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Erwin Landau

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Everything posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Hey Charles, There were a couple of operators present... not only me... I haven't shown the pictures to any one... (...Yet! They are still in my Blackmail Box... cue in music and Voice over diabolic Laughter... "And I will never destroy them... never..." more diabolic Laughter...) Erwin"Loving Ed Wood"Landau, SOC BTW: I still remember that night... remember?: Brant (slightly drunk):"... And be careful that nobody falls into the water... Charles, seconds later (also slightly drunk): ...splash...
  2. If I'm reading right, you are looking to build your own... Try this website: http://homebuiltstabilizers.com/ If you are looking for real rigs check this one: http://www.landaucamera.com/links.htm
  3. I have a custom cart from Backstage Backstage Equipment it's based on a Magliner Junior, actually the only part still stock is the frame. (I helped design a couple of parts, including the Vest Holder, Steadiriser, noseless frame, square handle, 10" conversion, etc, which led to the develpment of the frameless cart). The guys at Backstage are very helpful and can make anything custom for you... I like to have everything close by, just in case. It fits through all standard sized doors and can reach almost all sets that I had to work on, as long as there is an elevator. For non accessable sets I still carry a stand, but I still build and balance on the cart, I don't trust the stand. Also don't like to dangle my FF handunit from the stand, it stays in my AKS case on the cart... I never had a problem to get it into locations, usually me and the Sound guys are the only carts allowed. We shot in Million Dollar mansions... I was in and on the carpet... the taco cart had to stay outside... My cart has an extra high top shelf, sits on 10" removable wheels, has an integrated Combostand riser with a Steadibumper, a short shelf for chargers, and a shelf for my DSD. Has a place for the stand and the Superpost. See picture below. Probably this time around I would start with a YAEGER & SONS SR./JR. CASE CART to facilitate shipping. Hope that helps...
  4. I got an E-mail from Jennifer Klassen concerning new Products and developments at Walter Klassen F/X. What I'm very happy and impressed to see was the new Low Profile Arm for the DSD/Klassen Backmounted Harness. http://www.walterklassen.com/steadilowprofile.htm That could be the end of damaged door frames, scrabbed wall's, etc... Check it out. I'm just confused about the new handles on the Vest, some people will miss the "carrying handle".
  5. Erwin Landau


