crane, Steadicam, Handheld, Dolly... and leave the motors engaged to the Lens. Motor Driver: - Small, Lightweight - 4 channel compatible - Build in transceiver and internal antenna - Multi network compatibility for different environments (Microwave, WiFi, Bluetooth) - Multi Motor Driver accessible, splitting/distributing channels - single button (multifunction toggle or multi selector)inter face - LCD/LED display (Interface via simple menu) - (Touch screen?) - easy access to channel changer (remote channel change via hand unit?) - easy access to torque (remote torque change via hand unit?) - Auto Calibration/one button, single push re-calibration - Water tight/resistant - Less connectors (4 for motors, 1 power, 1 run/ computer interface) - Lemo all around - easy and fast mounting solution, preferably build into housing - hardline compatible Motor: - fast, torquey, lightweight - quiet - easy and fast, inter changeable Focus Gears (Tool less) - easy and fast mounting solution, preferably build into housing of motor again tool less - 90 degrees rotatable motor cable plug (for right angle cables) - spin-able plug for straight cables - over torque protection - easy access to parts for service/replacement - Smart motors that also will work without Motor Driver or Hand unit - Hardline override, so that attached motors can be also moved by operator if need be I did spend some time in the past sitting on set, bored and playing with my equipment while waiting... Everything listed would be nice, but frankly forbiddingly expensive to come up from scratch. I could see that a couple of us sit down with a current manufacturer and really make a binding wish list with a large check to back it up... Just my 2 cents... Erwin
  16. The biggest reason (exempt for the service, quality, etc) to get the Preston system in the first place was the Digital motor that came with the Preston set-up... Can't be the price as all new Digital motors on the market are in the same price range, can't be the quality, so ????.... You have 4 Preston models (DM-1, DM-2, DM-3, DM-1X) to choose from and they are plug and play. (With cringing teeth)... the Scorpio motors do work as well, plug and play. (As they use the same protocols, enough said) I don't believe that other (digital) motors will be plug and play as they would have to accommodate the Preston protocols and do only if specifically build with Preston in mind. (All eight leads in the cable have to be connected for the Motor to work properly, I learned that when one of my cables got pinched and the motor just kept on moving.)
  17. RED (RS232 connector): Lemo 1B-310 Pin 1 = Camera ground Pin 2 = RS232 Transmit Data (Out) Pin 3 = Regulated 12V output, 500mA max. (Out) Pin 4 = NC Pin 5 = “Record Clip” switch closure (In) Pin 6 = NC Pin 7 = “Playback Clip” switch closure (In) Pin 8 = RS232 Receive Data (In) Pin 9 = NC Pin 10 = NC Preston Camera Run: Lemo 2B-312 Camera Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = Ext. Control Pin 3 = Run (30mA max) Pin 4 = Run Pin 5 = Momentary Run Pin 6 = Clock Out +5V Pin 7 = Clock Out +12V Pin 8 = Camera Encoder In Pin 9 = RS232 out Pin 10 = RS232 In Pin 11 = Zoom Ref In Pin 12 = Zoom Command out Hope that helps.
  18. Lemo FFA-2S-310 Pin 1 = NC Pin 2 = NC Pin 3 = NC Pin 4 = Encoder output Pin 5 = NC Pin 6 = External Enable Pin 7 = External CLK Pin 8 = GND Pin 9 = NC Pin 10 = Camera run / Open relay
  19. Don't see anything wrong with the current pix... Would love to see some "historic" pix of the old rigs, but that's just me and it has nothing to do with the website as a sales tool... but: Firstly, there will be new pix of the HD rig... Secondly, Greg has a guy working on a brand new site... it just took way longer then he anticipated... was supposed to be up before CineGear... When we revamped the SOC website it took almost a year to get a beta version up and then another 6 months to make it public... and there are still members that haven't updated there profile to this day... So be patient and keep your eyes peeled.
  20. Hey, that's were my old phone went... I had the european version which was slightly smaller, you could save 20 numbers... You actually had power to make 3 phone calls before you had to hook it up to a power source...
  21. Thank you for the information, much appreciated! CB I bought some from Tiffen last year, but they probably will be out by now... So call Robert: Robert Luna Luna Az-Tech work 1 (323) 938-5659 mobile 1 (310) 621-4763 e-mail rluna56@earthlink.net Good Luck!
  22. Even Colin Hudson picked one up... so you are officially lame... (hihi) I started with a Nokia almost 20 years ago... just when they changed from Natel-C to Natel-D in CH... man I feel old... On the I-Phone train since day one... anyone need a very good maintained original 8 gig I-Phone? Anyone?
  23. Not getting your point... This is THE Hill one. It use to be sold as "Kit" which was $1000.- or as individuals for Compact or SL with cheese plate for $600.- each. Both are brand new... That's why I put Asking in front of the price...
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