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Dave Chameides

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Everything posted by Dave Chameides

  1. Hey Ramon, Sounds good to me. Give me a page at 323.982.6127 and we'll see what we can work out. dave
  2. Anyone know where I can get the tiny dials for my Modulus 2000? They've fallen off and I can't tell what channel I'm on (actually i can, just can't change it). Anyone? Anyone? ...doo economics? dave
  3. ....and it finally comes full circle. Well, the show from hell is finally over and I must say it had somewhat of a happy ending. Towards my last day (I left a few early) my tool box was found deep inside the video playback ops truck. I know him pretty well and believe him when he says that he had nothing to do with it getting there, so the why will remain a mystery but I got it all back and that's what's important. Thanks to everyone who offered support and help and at least we should all take from this little experience the idea to COMPLETELY inventory your widget box (I've also taken some pix of everything spread out on a white sheet just for good measure). As a parting note, a little last day nicety from the UPM from hell on the shoot from hell. As I mentioned, I had to leave early by a few days (they went over) so about two weeks prior I told the DP and the UPM and gave them both the name of someone here in LA who was good with everyone and was willing to fly out. Cut to the night before my last day and the UPM calls the 1st to ask "What are we doing regarding the steadicam operator". Long story short is he purposely dragged his feet on the whole thing long enough so he wouldn't be able to fly someone out in time. He used as an excuse that he wasn't sure if I was actually leaving or not, yet he had OK'd my travel memo three days prior. Whatever. He then proceeded to say to the 1st "Well you sort of have Dave's physique, couldn't you do the steadicam". I won't repeat what the 1st told him, at which point he said "Well what about Julio (DP), couldn't he do it if the shot wasn't too tough?" Unbelievable. The next day I went up to him to make sure that once I left, my equipment would not leave the truck and to let him know that I had locked everything up. He looked at me and said ever so innocently "Why on earth would you ever think I would try to do anything with your equipment?" To which I replied (while looking at him straight in the eyes) "Well, I wouldn't want anyone on the show like Trey or Julio, or anyone with my general physique to think that they could strap the gear on and try to do a shot so I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page". All the blood (and the stupid smile) drained straight away from his face, he quietly said I had nothing to worry about, and walked away. So there you have it boys and girls. Don't think they think your anything more than a warm body cuz they don't. Now to work on my anger management issues. Thanks again for all your words. Dave
  4. Hey All, Thanks for all the kind words. Not looking forward to being in this process anymore as it already bites. I did an inventory list of the things that I had on my insurance list and it added up to $6000. Even if they cover that (which they won't) I'll still take it in the shorts with all the little doodads that i know I've missed. Such is life. Unfortunately when I told the UPM about this, his immediate response was "How do i know you had it on the show". When I finally proved to him that I had it on the show, he said "How do I know what was in it?". I explained that on the second day of the show, when he rather rudely pointed out to me that they hadn't gotten my equipment list and they wouldn't pay me rental until he had it, I had sent it along to his office (actually resent it as I had already sent it once-but who's counting). So i assumed that after I got my first rental check he had received the list. He now says that he never received it, but has no explanation why I'm still getting rental when they have no equipment list. Add this on top of having one of the most incompetent, highly abusive directors I have ever worked with, and you've got a great show. Not to worry though, I found a local shirt in Maryland that says "Don't Yell At Me" in large letters and have been wearing it on set. Seems to have embarrased him enough into treating us at least civilly(sp?). Shirts will be available to all other ops as soon as I get abck. Adios. dave P.S. Doctor Proteus was a luddite in Vonneguts "Player Piano" who destroys all the computers.
  5. Hey All, Wasn't sure where to put this so here it is. Just had my toolbox stolen off the show I'm on and I'm beginning to try to fathom what was even in there. Note to anyone who hasn't done it already, do a COMPLETE inventory of your widget/gadget case before it's too late. Anyhoo, one of the things I had was a JAR optic/Watech video eyepece tap (can't even remember the last time I used it). While I don't know that I'll replace it, I need to know what I can replace it with for insurance reasons. Anyone have any idea what the modern day off the shelf equivalant of an ARRI eyepiece tap would be and whene I can get one? On another note, I had a Nebtek 5" LCD monitor as my backup. Anyone got any good suggestions as to what to replace it with? thanks dave
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