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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Lightweight: I don't know where you are located...but: Make sure that you in fact are getting the LW 2. The Lightweight (1) is a completely other beast. The Lightweight II, if coming from Woodland Hills or Hollywood here in LA, comes in a separate case, including The Camera Body with a 100% video, A lightweight Mattebox, replacement boards, a Tachometer/Footage counter "box", 1 or 2 cables for the Counter Box, screws and still with 2 Steadicam 3A Camera plates... (Why??????) Make sure you get: - 8 flathead screws (if you don't already own them, keep them at the end of the shoot, because they always only send 4 and half of them are the wrong ones) that have the right pitch as they use 2 styles, one for the Arri Lowmode brackets and the ones that you want to use for the lightweight. - The Tachometer/Footage Counter Box, the AC will thank you and it's a nice peace of mind to know that you in fact are running at 24 fps. Sometimes they "forget" to put it in. - 2 cables for the Tachometer/Counter Box. It's a 8 inch Yellow cable with 4 pin Lemos on both ends. (The LW 1 uses the 10 pin Lemo Accessory port that you would use for Run/Stop). Again sometimes the "forget". - if you don't fly the primos, make sure you get the right lens reduction rings, especially when you are using the lightweight Zoom... - The plastic "lightweight" mags. You will need: - The 3 pin Lemo Power cable for power, the same that the Platinum, Gold, Panastar, etc uses. - The 10 pin hermaphrodite for Run/Stop - The 12 pin Hirose Power/Video cable for the 100% Video (Sony XC-75 Video Tab) - 0.8/32 pitch for Focus - 64 pitch for Iris - 48 pitch for Zoom Important Note: If you get the "NEW" Lightweight 2. Easy recognizable by the silver (non anodized) risers for the lowmode and the Millennium XL style IVS. It has a different Motor Cover that has an internal Video system. It will say on the Camera body: Do not use XC-75 cable, 12 Volt only. (So you only will need to run a BNC from your sled to the Camera.) You have to run a grey cable with Hirose connectors from the IVS to the XC-75. MAKE SURE YOU GET IT, the Video tab will not work without it. They only provide one so make sure you do not damage it when going into Lowmode... it will happen easily because the cable is to short and runs directly under your Camera plate... Also you have to be creative to find a place for the Counter Box as the real estate is taken up by the IVS. IF the counter is not build into the Camera, I was told that they will start doing that but have not seen one yet... It's a great camera, if not the best Sync Sound Steadicam Camera out there... Happy flying, Erwin "Panavison?... LW2 or bust" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  2. I just got invited by ARRI for a set of demonstrations in LA for the 235. June 10th at 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30, each 2 hours long. You can reserve a space by calling ARRI in Burbank (818-841-7070) Spaces Limited... The camera will debut at this years CineGear (June 11th and 12th). I was told that they are looking into Steadicam applications like Steadimags, 100% and Lowmode brackets, but nothing concrete as of now. As said, they accept the 435 Steadimags the IVS is a permanent part of the set up. You have 4 tapped screw holes for all kinds of mounting possibilites. Mostly crashcam applications and such, the tech I was talking to was not sure but thought that the Hill 435 Lowmode assembly could fit... we'll see on the 10th. The Camera is supposed to be available at the end of this year for a purchase price of less then $60'000.- (Body, viewing system and IVS) So much for the ARRI declaration that the ARRIcam's would be the last Film Cameras designed by ARRI, it seams that they are now shooting for more then 10 years of Film... Erwin "I'll take pictures." Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  3. Hi Max, Facts: - The PRO 1 Level is actually only the "indicator" part of the Level, all the electronics are build into the PRO Monitor, also that level system is analog and not digital. The Level will not work with the Masters Monitor or any other monitor for that fact. - A PRO Level will only work in conjuction with a PRO Monitor. - The PRO 1 monitor will only work with the PRO 1 Level, as the PRO 2 Monitor will work with the PRO 1 and the PRO 2 Level. - Physically mounting the PRO 1 Level on to the PRO 2 Sled would be a challage in it self, but the wireing on the PRO 2 is in such a way that you Daisy chain the PRO Monitor through the Level as the PRO 1 needs a separate input into the system wich only the PRO 1 sled provides. - At that point the cost of converting the Level to PRO 2 specs, if at all possibel, would surpass a new PRO 2 Level Indicator (~$850.