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Jon Beattie

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Everything posted by Jon Beattie

  1. contact Mike O'sea. I just got a 20lbs cage from him. really well made and modular. his email is osheajr@aol.com. his website says he is out of stock www.filmotion.com but when i emailed him he said he had units. His prices are reasonale and his quality was top notch. and he shipped it fast.
  2. I am in the market for a follow focus system. Looking for a bartech with the trimings. contact me on the forum or send me a regular email. beatts35@yahoo.com
  3. it looks like a bartech and m-one. if they aren't reselling jim's unit it must be cloaned by the same guys in China cloaning steadi's and klassen vests. nice price.
  4. It is disapointing that they won't offer a diesel version in the States. Ideally I'd like to see an AWD version in either a hybrid, turbo diesel or some combo there of. Looks like a good size otherwise. Its sad how such a weak engine is still barely breaking the 20mpg maker. I'm also a bit warry of any vehicle I may not be able to regisiter as a private vehicle. Commerical insurance is cheap, but I like my parkways. I'll stick with my Subaru for now.
  5. I had placed an order for a marell DL-ADV w/built in video amp and 2 video outputs. This order was placed at the end of November through a reseller. They have delayed and delayed sitiing everything from taking a week off for Christmas to having issues with their supplier (marell saying the company they get componets from is delayed). And keep promising it will ship "Next Week". My reseller has CC'd me on the emails. I haven't sat in on a 3 way call yet (may be difficult since i'm in NY, Seller is Switzerland and Marell in UK). In the past I've read nothing but good things about both Marell's service and products. But I am now wary. Which is why I am bringing it to the forum. If its going to take them more then 8 weeks to even produce and ship a product what happens if i need serivice in the future? How long are they going to make me wait and put my rig out of service for? (I'm purchasing my first rig now, taking my workshop in May!) Ok so it brings me to this. I am thinking of swithing over to the Transvideo frameline and digi level. Which would mean I have to get a seperate video distro and amp. The out of pocket will be more given using multiple units and the additional cables needed. So what are your thoughts on the Marell units you've used and the Transvideo? How has it been to deal with each company? Jon "confused frustrated and .. thinking of getting a Hummingbird" Beattie
  6. The HD sound is just when it starts to spin, very quiet. I got it for $100 bucks because i was given $300- in amazon gift card. so i figured why not
  7. I went up with and archos 605. I like the unit alot. I have the 160gb its heavier than the flash 605's. But I paid less than $100- new. I took the 605 over the 505 or the 405(4) because of the screen. I like having the option of watching shots back on its larger screen. Its all about choose and preferance. If you want to save weight and don't want the larger playback, go with a smaller unit. when it comes to flash media vs hd. flash weighs less and may be able to take to bumps better. The hd does have a very low hum. Like i said i took mine based on the price i paid. I really like it. And though i try not to, there are plenty of extra's i keep on it for long rights or the quick email check.
  8. "Some controllers seem to uncontrollably drift or creep, no matter how much tinkering you do with the potentiometer." Tomas and Jason, Well everyone that is having this problem with drifting lenses, I have had extensive conversations with Canon regarding the drifting, Fuji doesn't seem to have this problem, and Just last week they called me telling me they may have a reason and a solution, one that I can't post yet but if it is indeed the problem that they are diagnosing then all of you will be the first to hear about it once I become the tester for the solution. Just wanted to see if you've gotten anyfurther with the drifting issue w/canon yet?
  9. looking for a weight cage (20-25lbs) Bartech wireless focus system w/m-one motor and accs video transmitter and video receiver system 6.5" or 8.4" daybright monitor I'm purchasing a rig and still need a few items to complete what i'll need to get going.
  10. I was on reduser.net they have a thread going about this subjet too. one of the guys posted a link to this company http://www.liposack.com/ they make fire proof bags to put lith batteries and chargers in. Pricing is actaully really good considering what they stand to save. They gear their products to model rc stuff. But for charging and transport, or anytime a battery is not on your rig it may be well worth it.
  11. Checked it out with my iphone. Site works as it should. All the "quicktime" videos i viewed work fine. The Avi's and Flash don't (as expeted) i guess one would have to use a third party ap to view them. I haven't gotten that fancy yet. Of course their are always those aps out there that will convert your source files (flash, avi) to another format. Thanks again for all your efforts Afton, great resource. Jon "part of my next check will be donated" Beattie
  12. in reading the articles that are out there. including the .gov regets they've made limits on the watthr's of the batteries you can carry as "extra." I've seen some article which say as long as the extra batteries ar in a plastic bag and within the regulated watt hr its ok. the thing is this as long as the batteries are in a device of use you can have them no problem. the charger probably won't jive. But i wonder it someone makes a simple electroic game or tool with vmount or ab mounts you can get away with having 6 oversized tetris games on you carry on.
  13. 2.4 and 5.8 can both carry very good video quality. Thay can have good range. they don't usually have a frame delay. The issue with both is they are extremely directional. And they both are not very good at going through walls of anykind. Though the picture quality isn't always as crisp for the best results in range line of sight and with objects in the way and while moving around. the best is UHF and VHF. 14yrs as a HAM (KF2MY) I can say that UHF/VHF are far better match for Steadicam.
  14. Unless your on a beach there aren't to many productions that your going to get away with going barefoot. But the next best thie might be the japanese tabi boots (ninja boots). http://asianideas.com/japanesetabi.html you could probably get away with wearing them an almost anyth set and should give all the benefit of going bare with better traction.
