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Jess Haas SOC

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Everything posted by Jess Haas SOC

  1. This is definitely from the SOA site as it was sent to the email that I use only for that. No hacking required as our emails are very easily scraped from the site. I am actually surprised that it took this long for something like this to happen. I don't really see it as a problem with the site though. It is just a good reminder that you should have some sort of disposable email address system for such sites. If you own your own domain you can set it up as a catch all so that any address@your domain will go to you meaning you can easily make up new ones for everything. Then if you start getting spam at one you know where it came from and can easily filter it. Another way of doing this is to use myemail+site@domain. With most email setups your email will go to myemail@domain but you can use the +site to identify and filter it. ~Jess
  2. I believe it is made and sold by backstage: http://www.backstageweb.com
  3. Anyone know what the torque spec is? Since the motor is so short do you find that you need to use a dog bone most of the time? With the 28 I find I never really need to but it is a much longer motor.
  4. Woops. Ours is a M26VE not the 21. Still nice and small and suprisingly powerful.
  5. Looking for a Camos directors monitor with an Anton Bauer plate and handles. ~ Jess
  6. Looking for a good price on a Modulus 3000. Anyone selling? -Jess
  7. Aluminum is conductive as well so that alone doesn't say much.
  8. Congrats on the promotion! Best of luck on all future endeavors. ~Jess
  9. If you want to go with a plain old c-stand I've got one in LA I can sell ya. -Jess
  10. Depending on your browser if it is encrypted there should be some sort of lock icon. Also the address will usually show up as https:// Unfortunately a lot of sites don't support encryption or only use it if you manually enable it. Facebook recently announced that they are going to allow you to create a setting to force using encryption. People have been bugging them about this for a while but it wasn't until the founder of facebook had is own account hacked that they decided to actually do it... A good way to secure your connections is to use the HTTPS Everywhere plugin for firefox (https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/) It turns on encryption for a number of major websites. ~Jess
  11. It should give you Hd-SDI and SD composite at the same time but I don't believe that you can get component and HD-SDI at the same time. -Jess
  12. Just curious what happened with your vest? I'm currently using an unpadded backpack for mine and can even take it carry-on on airplanes if I remove the socketblock. I would also like to get something padded but don't really want to lose the ability to do that. -Jess
  13. Is the video archived anywhere for those of us who werent able to make it or watch? ~Jess
  14. Haha. ive used that for "repairs" but im not sure about entire parts :-)
  15. Great looking mod. I'm planning on doing a similar upgrade to my sled at some point although its not a masters. What do you want for one of your boxes? (will probably make my own but am curious). I also have a number of parts on my sled that I keep meaning to anodize but since they work fine as is I never really get around to. ~Jess
  16. Also make sure that on sites such as this you use a password that you don't use for anything else. Many forums such as this one don't use any encryption. That means that when you login your password is sent in clear text across the network so anyone anywhere along the path who wants to can see it. This most often happens when using wireless Internet, especially at coffee shops as it is very easy for someone to easdrop. If your password happens to be the same as your. Email or your bank account the attacker can gain access to them as well. This problem can be fixed by enabling ssl(https) at the server but few administrators bother. -Jess
  17. I have toyed with the same idea. There are three wheeled bikes that are used a lot in Mexico tha have 2 wheels and a cargo area in the front. I can't really think of any situations where an ATV wouldn't be a better option. The only real advantage would be if you could break it down enough and it was cheap enouh to always have in your kit for those times when you didn't think to order or couldn't justify the ATV. -Jess
  18. You just run two 12volt batteries in series to make 24volts. So you connect the positive of one to the negative of the other. For 12 volt accessories you can tap a single battery by going from the center of the two batteries for a 12v positive or you can use a separate battery. Wiring a switch of course adds a little more complexity. Don't have a diagram handy so I doubt that made too much sense. ~Jess
  19. Just make sure you have somethin proving you purchased it in the US just in case. I wouldn't expect a problem but having atleast a copy of the receipt when going in and out of the country is a good idea. Although I wouldn't be in a hurry to show it to anyone when entering another country as I wouldn't want them to know how much it's actually worth. -Jess
  20. So I guess that means no giving rides to actors or ADs?
  21. If for whatever reason you absolutely must trim for headroom try a body pan instead of a whip pan. It isn't quite as fast and being out of dynamic balance still sucks but I have done rather fast pans this way with good results.
  22. I have driven across the border with gear multiple times and it was always rather simple. The production simply made an appointment with customs at the border crossing. we would show up give them the list of gear, they would glance at the truck and approve it. Then on the way out of the country we show the documents showing everything that we brought into the country, they again glance in the trucks and we are on our way. Don't think we ever used a broker. A few times they wanted to see the gear the day before but then we took it all away and brought it back the next day. This was in Texas so precedures elsewhere may be different. If you have concerns call the customs office. For the most part the border guys seem smart enough to know that the guys who stop, hand them paperwork and ask for an inspection aren't he ones carrying drugs. There biggest concern is actually that you didn't sell some of the gear in Mexico without paying taxes on it. That being said I wouldn't leave any food or anything else the dogs might like the smell of with the gear. As far a carnets go I don't believe Mexico is a carnet country.
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