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Jess Haas SOC

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Everything posted by Jess Haas SOC

  1. So hows Friday or Saturday for some drinks to help get that smoke out ouf your lungs? I would vote for someplace on the west side but I am biased.
  2. Except when you get the call for the job after camera is needed.... (I got a call recently 2 hours AFTER call time when a production forgot to schedule a steadicam operator) ~Jess
  3. What recorder and what kind of sled do you have? I have my archos on my monitor arm so that it is where I can see the screen and easily get to the buttons. ~Jess
  4. Make sure to watch that second video all the way through to the end. Best forklift training video ever :-) ~Jess
  5. When trying to properly accessorize a camera on some of the smaller rigs I can see how saving an ounce here and there can be helpful. Otherwise normally you are probably going to actually want the weight on the back of the camera because it can be a bit front heavy. I did have one gig doing 3D with two ex3s and a 3D rig that was not designed for steadicam so the ass end up one of the cameras was way up in the air. In that situation an ex3 power cable was useful even on my big rig. ~Jess
  6. Just make sure you've got your facts straight. On more than one occasion I have had producers lie to me about what someone else was working for. I can only guess that it was some sort of misguided attempt to either get me to try to undercut that rate or to try to get me to work for less in the future. ~Jess
  7. I picked some up at burns & sawyer a while back. Also have ordered online from, B&H.
  8. Have you tried Jim Bartell? His service is excellent and he is not that far from Orange. ~Jess
  9. Can you post pictures of yours on here? Curious to see your design. ~Jess
  10. http://www.progpi.com/product/components/10/
  11. I believe REI carries both of them. Prices aren't always the cheapest but their return policy is amazing and you get some of the money back at the end of the year. ~Jess
  12. I also made a new chest spar for my new pro vest. It allows me to use it with my very non standard socket block and also lets me adjust the height of the socket block to wherever I want. ~Jess
  13. I recently have been rounding out my tool collection in order to fix up my steadicam and build some new parts. Had the drill press for a little while now but recently got a lathe, a miter saw(with the right blade its great for cutting aluminum) and a belt/disc sander(for grinding aluminum). Also lots of new drill bits, etc.... My newest creation is attached. I have lots more planned. Anyone else been tinkering lately? ~Jess
  14. Could be fun if people brought their franken-rigs too. Would be interesting to see how people have combined pieces from the different manufacturers.
  15. I am on a gig out of town through mid July but you are welcome to my Modulus setup after that whenever im not working. You will probably get a better offer but thought I would throw it out there just in case. ~Jess
  16. HAHA. I was thinking how ridiculous this was myself. Trust me, I am extremely happy to be flying this camera. In almost any mode with almost any accessories it is a dream compared to most of the digital monsters out there.
  17. Thanks for the info Fabian. Looks like you beat me to pointing out what I was talking about. Looks like that Steadiplate they make is exactly what I was secretly hoping the wedge plate would be. Don't really need it as most of the time I won't mind the extra weight of a base plate. ~Jess
  18. Look at the diagram on page 16 of the 416 quick guide and what I was saying will make a lot more sense. The diagram shows it working how I want it to (arrow going directly from accessory carrier to base plate). The manual on the other hand does not mention this ability at all. The wedge plate I mentioned is also pictured there. My comment about it before was due to my thought that if they happened to have put threaded holes in the bottom of it that it could be used instead of the base plate to attach to Steadicam. ~Jess
  19. Hey, a tank mounts a good thing to have handy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCj0Djl-r60
  20. I believe the only extra piece required to do what I am suggesting is an extra base plate. What you are refering to as the bridge plate and the sled are the same thing. There are only 3 pieces. The accessory carrier, the sled and the base plate. According to the manual(I think that's where I read it) the dovetail that attached the accessory carrier to the sled is the same dovetail that attaches the sled to the base plate. So I should be able to slide the accessory carrier off of the sled and slide it directly on to the base plate on my steadicam leaving the rods, etc. behind. ~Jess
  21. It is CSC out of Florida so unless they have some sort of facility in Louisiana I am assuming it is all being shipped in. I was looking at the 416 manual and it says that the dovetail that connects the bottom piece to the top is the same as that on the dovetail so I should be able to pull it and then connect the top piece directly to the 2nd dovetail installed on my sled leaving the studio rods, matte box and follow focus behind. That's the theory atleast. Weight wise I could probably keep the rods and studio matte box.... It is just a little piece listed in the manual that may or may not exist in the real world. Basically a minny dovetail plate replacement that drops straight into a head quick release. Thanks, Jess
  22. Switched rental houses and now my camera (B/Steadi) is going to be an Arri 416 Plus. So how have people been flying it and which accessories should I be looking to add? Camera comes with the low mode bracket (LMS-2). For every day use I was thinking I would fly with the onboard battery and maybe the baseplate to bring it up in weight a bit and make switching from sticks to steadi quick and easy. For running shots, low mode or if I want to use antlers I was thinking I would strip the battery and baseplate. Are yall doing something similar or flying it more bare bones for everyday use? The two piece bridge plate looks interesting. Looks like I could detach from the rods and hook straight into a baseplate on Steadicam with it. Arri also has a "wedge plate" that can be used instead of a baseplate. Anyone know if this could be used for steadicam mounting or if it is only designed to drop into a tripod quick release? If I ditch the baseplate will I need the "Steadicam plate" that arri has? Without it it looks like the base only has one screw hole to go into. Any other advice, tips or tricks when working with this camera? (studio, handheld and steadicam advice all appreciated) Also I am looking to get a cable to power my modulus from the camera for non steadicam use. Looks like my choices are a single cable to the mini-monitor connector on the IVS or a RS power connector and a BNC(My modulus already has the 24v voltage regulator). The RS cable would be more useful on other cameras which don't have the IVS but since these cameras have so few RS connectors am a little worried that that could be a problem at some point. Also a single cable would be nicer, but are there any disadvantages? Input? Thanks, Jess
  23. As long as we are reviving the thread I would just like to say that I have been using a Camos for a while now and it is definitely worth the extra money. The receiver in it is far better than that in any of the other monitors I have tried. For some reason the reception on the Axion was getting worse and worse and I don't even bother bringing it as a backup anymore because it was more of a headache than it was worth. ~Jess
  24. It seemed rock solid at the shootout. Strangely it was their non extra bright monitor that seemed to have heat issues. Since this monitor uses a transflective backlight instead of a super jacked up backlight brightness I wouldn't expect too much trouble. I am heading down to Louisiana for a feature and might go from that to another one so if there are heat issues a summer in the south will definitely expose them. If I have problems I will definitely be banging down Marshall's door until they fix them(or give me my money back). I am very interested. Currently using a ball joint that is solid but I don't like the fact that you can upset level while tilting. The fact that the only option in the menu seemed to be to turn it on or off was a little discouraging. Marshall really needs to get over their fear of features. That is the biggest thing their monitors lack. ~Jess
  25. A group run of sorts is actually a great idea and could really bring the cost down. Based on their website it seems reasonable enough anyway but I am all for saving money. I don't know if I actually have time to get this done before I leave town. Just got a gig Thursday/Friday where I need the parts and I leave town Saturday so unless they can do it in a couple days it will probably be a month or two before I get a chance to do it. ~Jess
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