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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. About the case: Kyle Young had a case for sale. Cell: 818-795-4433 I have a Cine IIIa Superbright... but I'm sure that I will be asking more then you want to spend as it's brand new... Good Luck, Erwin
  2. Norbert, I think the last time I have seen a unit from europe that didn't have both systems (PAL/Secam) integrated, the Video 2000 system was still in use. So it's the european box, PAL AND SECAM (Standard: L - BG Country: Europe Channel 2-69). Sorry for the confusion. I have to see how much I paid for it... it's been a couple of months... Thomas, To be able to transmit and receive PAL, you need a PAL receiver. The Modulus does not need any further modification as there where no specific PAL or NTSC models made. There was only one (as they where made for export only). Sorry no that is not correct... there where 4 (If you are talking about the 3000, Video and Film, 12 and 24 volt, including the 2000 and there will be even more). But all had basically the same hardware in side. It was so all over the place that it covered the whole spectrum. You can actually receive a PAL signal (625 lines) on a NTSC (525 lines) receiver it will just be Black and White... works for me doesn't go over well with the Director though... So why would you need a NTSC chip installed? BTW: the running joke about NTSC is that it's short for: Never Twice the Same Color, actually it stands for: National Television Standards Committee. Be safe, Erwin
  3. I'm guessing that you are looking for a PAL receiver as I had to go to your profile to find out that you're from France... I have a brand new Pegasus (Basically the Hermes without the internal AA Batteries). I bought it for a show that used PAL Video cameras (Go figure). The show got canceled before we rolled a single foot. It's been sitting in my kit unused since... I didn't even get to build a power cable... have the connectors and an Antenna for it. If you're interested let me know... Erwin 818-448-2639 www.landaucamera.com
  4. Hey Sandy, Than you will be one of the first ones to use the "Baby Genesis" as they introduced it at this years NAB, Give Dan Kneece a call, he was the first to put it on his PRO... Good Luck, Erwin
  5. Also check/read the following: http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...?showtopic=6346 http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...?showtopic=3577 http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...?showtopic=1330
  6. Tim, Please change your login name to your full name... you will have realized by now, that everybody else does it. Thank you.
  7. Ops... Actually they are, look what I just found: http://www.germancarblog.com/2007/03/vw-bu...-car-again.html
  8. Hi Paul, Several years back I was looking into that one, and yes that is about 8 years or so ago: http://www.vwvortex.com/artman/publish/printer_319.shtml The Lupo, a 3 liter car from VW... it had even a magnesium steering wheel to save weight... unfortunately they secede production... because of lake of interested. It was ahead of it's time. They should try it now...
  9. Jens... we are living in California US of A... Diesel? Yeah right... Premium Unleaded... the expensive stuff. Also I changed my mind... I want one of those: 12 Cylinder, 650 bhp... and it's a Golf... Who cares that the cart and the rig doesn't fit in it... I have to sell it anyways to pay for the gas... http://www.leftlanenews.com/volkswagen-gti-w12-concept.html
  10. Palm/Treo 680 for sale: Took delivery of a new unit last week. The unit is unused and has all included accessories and more... I have the Cingular/ATT carrier. It's a GSM Phone with removable SIM cart, so you should be able to use it with any GSM network. Includes: The Palm/Treo 680 Battery AC power adapter Sync cable Car Charger Ear Buds (3) Software Manual SD- memory card (4GB) Leather Carrying case Original retail box Sold Contact: Erwin 818-448-2639 steadicam*at*landaucamera.com
  11. Lowmode Brackets for sale: All Brackets barely used or new. For pictures, new prices and infos, check: http://www.steadimoves.com/parts.html Arri 435 Low Mode Bracket Kit.................................$500.- Moviecam Compact Low Mode Bracket......................$500.- Moviecam SL Low Mode Bracket..............................$500.- Hill Pana Bracket....................................................$300.- Contact: Christoph Ivins 310-994-1033
  12. So here my first answer from my I-Phone... sitting here listening to some I-tunes and surfing the net... checking the stock and e-mails... I heard a rumor that you also can make phone calls with it... tipping goes very well. Very intuitive did not have to use the manual yet. Okay what is wired... working on that tinny 3 inch screen, when I could type it on my 30 inch... logic... beats me... but it's cool. I got mine at the Westerfield mall on Friday... they sold the last one on Saturday 10am. I actually should go to bed now, Later, Erwin
  13. Greg is out of town (Family related) for at least the next 3 weeks. So speedy is not in it right now unless it's already build and sitting on his shelf. But still call him, he is answering his Cell phone. He might have some on the shelf. Give Geoff Shotz a call (310-880-2233) he has my plate conversion and he is mainly on stage... (hint, hint). It's the fastest, 3 holes at the right position and 3 gold pins... done. Later bro... Erwin
  14. Here a plate that Greg made for Will Arnot... And a very old picture of a Gyro set up... these days I would mounty the Lower Gyro on top... Later, Erwin