-), but then again you would need a PRO 2 Monitor to make it work... As for a solution: - As said, XCS makes a very nice Level called the PDL+ (Programable Digital Level with Crosshair) I owned 2 stand alone units and now have a build in one. Price in the higher region of $2000.- (~$2700.-). It works with almost all known Monitors. And if not Greg can make the required alterrations. - As for a Frame liner, again XCS makes the Duo (Dual Frameliner) as a stand alone unit, it's the same that is build into the TB-6 Monitor. (~$2800.-) It has border brightness control, it has 8 pages of storage in a nonviatal Memory (Spelling?) even if you turn it of and come back a months later you have still the exact lines, for when you work on different shows during the week and come back to the same again just look up the right page and you are up and running. - Transvideo makes a Frameliner with 3!!! Framelines. A little more crude but also cheaper. (~$1260.-) If I'm not mistaken , they have a Centercross (Crosshair) build in as well as a memory function. XCS Phone: 1-805-531-0014 Transvideo Phone: 1-818-985-4903 Sorry, tired I hope it makes any sence.... Erwin "Off to work..." Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  4. To everbody that has send me a mail or was expecting a mail in the last 2 or 3 weeks... My server decided to erase all in comming or out going e-mails contaning Steadicam in the subject line or in the address... So apologies to everybody... Please try again, it should be fixed... Erwin"No Computer Genius" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  5. Larry, I used the RCA a couple of months back. It worked very nicely, but it had a couple of drawbacks... Very cumbersome menu to get to the recording. You had to create a new file for every new take or everything just kept piling up... Internal Battery that lasted about 4 to 5 hours max. Only AC adapter available. Problems with cold or hot days. (We shot in the Angeles Forest and the unit would literally freeze, my AC started to wear a pin to reset the unit for every take.) Needed special software for down load... I heard that they had a new version out but I haven't tried it yet. Also, I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine: "I found out that Apple has abandoned its video ipod for the time being. They believe that it won't be a big enough seller until it can also contain some kind of Tivo feature. "On demand" program recording." Bob Gorelick send me another interesting link: But I did discover this:http://www.dynamism.com/hvp20/. Check it out. Only problem is it is not available in the USA yet. Menu's in Japanese... and the like... Erwin"My Japanese Sucks" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  6. Hi Stephen, David's book was published in 1999. Serena Ferrara's book was published in 2001, I was fortunate to contribute to it a little... No, I'm talking about 3 new books that are written right now, I heard also Garrett was working on one... I guess we will see once they are published... what can take years... at the rate that some people write. Erwin Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  7. Quick update: Walter was so concerned about the developments that he send a new Hardmount and a loaner Lowprofile arm for the time being, until he figures out what was going on. Talking about Customer Service... He called me after he heard I had trouble and couldn't get in touch with him... Thanks Walter. BTW: Got a Male Socket Block from GPI, no charge. Thanks George. Screw backing out??? Never had that happen, I forget to tighten it once in a while when the 1st AD has no patiance but, backing out??? No sir. Since I installed the Low profile arm on my Vest, I haven't hit a door frame yet... Erwin" All about Customer Service" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  8. It's interesting how things come full circle... or repeat themselfs... I got a signed copy of this book (Steadicam: Una rivoluzione nel modo di fare cinema) from Garrett back in April of 2000. I contacted David Ballerini back then and got about the same answer from him about the english version... No offence but half of the book are excerts from the AOL folders, SOA board, American Cinematographer and older interviews with American Operators... (If you ever read the AOL folders and the artcles in the ASC mag, you are fairly up to speed...) So the book is already half in english.... at least most of the original script. David said that he would send me updates and expects the english version in a