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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. First of all please use your full real name as your Login name... Second, very specific to the manufacturer you have an order of parts that have to be pre-assembled in the right order and orientation, like: Washer or Spring washer or Bearing, then Rod-end bearing, plastic sleeve, pre tensioned spring, Rod end bearing and again the washer, spring washer or bearing... and hold all together as you push the shaft through that mess... It's a stupid idea to pull it apart in the first place, but if... I make sure that I know which parts comes after which one make a note or drawing, wrong assembly will damage parts and could lead to complete failure... I'm staying away from that assembly as far as I can as I had failure in the past and only let the manufacturer work on that part of the arm. I would contact Tiffen and they should be able to talk you through the exact assembly including the orientation of the various washers... or fax/e-mail you a picture... Good Luck, Erwin
  2. I did one a couple of years ago... (not mine... I think we made 10 photos and that was it.) I wasn't aware for the longest time that it was actually a wedding. It was shot on 35mm, they paid my rate and flew me to Hawaii... Two Arricam LT's for handheld and Steadicam, one Arri 35-3 with Tyler mount for the Vulcano Helicopter shot, a 8mm camera and two P2 cameras... DP, AC's, 6 operators... I led the bride down the aisle in there back yard on the beach... Surprise Music guest: Steve Wonder and Band... I don't know, to crazy for my taste. Erwin
  3. Jerry Hill... But I would get it from Derrick Whitehouse... Panavision Modular Motor Mount http://www.steadimoves.com/parts.html Erwin
  4. Try "HP Video" they are in Glendale. 1 323 868 8080; Talk to Hamlet http://www.hpvdo.com Great Costumer Service. Good Luck, Erwin
  5. It was discussed in the past but once again: The PRO Arm Socket as well as the Vest Socket Block are under size. That means That the PRO Arm will fit in almost all Vests on the market. If you buy the PRO Vest most likely only the PRO Arm Socket will fit perfectly. There where problems in the past with Tiffen and CP arms that needed serious help (Hammer) to separate from the Socket Block. As well as the Steadyrig arm and a Glidecam Gold arm that needed machining intervention. All the Klassen Vests take the PRO arm no problem... All accounts about matting problems were with the early versions, including the Hardmount. If you are not sure when buying the PRO Arm also spring for a Vest (Female) Socket Block for front mount... Hope that helps, Erwin
  6. Hey Charles. Yes the 0.4 is the 64 and the 0.8 is the 32. A complete modern gear set would be: Wide 0.8m/32P, regular 0.8m/32P, 0.6m, 48P, 0.5m, 0.4m/64P. Additional gears that you might never use are the Iris gears for the Zeiss T2.1 and the Zeiss T1.3, They are rare and expensive, so neglectible. Erwin
  7. Good to hear that you guys are still alive... still, please change your Login to your real name. Thank you, Erwin
  8. Also check: http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...?showtopic=7497
  9. Hi Ramon, Here in LA I know that Charles Papert, Aiken Weiss and David Baldwin own a unit. And so far after the initial scramble to get all parts together they seem very happy with it. The issue here is that the Battery hanger was conceived to be an upgrade for the "aging" PRO 1 Chocolate bar set up were you keep the lower Junction Box and dump the cage, batteries and chargers and replace them with more contemporary battery adapters like the ones from Anton Bauer, PAG or the Sony V-mount. The name says it all, it's a battery hanger. So you have to find an old PRO-1 J-box... I heard that maybe a J-box is in the works but have no confirmation. The weight is similar to the PRO-2 but has more versatility in the battery placement... There was said a lot about the unit in the past... Erwin PS: That is Charles recent set-up. Something new, Something old, Something Borrowed... just like a real marriage... of parts.
  10. One of the few things that I really thought where very much worth a second look, was the P+S Technic Optical Viewfinder. It mounts between the Camera Body and the Lens via the Lens mount (The Industry standard video B4 mount, PL version for full size chips to follow). Basically an Arri style optical view finder that works via a 50:50 prism. You lose one stop for the compensation of the prism... but you look through the lens... no power needed... no radiation from the Video finder... no mini TV to close to the eye headaches. http://www.pstechnik.de/en/optics-ims-ovf.php That would make even me as a Videophobe give the video camera at least a second look... Check it out. Erwin PS: But then again there video viewfinder for the SI-2K is something to check out... beats the Sony one for sure....
  11. Just got this send to me from a DP friend of mine... http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/steadycam/ What can I say. Something for the homebuilder community. I think that's were Basson got there Ideas from?
  12. Tom Gleason: 818-769-9370 http://cinewidgets.com/
  13. It was posted somewhere before, but just for the sake of archiving...
  14. When Henry Ford introduced the Model-T, His Company was worth $100'000.- and the car was selling for a staggering $850.- in 1908... when he seized production in 1927 the car was selling for $260.- and the net worth of the Ford Car Company was $700 Million. The original Segway sold for $6000.- later models with smaller motors and less range where sold for as low as $3000.- it never took off as the inventors hoped... It's all in quantity... making 10'000 in limited runs is as expensive as making 100'000 on an assembly line. The more he can sell the cheaper he will be able to sell them for.... but our market is so limited that we will never reach that numbers. Unless he can sell the unit to other Industries... look at Garret and the G-50 arm for the Assembly line Industry.... Only time will tell. Erwin
  15. My bread and butter. My set up as I fly it daily is 60 Lbs. (Rig, MDR, 2 batts, Camera, Super Speeds, one Motor, canatrans). This one was quite heavier with the Hawks, Camtec does not carry Lowmode brackets for that camera. Erwin
  16. Here is Alec Jarnagain also trying the Handsfree... The Funny thing was 15 seconds before that picture was taken, he was discussing how you need all your senses and concentration to maintain staying on the unit and not crashing... Ring, ring... Hallo?
  17. Here is me taking the plunge... without the plunge.
  18. Here is Chris Faucet demonstrating the handsfree at NAB 2008.
  19. Ulrich (http://handsfree-transporter.com/) was showing his new version of the Handsfree Transporter at NAB this year. The old version used pedals for steering left and right and different keys that would limit the speed. I was never confident enough to try it with the rig on... The new version now uses a Joystick style leaver. So basically you move/lean your hips to the right and the unit goes right, you move/lean to the left... you get the drift. Also no keys anymore, you have a Digital Stopwatch style remote control that you can hang around your neck. It controls the Handsfree, walk away to far from the unit and the Handsfree stops working, also it gives you a battery indicator etc. I was joking that they could write an application for the I-Phone and they said it could be done... At first I tried the unit without the rig and it felt a little strange, especially going backwards at what point you have to switch your thinking. Left is right and right is left... But once I added the Rig it felt somehow right. Basically, where ever you move the rig towards, the unit would go... fun. $20'000.- a piece... not so fun. One local LA rental house actually purchased the unit shown here. So there is or will be one in town shortly. Later, Erwin
  20. Anton Bauer Batteries with charger for sale... 2 Kits available Kit includes: Six (6) TrimPacs14 Anton Bauer Batteries (45 WH, or 50 WH for recelled unit) One (1) Pag Quasar 9753 2-Position Compact Battery Charger for Anton Bauer-type Batteries One (1) AC Power Cable All batteries are recent or have been recelled. $1200.- for six batts and one charger. $2400.- for twelve batts and 2 chargers. -------------------------------------------------------- Contact: Erwin 818-448-2639 Steadicam@landaucamera.com www.landaucamera.com
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