  15. Hey Brooks, The XCS plates are exactly the same widths as any other Camera plate and have the same locking angle as well, so they will fit just fine. I used to own a set of Antlers, see picture. Worked just fine. Greg is making (or can make you) an adapter for the Anton Bauer Plate (for Low mode) or just add some Gold pins to a camera plate (that's what he did for me (Geoff Shotz owns mine now). Hope that helps, Erwin
  16. Thanks guys, found one... guess what color it is... Think cart... Erwin
  17. Hey Rusty, Trimpacs are NiCad Batteries and have been around for quite some time longer then the Hytrons, so they will charge just fine with your AB charger. Just one problem. GPI has modified the PRO 2 base (The Anton Bauer plates have been moved to allow the Proformers to fit on all 3 positions that was the only NiCad battery that would fit), that has only happend in the last 2 years, so yours will not have that mod. The Trimpac will only fit on the back top position (Aux position) on yours and only without the Onboard recorder mount. You can put the Trimpac on the battery position (lower back) by grinding down the screw head of the screw that holds the back 2 battery positions in place. But Caution: This mod is not condoned by GPI and if you grind down the screw to much you will not be able to fold the Battery section to fit in your case.... You can either use 2 Nicads to power the Camera but you can also use one Nicad just as a jumper for the Nickel Metal Hydride Battery... Up to you. Test it at prep and see how long that will last... the more the merrier and you will never run out of batts... That's why I run with 30 Batteries, 12 Trimpac and 18 Proformers but I never have to charge more then 8 batteries at the end of the day, including batteries for handheld monitor, receiver and work light. (... but that's just me). The weight is 2.75 lbs. for the Trimpac versus the Hytron that is: 1.9 lbs. Hope that helps. Good Luck, Erwin
  18. Yeah... or that would have been the easier approach.
  19. From the Steadicam Universal Model III, Price List, October 1, 1983: 3M000 Low Mode Cage, for the use with most portable film or video cameras and existing Steadicam. Permits versatile "low mode" Steadicam configuration. Adapts Camera Mounting Platform to support shooting camera in an image erect position. Requires 3M007 (That would be the"Robings J Bracket, by the way). Steadicam Universal Model III, Price List, October 1, 1983: $500.- Steadicam Universal Model III, Price List, October 1, 1985: $550.- Steadicam Universal Model III, Price List, January 1, 1988: $600.- Steadicam Universal Model IIIA, Price List, May 1, 1989: $625.- Steadicam Universal Model IIIA, Price List, November 1, 1990: $675.- New Serial numbers for the cage: 078-2058 Steadicam Model 3-A, Price List, September 1, 1991: $675.- Steadicam Model 3-A, Price List, January 1, 1992: $950.- Steadicam Model 3-A, Price List, June 1, 1992: $1000.- Steadicam EFP. Price List, April 1, 1996: $1000.- At that rate you have to charge your friend today $10'000.-... actually the fact that you found somebody that wants to buy it... take the Dollar and run! Hope that was at all of value... And yes. I'm bored. Erwin
  20. I have this strange notion... That when I buy something, I shouldn't have to take it apart the moment I come home and have to spend hours in the machine shop, before I can use it... Maybe it's just me, or I just grew out of it... I guess. Erwin
  21. Hi Rusty, A very long time, hope all is well with you and your loved ones.... I just did 3 weeks second unit with a 435 and a 235... on a motorcycle. About the 235... The main problem with that cameras is that it's that new that most rental houses do not own all the AKS that you would require. The steadimags are mainly mistaken for the Dolphin shaped ones or you are getting the SL cine ones which are not great mags. The body is so light that it will hugely depend on the Lens and Mag model to balance nicer. Don't lose the view finder (for weight) and if you can get the onboard battery (so far only one rental house here has them) they solve the power and weight issue. Production was actually shocked that I opted to fly the 435 on steadi versus the 235. They thought that they did me a favor by getting the smaller camera. This camera is great for handheld and that's about it... Also the DP never was comfortable running the camera faster then 40 fps and was worried about the registration because of the violent nature of our shoot. The 435 and the 435 ES are power hogs and depending on your batteries will refuse to turn over. Starting with the 435 Advanced, the camera received a slow speed up or soft start, which delays the ramping by a couple of seconds and delaying/softening the power spike. We used the 435 Xtreme which is the latest of the 435's with build in FEM (it has a build in MDR for the ARRI follow focus. It makes the camera a little motor side heavy as the FEM is added on top of the IVS 2. I'm running Trimpac's and Proformers and never had any issues, including high speed... GPI changed there battery set up from 9 Hyrton 50's to 6 Hytrons and 4 Proformers. That was until the Proformers got discontinued. Now they offer either the Hytron 50's or the Dionic 90. Dan Kneece is still running the Hytrons and according to him, he never had issues with the 435. Jim McConkey is using the Dionics and is happy with it. Unless you are running the camera continuously at 150 fps, you shouldn't have issues with fresh batteries... or just add a NiCad as the 24 Volt Jumper. A Trimpac fits your top AB plate. Maybe it's time to get a fresh set of batts. I heard rumors that Anton Bauer will have a new battery for CineGear this weekend... Let's see. Good Luck, Erwin
  22. Worth mentioning... The fact that our own Anthony Hardwick is one of the alternating Director of Photography on this Season. Enjoy.
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