short time... that was 3 years ago. Also the publisher "Edizioni Falsopiano" were less then helpfull, seamed like they were not interested to sell out side the italian speaking areas... Also they refused to answer me in english, all communication was in italien and my italien sucks... so much for the open european union... I guess. Erwin" there are 3 books on Steadicam written right now" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  9. I talked to Greg about the Tilt Plate. Will not happen at that point from XCS. Tom Gleason made some in the past, that are collecting dust in verious garages... Give him a call... Erwin Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  10. Oh I forgot... DISCLAIMER!!!!!!! As the parts are interchangable between the 2 Monitors... There can be monitors that have newer or older componantes. So make sure that you have the serial Number and call George for any kind of upgrades or repairs... Anyways............ What makes a PRO 2 Monitor if the only difference is the Power Supply and some of the electronics...? Erwin Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  11. The PRO 1 and the PRO 2 Monitor differ in only 2 things from each other: The High Voltage Power Supply, with the #2 having the more modern and sophisticated version and The fuse with the external Fuse on the 1 (and the 2 having a internal thermal fuse). But: Same Housing Same Monitor Tube Same Functions Same Face Plate (External) pointers that you are looking on one or the other: PRO1: The rails on the side are smooth. Has 10 rips on the heat sink (on the back). Has a fuse receptical on the left rail beside the monitor plug. Has 3 screws on the face plate. (BTW: Will work only with the PRO 1 Level.) PRO2: The rails on the side are ripped (for your pleasure...?). Has 2 sets of 5 rips and a box on the heat sink. Has no external fuse. Has 2 screws on the face plate, even though there are 3 holes in the sticker of the face. (BTW: Will work with the PRO 1 and 2 level.) Also supposedly there were only ~50 PRO 1 monitors ever made.... with ~250 sold total, it's more likely to find a 2 then a 1... If you want to know more call George... Erwin Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  12. Using the XCS plates on other then the Ultimate was not my idea. Some Masters owners were first... Using the fat XCS plates on the Donkey Box 3 WAS my idea, after being the first to ever use the 435 and the "new" (with IVS) Panaflex LW2 in low mode with my D-Box 3 (S#009). With the well known results... If you own a shiny grey XCS plate, than that is the direct result from the machining to my plates, after measuring and testing over 50 PRO Donkey Boxes for fit... BTW: I have 2 (black) XCS plates for sale, it turned out that after the extensive machining they will fit a Donkey Box but slide on the Ultimate... Erwin"keeping the story straight" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  13. The unique power supply on my Ultimate makes it possible to use 1, 2, or 3 batteries with the same result, just that the more batteries you use the longer they last before having to switch... I usually use one Trimpac 14.4 and one Proformer 14.4 which works very well. One Proformer will turn over and run a 435 at 150 frames for about 1.5 to 2.5 mags... on my sled. I tried. But when running Gyros I used 3 Proformers in the past... The 435 has no issues up to 36 Volts but will run at, but will not start under, 24 Volts. The only issues that came up using 14.4 Volt Batteries, in the past, is that you could blow up a Moviecam (Not with the Ultimate) specially when hot of the charger, as they are 20 Volt Cameras that will run on 12 Volt (specially the SL). Some older models have no poli fuse to protect the main board and that is usually the first thing to go... If you ever get a Moviecam that has a 3 pin XLR it's almost certain that you will blow it if you use a 14.4 battery. Most of the 4 pin XLR are okay and the 2 pin Fischer ones are upgraded with ARRI boards, so can handle the same current as the 535/435 Camera. Good Luck with your battery choice... PS: Can't stand the NP style batteries. Used to work in AudioVisual and we constantly had to change them and have a ton on charge... I know that is the past but the picture stuck with me... Erwin Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  14. Missing Something? Technologies Brant Fagan phone: 1-603-826-3445 (Mind that he lives on the East Coast of the US, No Calls after 8PM local time...) e-mail: firebrand@fmis.net I believe the price was ~ $1000.- Hope that helps. Erwin "!" