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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9815 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9814
  2. You have to be specific... Run or Power cable? And what kind of rig/FF you are using... But neither power nor run cable are essential to do a job with the RED... You can always use the onboard battery. More important is the video, do you have an HD capable sled and if not do you have or can you get a downconverter. Good Luck!
  3. Happy Birthday BJ! How was the Party at Medusa... Ron was tempting us with life stock but didn't deliver! At least I didn't see any sheep... Take care buddy! Erwin
  4. Thank you everybody... Had a great day. Made my self a Birthday present with an I-Phone 3G S... and spend the day with my Steadicam Friends at GPI and Ron Baldwins Party... Just got back home... he he... Getting older but not wiser! Thanks Ash, Deborah, George and Jack for the B-Cake. Also... There was suppose to be a Goat... but never saw the Sheep... What up Ron?
  5. Sorry to contradict you Erwin, but, I worked on The Player. It was a Titan crane, no Techno (was it even invented yet?) I'm not a crane guy... so whatever that thing was that had wheels and a long arm attached, that's what they used... Techno... hm.. that would be a question for Simon Jays, as he brought that puppy to Hollywood in the first place... was nice, the inventor thanked him for crossing the Atlantic and doing the work for him, during his Academy Award acceptance speech.
  6. Crane shot as homage to the crane shot in Orson Wells' "Touch Of Evil" (http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0052311/) this time they used a Techno crane. Fred Ward is talking about it to the new assistant as he walks around.
  7. Hi Ed, Nice write up. Now for something silly... a level for your I-phone camera... for all those Monitors that didn't have a level?!?!?! I guess it could come in handy with the new video capability... mount it on a Merlin and go? No, that's to much. http://limechat.net/levelcamera/
  8. So anybody feel different now that we are Digital in the US? It happened this Friday... anybody even realized? Any Horror Stories? Is your Modulus or Canatrans now a nice paper weight? Doesn't look like it... as life goes on, but just wondering. It feels like a second Y2K scare to me. A lot of baloney... Or did it actually improve? That would be my guess, all these Telemundo channels silenced... and I'll test it if I ever work again...
  9. I'm still surprise that Transvideo is getting all that flak for being "expensive" as far as I could tell, the Transvideo was the only one that had Frame Lines AND Level... It's also interesting that that is not mentioned... same thing with the Tiffen one... but anyhow. Considering that a PDL (Programable Digital level) cost almost $3000.-, more then a few of the monitor shown today... I think it levels it out... there was the thing also that you can't compare Apples with Oranges... Many are screaming... but we don't need all the fancy add ons... I do... I use my frame lines and level on a daily bases... Maybe some one has to talk to Marrell about a stand alone level, frameliner... add that to the total and it will look closer, at least price wise. I'll stay with my CRT for the time being.
  10. There was an app thread, but can't find it right now... I have no affiliation with any of the App creators, I'm just a very happy and enthusiastic I-Phone owner/user... But did anybody check out the Sun Calculator as of yet ($30.-): http://www.chemicalwedding.tv/helios/helios.html And an app that my daughter went gaga over, add lyrics to your I-Tunes Library (FREE): http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/29994 Listen to the music in I-Tune and it adds the Lyrics automatically (96% at the time so far)
  11. It's probably more something for RED owners/users.... but what the hell might come in handy. Depending on what you run your down converter, light, accessories, etc... Gold Plate with 4 P-Taps... http://www.antonbauer.com/Products/QRQUADPT
  12. Charles, Great job in organizing the event.... It was a great and almost once in a life time opportunity to see that many monitors in the exact same place and under the exact same circumstances together... nice!!! I guessing there were at least 100 people spread over the day. I will move this thread into Monitors as it is turning from an announcement into a discussion and it will be lost if left in this forum... Again great Job.
  13. Oh found it: http://www.antonbauer.com/Products/QRHOTSWAP
  14. Hey Steve, Nice job on the "Landing Pad" my friend. I had a couple units on my cart during the Monitor Shoot out today and generally the remarks were positive, but almost everybody commented on the weight, great if you need more weight on the bottom, especially with the HC batteries being again lighter yet... But if you just want a "foot"... oh well, opinions... I guess. There is a lot of space to go crazy on lightening the unit, it doesn't have to be that beefy... at least a couple of holes in the plate... But it does exactly what it's suppose to do. About the Anton Bauer hot swap unit... I bought one back in 2002 for my then PRO Lite, I posted about it on the old forum, oh well... I was thinking to get more usable weight below the Gimbal instead of dead weight... The Compac's at the time were starting to get tired so I wanted to double them up and the Hytron 50 had still trouble to turn over the 435 and at $500.- a piece, pricey as I had 30 batts back then. So I bought one of the demos right of the floor at NAB ($150.- bucks... a no brainer). I thought I was set... Now the problem... There is electronics build in to the plate that controls, which of the batteries is actually supplying power to the pins on the Camera/Rig. Only one at the time is actually used that's what the name says, it's for hot swapping. It uses one battery at the time until exhausted and switches to the next... If that's what you want then that's the unit to get. Also the new units are incorporating an attachment for a wireless bracket that has to be machines away before you can use all batteries that you own, It will only accommodate the new style like the Hytron 50 or the Dionic 90, anything else will hit that attachment... it's mostly hidden on the photo, but you get the idea.... Just an FYI. Ron, I have one if you want to experiment. Just add some links for Archival purposes (this one is in For Sale which will disappears in a while) : http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9993 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?sh...amp;#entry43427
  15. Actually Bob DeRose used to do that conversion and later GPI, but all the jigs and parts went eventually to Preston. Not sure if they still do it, but Preston would be your best bet.
