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Jess Haas SOC

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Everything posted by Jess Haas SOC

  1. When you soldered the pigtails to the antennas was there a place to solder the shield? if not the pigtail would be acting as part of the antenna screwing up the tuning. Sounds like your mod voided the FCC approval for the device so I wouldnt plan on selling them unless you want the FCC breathing down your neck. -Jess
  2. I would love to help out but am busy until mid june. If it happens after that I can bring some ham radio and wifi gear to see how well the systems handle some not so friendly interference. -Jess
  3. The manual for the 2700 series chargers is on anton bauers website.
  4. I was on a shoot with the Alexa recently where something similar was happening. When we would get towards the end of a roll it would say codec error and say to reboot the camera. Whenever it happened we would reboot the camera and switch cards. It wouldn't happen again until we got towards the end of a roll. Didn't always happen though. Kind of felt like the codec errors the red will sometimes get where high contrast and lots of movement in the frame contributes to it happening. ~Jess
  5. Feature wise the Pro gimbal has the whole drop time adjustment thing. Personally seems completely unnecessary. Does anyone find it useful? Also of course the XCS works with 2", 1.58" and 1.5" posts while Pro and tiffen are only single size. As far as centering goes it seems to be just different design concepts. One camp will argue that if you machine a gimbal to high enough precision there should be no need for adjustment. The other will say that as things wear and get knocked around you may need the ability to recenter it. Making it to a lower precision with a mechanism of manually centering it is probably a cheaper proposition. Personally I prefer the non centerable approach. ~Jess
  6. Dont have it in front of me at the moment but i believe those pictures are a little outdated and one side lof it now actually has two screw holes and the other side has a set screw in addition to the screw hole. Still probably not perfect but it is a nice solid quick release that could be useful with some custom plates and maybe some slight modification. -Jess
  7. With a bit more experience you may be able to get good results from that first shot but I would say that your experience really shows the advantages of using the right tool for the job. Steadicam is great for Steadicam shots but often for the sake of time and money we are also asked to do what would be simple dolly shots but happen to be rather difficult steadicam shots (long lenses, lock offs, slow moves, etc). Most of the time these shots arent a problem but every once in a while I find a DP or director who seems to not understand that a steadicam just isnt able to achieve the same level of precision on some shots as a dolly. -Jess
  8. Check out the 16x9 cinelocks. the connection is rock solid, smaller,cheaper and less likely to be accidently released. Never used them for gyros but I would think that they would be a better place to start. -Jess
  9. You make sure only crew members that wear the size of shirt you have left are hired of course. Or include a tube of lisigav when you give the small to a guy named tiny....
  10. Both the generation 4 and gen 5 will work with the dvr travel adapter to record. The gen4 has seperate input and ouput connectors while the gen5 uses the same connector for both so you cant wire them independantly. Within each generation there are different size screens to choose from. I have a 404 (gen4, 4inch) -Jess
  11. I have an Alexa shoot this weekend and I am looking for one of Matthias' camera mounting brackets in the LA area. Anyone have one they could hook me up with? Thanks, Jess
  12. Pentax used to make 3D adapter for their still cameras that was just a series of mirrors to position both eyes on one frame. Think i also saw an old russian system that used a similar concept once. Hope the idea catches on before 3D sends some of us to an early grave. -Jess
  13. Today when i plugged in one of my chargers(Anton Bauer lifesaver dual charger) there was some very intense arcing going on inside the case and it looked like something was burning. Luckily when i unplugged it the burning stopped. I opened up the case and one end of two resistors was scorched. no sign of any foreign material or anything else that would have caused the problem. Anyone ever have anything similar happen? ironically i just purchased a new charger two days ago but i was definitely not expecting this one to go bad on me. -Jess
  14. So what I heard about you and Ron working for free cases of lisigav and lap dances at Jumbo's isn't true?
  15. WP Dolle seems to be the way to go. Great insurance and great service. i think you will find they are who most people on here use. i also recently purchased some event insurance from them and am applying for a life insurance policy and their prices are the lowest i have found. -Jess
  16. Although anyone who designs a fuse that costs that much to replace is an idiot....
  17. I have been using these: http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/STPS60L30CW/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMuIUjt4yeP9c4vDnG6dExKEkEDEfs9dBHE= They are in stock and work great. They are basically an even higher rated version of what Jens is using. They are way overkill(30Amp) but I was looking for as small of a voltage drop as possible and they fit the bill. Still small enough to fit in a battery plate. ~Jess
  18. what kind of plastic is this and how does it handle sharpie? -Jess
  19. Looks like they are taking the badge scanning at this one to a whole new level: Radio frequency identification (RFID) Radio frequency identification (RFID) badge scanning technology will be utilized at the NAB Show in order to better understand attendee interests and preferences. The information collected will be used to improve future events to better address your preferences. No personal information is stored in the RFID badge, only an ID number. We encourage all participants take part in this process to ensure the most accurate data is obtained. However, if you choose to opt out of this exciting new program, please either call the official NAB Show RFID partner, Alliance Tech, at 1-877-734-3669 or simply bring your badge on site to Assisted Registration to have your badge reproduced without the RFID tag. Should you have any additional questions about RFID, please contact Alliance Tech at 1-877-734-3669.
  20. how far forward do you have your monitor adjusted? i find that Don Juan works best when the monitor is not too far from the sled. You should be able to look more sideways than back to look at your monitor allowing you to keep where your feet are going in your peripheral vision. i have played with mounting the camera backwards but it never felt very natural even with flipping the image. -Jess
  21. I have a cheapo vda I can loan you if you want to mess with that. ~Jess
  22. Price looks about right but whoever edited that video together watched a bit too much MTV as a child....
  23. How do you have your video lines wired? Have you tried going directly form red to decimator to modulus leaving the sled and monitor out of the equation? Tried changing channels on the modulus? Sounds like distortion I have seen when either two signals are being fed to a device or when there is another signal interfering with a wireless signal. Also have you checked to make sure the decimator is set to NTSC? (I am sure the answer is yes but just thought I would throw it out there) If you can scrounge up a red body and want to swing by my place sometime in the next few days with your gear I can help you try to work it out. ~Jess
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