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  15. I used the DVX-100(A) on a couple of Music Videos... They have money for the Steadicam but no money for a Camera !?!?!?! Anyhow... I had a weight plate made (Industrial Metall Supply, $10.-) that after all mounting holes ($170.- after I mentined that I worked in the Film Industry) weight exactly 15 pounds. I added a tripod quickrelease/slider on top of it ($19.- at Samy's Camera), so that once balanced, I can remove/reattach the Camera without screwing with the balance. Also Anton Bauer makes a Goldmount with an internal downconverter called the QR-DVX ($185.-) velcro does the trick, but I'm sure you can make a nice bracket for it. A Proformer will run the Camera for almost the entire day if you don't turn of the Camera ever... Also it adds again another 2 pound of weight where I end up with a camera weight of roughly 22 pounds. Abel Cine Tech makes a slip on gear ($110.-) as Anthony said, but Century Optics makes a very nice one that actually gives you a physical stop on the Lens ($325.- at Abel). But both will give you a standard 0.8/32 pitch. To my knowledge P+S Technic does not make a PRO 35 Lens Adapter for the DVX-100. Erwin "trying the Digital thing, still not liking it" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  16. I just heard of very bad feedback from this new Follow Focus System. An operator had purchased one of the first units and had major problems to make it work with his rig, not sure if the motor didn't work or the wireless link... anyhow. He brought it in locally, to get rewired, when they opened the unit and compared it with the provided wireing diagram nothing matched... To make a long story short, he has now a very nice and expensive paper weight... Anybody has some positive feedback... I haven't heard any... Erwin "Please prove me wrong, please" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  17. Erwin Landau


    Hi Mitch, It seams that you don't use the links on my website... They are around for a couple of years now. The quality is improving (they had help from an experienced side) and it's directed to the low end DV user... It still stands with 48 manufacturers and way over 100 different models. The only good thing that came as a result of that, is that the manufacturers are listening more to the costumer and that more and faster developments and improvements are happening... And it seams that everybody is about or just has purchased a rig. Erwin "knowing way to much about that topic" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  18. Hi Job, I didn't answer that one didn't I... My post is 21 inches long/tall. The design around the Ultimate is that you fly it neutral... the only time that I came very close to the top stage with my Gimbal was with a BL-4... I had to pay my rent... my food.... a whatever I helped out a friend and he neglected to tell me the Camera before hand... Okay? Anyhow... I never find my self wanting to expand my post... most of the time I would like to be shorter. For instance with a Panaflex LW2 I'm about 6 to 7 inches away from the Top stage with the Gimbal... due to the fact that the weight at the bottom is way greater then it was with my PRO Lite. I'm contemplaiting to get a 16 inch (for regular operating) that would be telescopic... (for Low mode)... and I have a SuperPost for the Reeaaallly low ones... Rich, It has been done before... good luck keeping it up to date. I tried... But check out: http://tonytang.com/steadicam/chart.html http://tonytang.com/steadicam/chart.html Erwin "Memory works" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  19. Is it finally safe to join in or is the mud slinging still going on... Just for once I let you kids play alone and then that... Erwin "Nothing better to contribute" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  20. To get back on topic... Is the DSD/Klassen Vest Socket Block to blame for the deformation of the Arm Socket block or not... All Back Harness owner... How does your Arm Socket Block look like? Erwin "Answer my Questions, darn it" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  21. Jake, The Answer is no. Seriously now... how many stories did you hear of people actually using the quick release... how many people do you know that actually had to use it? If you have to contemplait to use it, you shouldn't be there in the first place... just my humble opinion... I only know of about a handful that actually had to use it... the most famous would be Garrett's Rhino story... I know of more stories where the operator got even in bigger trouble and got entagled more after he pulled the "Parachute" release. Or stories of accidently released Vests etc. If you check the guys that are doing it for a longer time and still are using the CP style Front