  16. Louis, FYI, if you can't find genuine SLD gears... I saw it done. Get some Preston adapter gears and drill into the out-put gear on the SLD using the hole pattern from the Preston... They are $52.- new... just an idea.
  17. Look what I just found: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=844
  18. Hey Ed, Found a car for you... http://www.babez.de/2009/03/tesla-model-s/
  19. Hey Dan, We are in California, until last year, Diesel powered personal cars where not sold here... I wish. Mine runs on Premium (Because even the lowest grade in europe [92] is higher then the highest Octane rating in California [91]) and get's about 350 miles... the same car in europe, with a Diesel is rated at 650 miles... When I used to live in Switzerland in the 90ies, my Mini was delivering almost 60 miles to the gallon. Here they are proud when a Hybrid does almost 30... Ed just for fun... The Diesel originally (1900) was designed to run on coal dust and was actually demonstrated running on peanut oil at the Exposition Universelle in Paris . Talking about economic cars here in the US is a mood point. What's the price in europe right now? 10 bucks a gallon... When I moved here in 1997, I was still able to buy gas for less then a buck. I actually got more gallons then I paid for... I used to fill up my Golf for 8 US Dollars and change. In some places in Texas that is apparently still the case... Diesel or specifically Petrodiesel is way more expensive here, even though it's cheaper to produce... but trucks and trains are running on it so it has to be more expensive... also way less then gasoline is produced so again it's rare and has to generate premium returns... Don't even get me started with Solar Cells... we are living in a state that has on average 300 days of sunshine a year... less then 8 percent of homes here have them on the roof. I love the reasoning... "Oh it takes 10 years to pay for it self"... or "the efficiency is so low you can't power 4 AC units all day..." etc... Sorry, don't get me started...
  20. Hi Anthony, As said found it through a friend and got a hardcopy in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Not aware of any downloadable version. I will contact and ask if he is interested in making more copies. "Seitz Technical Products, Inc. Follow Focus Radio System 8700A", 38 pages... a lot of how to hook it up to different rigs, like the 3A and the Panaglide as well as the original PRO rig. Connectors wise it's very wage like "using a 9 pin D-connector" or "Lemo 4pin 0 series". It was the practice of Seitz to not over share but make a little note: No Costumer servicable parts, send to factory... Great help since they don't service them anymore... Tiffen is in the process of creating manuals in PDF form. I lent all my old Cinema Products Manuals to Tiffen for that purpose. Peter Abrahams is in charge of the scanning... Eventually it will be available form the Tiffen site... but only the steadicam products made by CP/Tiffen... oh well. Maybe if I ever get a decent scanner...
  21. Jess... why what's wrong with my van??? Ron... yeah saw that thing and posted a couple of months ago... The Nissan prototype is cool until you see the production model... U G L Y... Dan... you should see the drawings for the next generation cart (insert diabolic laughter here)... My next vehicle is going to be the VW caddy... size of a Golf with the hight to accommodate my cart fully build...
  22. Ron, if I recall correctly there is a Gyro mount that attaches to the bottom of the PRO 2 battery rack which will serve that purpose. They should have it at GPI. You mean the $2550.- bucks sled rest? No, not made anymore...
  23. Ron you can't do that... you would suck in the controls and get stuck... you should know that!
  24. I just spend researching lenses after a conversation with Howard Preston... ended up with 17 pages of them... anyhow... There are two versions of the Primo Anamorphic, the Primo Series and the Primo "Close Focus" Series Mark II. The difference is that the Close focus have about a foot to 2 feet closer focus capability. Don't have info on weight of the Mark II but they should be very close to the Mark I which are: 35mm T2 3'6" (2'9") 14.8lbs (6.7kg) 40mm T2 3'6" (2'9") 15lbs (6.8kg) 50mm T2 3'6" (2'9") 16.1lbs (7.3kg) 75mm T2 4'6" (2'6") 11.3lbs (5.15kg) 100mm T2 4'6" (2'6") 12lbs (5.45kg) As a comparison the C-Series (don't have all the weights, working on it): 20mm T2.8 3'6" 30mm T3.0 4' 7.7lbs (3.5kg) 35mm T2.3 2'9" 5.72 (2.6kg) 40mm T2.8 2'6" 3.5lbs (1.6kg) 50mm T2.3 2'6" 4.4lbs (2.0kg) 60mm T2.8 3'6" 75mm T2.5 4'6" 4.0lbs (1.8kg) 100mm T2.8 4'6" 4.8lbs (2.17kg) 150mm T3.5 5' 180mm T2.8 7' Hope that helps, Erwin
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