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Justin Browne

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Everything posted by Justin Browne

  1. 2" tall gimbal wrap grip for 1.5 post. $50 OBO Email me at jbsteadicam@gmail.com
  2. Preston HU3 Batts. (Never used - Still in package, brand new from Preston) $25 per or $40 both. Email me if interested at jbsteadicam@gmail.com
  3. Old PRO style monitor arm. $200 OBO Email me at jbsteadicam@gmail.com if interested.
  4. Its time for spring cleaning.... in January PRO Socket block. $700 Shipping not included. Emil me at jbsteadicam@gmail.com if interested
  5. (1) Preston MDR power cable. 16" #4469 - 3 pin Lemo power cable. New price $150 Asking $100 SOLD. Thanks
  6. Im selling the following items. All Brand New Items. (1) Preston MDR power cable. 16" #4469 - 3 pin Lemo power cable. New price $150 Asking $100 (1) Preston MDR power cable. 8' #4461 - 12V 4 pin XLR power cable. New price $120 Asking $90 (2) FIZ HU3 Li-ion batteries.... still in package never been used. $35 each $60 both Shipping not included Thanks Justin
  7. Looking to piece together a complete Preston 3. Looking for motors, MDR, HU3 etc. Wishful thinking I know... but might as well give it a shot.
  8. I looking for a complete Preston 3. Thanks!
  9. Does anyone have an Archos 504 charger I could borrow for a few days? I have not used my Archos in a very long time and the battery is DEAD. The only charging method I have is a USB cable which is very unrealiable. I just want to make sure it still works. Thanks.
  10. If anyone wants to see a great film go see Mesrine. Does anyone know who the Steadicam op was?
  11. Does George always fly the antlers? Just wondering... doesnt look too windy.
  12. I have 3 HU2 for Sale. Asking price $3900 OBO 2 Batteries, Fast Chargers, Transmitter, and DMF cable included.
  13. Looking for an XCS Ergo Handle.
  14. One other thing if your still skeptical. The other day I went to La Fitness to see if I could put my membership on hold until the end of the program. While I was there I was curious to see how the results would translate into a "real gym" environment. So I went to my old friend the bench press. I pressed 20 lbs more than I did 2 months earlier and I have not lifted a weight over 45 lbs in 2 months.
  15. You DO NOT need to buy any of the recovery drinks, specialized shakes, etc to get good results. A good weigh protein which you can get anywhere, a banana/blueberries/etc, and skim milk in a blender is basically what you are paying for. The P90x programs makes its money off the additional supplements, bars, etc not the program itself. As a result they are expensive and I can see how they would get pricey if you bought them all. My roommate and I started the program 7 weeks ago. He purchased all the p90x supplements, recovery drink, bars etc, and I did not and the results are the same. Protein is more expensive than carbs but just be smart about your purchasing habits. I would recommend Trader Joes if you have one by you. My food budget since I started has actually gone down. Why? Because I stopped buying the pre-made/frozen meals that are easy to make but expensive because of the convienence factor and on the whole much less healthy. Ok...enough about the food budget. With regards to Williams question about the workouts themselves I can only talk from experience. I used to be a LA Fitness gym rat. Weights 4 days a week and cardio 1-2 depending upon the week. I would go to the gym just to go. By that I mean it was a mental thing. I would feel better just because I went when in actuality my workouts were a joke "going through the motions" My workout partner moved to Long Beach so I never had anyone pushing me. As a result I plateaued for 2 yrs!!! The great thing about p90x is that it never lets you plateau. Bottom line is that you will look great and feel great. My stamina and strength when in the rig has gone up more than I could have possibly imagined. Some of the workouts are more muscle intensive and others are more cardio but no matter what one you are doing you will be sweating big time. The worst p90x workout I have had since I began is better than the best La Fitness workout I have had in 2 years. Its no joke. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to be 100% committed. Because the workouts are not easy and often times very difficult, especially at the beginning, it could be very easy to become discouraged. However once you start to see and feel the results it becomes a lot easier.
  16. Hi all, I recently started a intensive workout program called P90X. It is an at home workout program which is a cross between weights, cardio, yoga, core, and plyometrics. The workouts are 6o mins long and NOT easy by any means but doable at the same time . I would highly recommend it. Since I began my strengh and stamina have improved 10 fold and I'm not even half way through. It has really helped my operating in all areas from controlling the rig to the fatigue factor. If you are interested just google p90x and a ton of stuff will show up. I PROMISE you that you will be happy with the results and you will feel better when you are operating and when you are not.
  17. I am selling 3 Preston Hand Unit 2's. They are in great condition. Each comes with a fast charger, 2 or 3 batteries (although some might need replacing), and the first 2 sold will also have a digital zoom cable. I am asking $4000 for each but there is room to negotiate. jbsteadicam@gmail.com 323-898-9986
  18. There is a rookie operator in LA that is taking all the jobs. I cant figure out why but I have attached is a picture of them in case you run into them.
  19. Is this the Paradise FX rig to which you speak? It seems small and at 18lbs it is lightweight That is the old Paradise FX rig which was designed to be able to fit inside the MKV-AR. The new one is a little bit different. It has two MDR's on the bottom which control IO and Convergence but its roughly the same size and shape.
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