Mounted Vest, you will see that most of the Quick releases are disabled... to prevent just that, that you end up with all your working gear around your hipps as the Hipp Velcro never worked to anybodies satisfaction... It was always slipping exempt when you needed it it would stick to you like a piece of lint... The 2 leading Vests the PRO and the DSD/Klassen do not have a quick release system, both could not come up with a satisfying solution... There were some experiments with explosives to separate the Socket Block from the Vest etc... But out of obvious reasons got abandend... Erwin " No, I don't need a quick release" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  22. That would be Melanie and not Kelly. And I dought that Kelly would still advertise for a compeating Company... And it looks exactly like the Prototype Arm, The grey Color let's it look "beefier"... Erwin"What the hell...???"Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  23. Hi Rob, I don't have issues with the PRO Gear Arm, I just have issues with people that take an idea and then are trying to sell it as there own... But let's leave that on the side for now... I never reach the physical limit of the Arm (Buttoming out)... Firstly, I slittly over crank the Arm and I support the rig with my Operating (Left) Hand by leaning onto the Speed rail, which results in nice bruses on my forarms... Also the Camera that I was flying was everything but heavy... Canon XL-1 with a 15 pound weight plate to make it more stable for the ride... Alec, The standard Garfield is not really a solution... just another bandade. The issues that we are confronted is that either the manufacturer of the Male (Arm) Socket or the Manufacturer of the Vest and his Female Socket is blamed for the failure. Or they blame each other.... So yes, todays work is in no way what the guys at CP had in mind or would have expected, when they designed the Socket Block 30 years ago... Everything has evolved every single part that we use today got redesigned and improved... even the Camera plates... exept for the Socket Block. Erwin "What is my point?" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  24. Jake, It sounded as if a gun went off. Then after the piece broke off, the Arm pulled out and the whole rig swung towards me, stopped by the Vest Socket that instantly took a big hit and bend as well... a couple of people hit the deck... It would have been funny if I hadn't wet my pants... I just made it to my Stand before anything bigger happend... Brad, Unfortunately I was not able to get in contact with Walter at that point as he was at NAB, also I was working... as soon as I get him on the phone I'll let you know... That is interesting... I never had the screw back out, but then again my lower screw is frozen shut and the top is always all the way in and locked... I was told by GPI that the Male Socket Block is not a part of the PRO Arm Chassis and is not covered by the life time warranty... It got finally replaced because of other findings, the part that I accidently received was an old prototype and was never supposed to leave the factory. Mix up... But I can understand that they do not warranty that part for more then 1 year. It's a high stress part that has proven to fail in the past. I know of a couple of operators that had the male Socket fail completely, Stephen Campanelli comes to mind that had his fail about 2 weeks ago... Also the Female Socket Block has failed with catastrophic consequenses... Craig Fikse's Socket on his Hardmount (Steel if I remember right) broke in 2 after a couple of takes... DeRose style Hardmount with regular Female Socket Block... Charles Papert's Arm got pulled out of the Socket while hardmounted taking a quick corner... One XL down for good and $8'000.- damage to the rig, the result.... Any one has a good Idea how and with what to replace the out dated Socket Block assembly... There should be a better way... Ideas? BTW: I'm sure one of the reasons that that never happend would be the fact that we don't want to buy new parts and especially when we upgrade to a new piece of equipment like an Arm or a Vest... right????? Erwin "Forcing the Evolution of Parts" Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  25. So they finally are building it... Way to go Garrett... I posted a picture back in January 2004, under "Arms", "Frankenstein Rig?" We tried the Prototype Arm on the Malibu Workshop back in January 2000. Worked so nice in comparison to the original Mini Arm. It proves again... who can wait, wins...??? Erwin "I have even more pictures..." Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
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