  15. Having a thicker guage wire running through your post will help with the drop off. Even with having to step it down for the lemo connectors. Wouldn't you have to say that the more power hungry cameras are an issue because of the voltage draw they have? A thicker gauge wire is a key piece to the puzzle giving your batteries a break. But isn't a voltage amp at the top stage worth considering? Marell makes a 24v-30v amplifier http://www.marell.co.uk/converters/PC-2430/ . Amplifying your voltage will still make your batteries run out quicker, but it should help with cutting down on camera going down.
  16. Thanks Jaron, I know about the tsa restrictions on lith's. The 4 battery package for the 90's with charger is $1400- and the 150's are $1900. I figure if i'm going to go this way might as well be the larger unit battery they'll last longer (each day and over time, even on a larger load). The Endura 10's i've found for 2180 for 4 plus charger (ggvideo). But i think to start out the 150's are a pretty good deal. And if i'm lucky enough to fly in the first year i can ship or have production rent batteries.
  17. I've been shopping around for batteries to start out. After looking and reading all that I can Lith's seem the way to go. I've decided to go v-mount. And eventually go down the powercube road one day. Now I'm not going to go out and get them to start. I was actually looking at the IDX Endura 10 batteries. Spec wise they look like great batteries and IDX is well IDX. The endura 10 units are great cause you can piggy back a second battery onto it. So if you need to pull more juice you can or if you need extra weight you can just throw one on. In looking around I figure for my first year or so I really won't have to worry about that so much. Switching from G&E to steadi shooters and producers aren't going to be jumping to give me the jobs with the good toys. So I'm thinking about starting out with the batteries4broadcast 150w units. I've spoken with some AC freinds of mine and they didn't have anything bad to say about them. I figured with the weight (2lbs8oz) And the watts they carry (I was lookinga the the 150w) it may be a good economic way to start. Just wanted to know if anyone has ever delt with the company and can give any insight. Most battery cells are made by the same companies. So i guess alot comes down to price, customer service, and circuitry. http://www.batteries4broadcast.com
  18. ok so a heavier battery will alough me to run the rig shorter. Thats something that will weigh into my choose. Being 6'4" a shorter setup will be better for running and tracking all those tiny meat puppets.
  19. this is less a question about which battery system people prefer. I've read many of those topics. This is more a question about the weight of batteries. I've been looking at AB hyrtons 120/140's. They seem to be a good choose that lot of people like. and I've looked at mixing steadicam powercubes and idx e10 batteries. as far as batteries go they both seem to be able to handle just about any load you may put on them. I know the temp issues both can have and the capacity lose each can have based on their type. I just look at the difference in weight. the AB's weigh 4.5-5.5lbs each. the powercubes/e10's weigh 1.7-2lbs. so running 3 powercubes is 6lbs and 3 hytrons is 15lbs. its a given the powercubes will be less stressful on the op. But when it comes to balancing and inertia this is where the biggest difference may come out. the heavier battery may be more stable but slower to maneuver. and the opposite with the lighter batteries. So after getting through all that. is it an issue for balancing heavier cameras with lighter batteries (ie a decked out 435 or one of the monster hd's)? i'm sure there has to be some personal preference with how each makes the rig feel. I'm leaning more toward the powercubes and the e10's. Thoughts?
  20. Mark gave a very good example on financing a rig. Another way you can come up with a down payment, but keep the money for yourself and pay super low interest is a collateral loan. The way a collateral loan would work is you take your down payment. Put it into a CD (pick a term of anything from 3months to 10years) then the bank will allow you to borrow 95% of those funds. They then charge you 3% over whatever the CD earns for the loan. IE if you have $35000 dollars 95% 35k= 33,250 if the CD rate is 4% the bank will charge you 7% (4%CD+3%bank interest). This way you can take a really long term keeping your payment down. And you only pay a bank 3% because you are making the interest on the CD. You can always pay it off sooner to get your money back. And in the end you still have all that cash you laid out and basically just paid yourself back. Then you can just take out a loan for the remainder of what your rig will cost.
  21. Alec, Exactly. I was looking to find out about the upper juntion box. video/poer and camera power. I'm in the marked for a rig and if i don't go with a used package I have actually spoken with Brian from actioncam several times and may get a rig from him. He said he could wire the zero-g up like a PRO I just needed to give him the lay out. Its funny Alec, we have actaully worked on a few shows togther. I gaffed a short dir by Carll Ford that you did some steadi work on. And I keyed a number of shows that Manfred shot you flew on too. Doubt you remeber they were a year or 2 ago.
  22. Wanted to see if anyone would be able to help me out with what the pin setup or the power connector used by Pro is? I'm pretty sure it?s its own proprietary connector. I am probably going to be getting a rig other than the Pro, but would like to have all the power connectors be Pro. It'll make it allot easier to get and use other components.
  23. Just signed up for the SOA workshop in PA. Workshop is in late May. If anyone is in the Tri state area and wanted to catch a ride. I'll be driving from Long Island. I haven't priced out a room yet but I'm not apposed to the idea of sharing a room.
  24. Though Chevy stopped making them in '05. Their are plenty around in all sorts of options. But Aside from an SUV or a Wagon. I would look at the Chevy Astro van. They made a v6 AWD version and you can get them in commerical versions, with limited windows and cages.
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