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Jess Haas SOC

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Everything posted by Jess Haas SOC

  1. As the operator if you arent paid then you own the copyright to the image. Doesnt help much with projects that dont go anywhere but if they are selling the material to anyone else you can contact the buyer and inform them that you are the actual copyright owner of the image and that they can not legally use it until you are paid. -Jess
  2. So you've been drinking the good stuff in the back alley with Ron and BJ?
  3. Just for the record film cameras require less not more power than the crazy HD beasts we all have been dealing with lately. The only time they will give you any grief is with high speed work, but unlike the HD cameras that power draw is only while rolling.
  4. 8 months ago i got hit by a car while riding my bike. An SUV bumper to the thigh/hip and flying to the ground really sucks. My dumbass only took a day off the feature I was operating on before going back to work. Despite the limp and the pain I could still do basic Steadicam stuff just fine. In the end took me a good 6 months to "fully" heal from the accident.
  5. Just emailed you the pictures in case you want to start marketing your rickshaw as a stroller accessory.
  6. How is the latency on the cube these days? ~Jess
  7. As far as safety goes I would say that a glidecam with a 7D is a completely different beast than a full sized steadicam rig with a full sized camera. That said, doing anything like skating while distracted while shooting is not a good idea unless the skating part is already so second nature to you that it is no more difficult than walking. If you have to ask which type of skates are best then I would say that is not the case and you probably shouldn't be doing it. ~Jess p.s. I personally am comfortable on aggressive inline skates which have a very low stable base making them good for things like this IF you are so comfortable with them that it becomes second nature.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnqF-g7s-c
  9. Yeah it took me a whole day of almost falling over repeatedly to stop pushing it in unsafe positions. Now i try to drill into all of my ACs heads that they should always keep the sled towards them and one leg forward while rolling. I did have one AC trip with it and take the sled to the ground. He caught it just in time and there was no damage but you should have seen the look on his face :-) I have both kinds of wheels and use them for different things. the 8" backstage are great outside or on a roomy stage but take up a lot of room inside and don't fit through doors well. They add a big footprint and a good amount of mass at the base which helps to keep the stand stable. The ones American sells take up a lot less space and lock solid but are really only good on a smooth floor and don't handle any sort of bump well. I use them in some tight spaces and when traveling since they are lighter and smaller. American recently redid their Steadicam stands with a wider base so im not sure how well either set of wheels fits anymore. Does anyone know if the new stands are stable when locked in a position to give the right angle for the wheels? The new paint that they are using is a huge improvement over the old powdercoating. -Jess
  10. While I agree with Janice rewiring for hd-sdi doesnt have to require a huge investment. For my sled(not a provid) instead of replacing the whole coiled cable i added a thin hdsdi compatible bnc inside the post and taped it to the coil. I soldered it to the existing top and bottom stage BNCs and used bnc connectors on the cable (male on one end, female on the other) to allow disasembly of the sled. As far as the monitor goes you probably want to add a battery plate to it or somewhere else on the front bottom of the post in order to bring the weight closer to that of the CRT. -Jess
  11. Younger and sober. For some reason silly California wont allow newborns in bars. Thanks everyone for all the well wishes. I am truely loving being a father, and couldn't feel more blessed at how healthy and great he is and for having a little time off to get to spend with him. Although might be time to start lining some work up unless someone can convince my wife that she should support us all by herself :-) -Jess
  12. Milo Ansel Clearway Haas was born August 2nd at 1:20pm. 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 20 inches long. I am already loving being a father, even though he has already pooped on me, peed on me and flicked me off. Somehow everything he does is cute. He is pure muscle and super coordinated and smart for a newborn. He should make a great operator someday if he doesn't get his act together and find a real job :-) ~Jess
  13. But I thought lisigav was also a world class disinfectant?
  14. For 12v i fly 3 batteries in parallel for everything and have never had a problem or a need for isolated power. you could even parallel all 4 of your batteries if you wanted. diodes are the key to good results when paralleling batteries. -Jess
  15. My 2000 just fried so looking for a 3000 to replace it with. Anyone have one they are looking to sell? Thanks, Jess
  16. i have 4 working digital trimpacs and 2 additional in need of recelling(I can have this done). i also have some chargers I coluld sell with them. If anyone is interested I can send pictures and more info. -Jess
  17. I have used mint off and on but it is rather flakey and not very flexible. I havve gone months where it wouldnt log in to some of my accounts before they fixed the problem only to have it creep up again later. Still a useful tool at times but it can be frustrating. I try to keep the minimal amount of insurance I can while still being able to squeek by after something major happens. I feel that I will be better off if something happens if I have my debt paid off and money in savings so I try to put money there instead. Wish I could spend even less on insurance than I do but its already rather bare bones. Anyone have disability insurance? It is one area where we seem to be particularly vulnerable. -Jess
  18. A great book on the subject of budgeting your personal finances is All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren (http://www.powells.com/biblio/7-9780743269889-0). It has helped my wife and I sort out how much of our paychecks should be going to what, etc... Of course our finances aren't nearly as simple as the target audience, but it is a good basis for how to handle things. ~Jess
  19. Just wanted to say thanks for the First Entertainment recommendations. I read this thread a while back and my wife and I just opened up new joint and individual accounts with them. They seem great and their interest rates are significantly better than the big corporate banks and they seem to have a lot fewer fees. ~Jess
  20. i was actually hoping it would get stickied.... -Jess
  21. The only time i have sen anything similar was with low battery power. How are you powering the monitor? -Jess
  22. A simpler solution may be a case with wheels. I refoamed my sled case a little while back to fit most of my accessories. It has wheels so when traveling I use a strap to hang my battery/accessory case from it, set my stand on top of it and carry my vest and arm in a backpack and I am able to move it all around in one go. -Jess
  23. i have nothing against Jerry and have no expectations of him violating his NDA. Its just that his statement seems to perfectly illustrate why I choose to not buy Tiffen products. The non modular nature, refusal to sell individual parts and general proprietary nature of their business model just doesnt really fit with the way I like to do business. They have every right to do business the way they do, I just prefer a more open model. -Jess
  24. This attitude is exactly why I have zero desire to buy tiffen products. -Jess
  25. Lighten up Francis, last time I check modulus and canatrans transmitters are'nt FCC approved and no one is breathing down their necks Actually the FCC has been harassing people who sell and service them in the US. Just ask Terry West. Im not saying to abandon the project, just pointing out that there are legal concerns with starting a business over a non FCC approved device. Routers with mmcx, etc connectors are approved for use with external antennas. A device without connectors is not. The FCC considers higher gain antennas to be adding to the power output. That being said your modded device is most likely still within the specs for the band, so you might not get too much flac, but modding a device in this way defiitely is not considered legal. All that said im glad your experimenting with this and if theres anything i can do to help let me know. -Jess
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