    I found that on the SOA Classifieds: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD SPRINGS For sale (2/5/2004) Hi I have a set of gold springs in very good order .open to all offers. Contact: Louis Puli Telephone: Fax 61 398366438 Email: lpulicam@tpg.com.au ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Luck,
  6. He is flying a Panaglide???? I thought you had a Masters.... (Would put smilies here... If I would care for...)
  7. Hi James, Yes... The good ol'days are gone, and gone for good. Actually the the good old days are only the good old days, because we now know how they will and did end. Some where in the future this "bad" days today will be our good old days again and we will talk how great the Steadicam Forum used to be.... I'm not asking for the old forum back, that is done. But it would be great that the new/old guys could/would/maybe/why not act a little like the old days when there was a mutual respect going on... Some of my best friends are Operators, and some of my equipment I haven't see in months because one of them is using it and why not, as long as I don't use it, why collecting dust when it could save someones but/job/reputation, even money. I also have equipment from other operators... it's sometimes so intertwine that we have to ask each other who's is who's... and that is the great thing about Steadicam... get the job done, under all circumstances. Because at the end of the day no one of the guys that cut you your check will ask, how did you do it. They will only remember this guy pulled it off and this one didn't... But because of that, it's more important that we (Steadicam Operators) keep together and create a force against THEM... the guys that hire and fire us, the weaker we are the better they can play us against each other... and they do... I still love the Story when Chris Haarhoff and David Emmerichs were room mates and Chris would get a call for a job and would give them his rate and 5 minutes later the same Production Company would call David, and he would excuse him self and ask Chris quickly for his quote, to make sure that he wasn't lower on the quote then Chris... If we already pull each others hair on the topic of "not agreeing with each other on small not so important things" how can we stand a chance on the rest???? Make the family bigger as it grows and all will live better, as to create many enemies that will cut each others throught for a couple of bucks... it will not work. Yes the Steadicam has established it self as a part of the Production arsenal and almost every show has it or does use it once or twice a week... so why should that be a bad thing. Demand what you are worth and if all stand on the same side it will happen... oh, oh I sound like a Union Leader... scratch that. Does that make sense or am I talking out of my B*** David... just had an idea for a Guild meeting.... I'll post in in News,Events, etc... Erwin" Thank you for the peace..." Landau, SOC www.landaucamera.com
  8. I was just in contact with a student on the upcomming Malibu Classic Workshop...(Feb 29th - March 6st) and then I read David Groves post about the February Guild meeting... Do you think what I think???? Wouldn't it be great to meet up with the guys at Calamigos at one night or at day as long as that is not interfering with the Workshop, of course... I was planning to haunt them anyways during the week, is still the Vehicle day the best one to come by and say hi? Jerry is the Lead Instructor and Garrett is supposed to come by as well... If that is okay with the organizing team... Jerry Holway, Frank Rush... Calamigos.... David Allen Grove... what you guys think? Hit 2 balls with one bat? Or something like that????
  9. And of course the Prince Charles Picture, with an early model and top mounted Monitor.
  10. The Jerk... of course... forgot about that one... Thanks Charles for scanning that one...
  11. From the original Panavision Rental Brochure (1983) Check out the Hardwire Follow Focus and all in Lowmode...
  12. Ted Churchill with a PanaGlide harmounted of a 3 wheeler... good old Apple Box and Garfield mount... (~1983)
  13. Ted Churchill with the PanaGlide Hardmount (~1983)
  14. Larry McConkey with the model 1 and the 2C (~1979)
  15. It was just a matter of time... Larry McConkey (Late 80ies, maybe?)
  16. The Famous Running shot with the "Universal Model 1" (Garrett, ~1976)
  17. Found a couple Pictures of the rare PanaGlide. When I went to Panavision, while I was researching all aspects Steadicam, a while back, I was told that the PanaGlide never existed... Looks very real to me. Any stories popping up concerning the good old Glide? Any PanaGlide Operators care to share some stories, pictures? One of the latest Movies was Shot using the PanaGlide... Guessed it? The original "The Matrix" (1999) was shot in Australia with it. Watch the behind the scenes...
  18. Hi Brant, That post got away from me... Thank you for the flowers... but I'm still only scratching the surface... I was not aware that the PRO vs. Steadicam dispute had anything to do with the demiss of the SOA and not to talk about the Letters... I thought that was the Internet's fault... I got bookings from the SOA as well... and think that the SOA is a great idea... that got a bit abandaned. We got to thank the SOA and Janice Arthur for the Steadicam insurance Policy with Mr. Bennet and Walter P. Dolle. I offered my help in the past not only because they help me out when I started out, but also because I couldn't look at the hopelessly outdated Resources... I never got an answer back. I offered them an updated Resource section... by now mine is not as accurate as it was about 3 years ago... etc... Anyhow... what's my point? Don't know! Give me a call if you need help... I guess.
  19. Hi Guys, I was under the impression that we were all adults here. At least in and on our Job. As I was going through the old AOL folders, I came to realize how much the people and the tone have changed, drastically changed in the last few years. Okay all of the operators (not me, I was still listening and keeping quiet, until I had something to say or ask) knew each other, most of the time on first name basis. Also if someone had something to say even if not liked by some or most, the tone stayed zivilised and friendly... I almost have never seen/read so many apologize... Nowadays everybody goes off at each other, for what? A "bad" arm choice, a quickly written comment, a remark about money, my rig is better/nicer/cooler, etc... Aren't you guys sick and tired to read and comment on that? How many operators have to leave until this board turns into a informationn wasteland and we need a fake screen name to prevent each other from going over and slicing each others tires? The issue with the real name / screen name thingy... If you are here to discuss a zivilised topic... let's say a random topic... like... Steadicam related... you don't have a problem to share your information, at least your name and were you are from. Maybe even more specific so that we can met you and learn about you... And it's so much nicer to start a letter/topic/post with: Hi...(put name here) or Dear... (Not John, that could be miss understood)... you get me? "Feel" me? Discussions are great... disagreements are a base for discussions... talk it out with out the heavy Gun's... why the quicky insult? Relax, is not life essential. Read the post... don't answer imidiately, think about it, maybe after a while it's not worth to answer, let it blow over and by that time you want to answer it, you already forgot what pissed you off in the first place... Not every post has to be answered, some are better unanswered... exempt for crys off help should be always answered... Just my thought... maybe I'm wrong or just old fashioned... Don't know... And don't take everything so serious... have fun in life. Let me know! Erwin (If I would belive in smilies, as my daughter does, I would put a couple of them right here...) Landau, SOC
  20. Erwin Landau


    Hi Rob, I was in the assumption that the XO arm was designed and build for lighter cameras only. Am I wrong or are there two different Arms in development or construction... I tried the arm on a couple of occcasions but always with a 2C or there famous weight cage/camera and the LCD Monitor... Double Elbow...??? Are you refering to the Baer-Bel Arm, that one has the double hinge system (An original CP design that never got to production...)
  21. Here a better view of the extinct "Mastodon Trunk" arm. (Garrett's own words). The Mag was the dead give away...
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