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Jess Haas SOC

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Everything posted by Jess Haas SOC

  1. You sure about that? Even coal powered power plants are more efficient than your cars engine and more and more power is coming from renewable sources. Check out http://www.slate.com/id/2179609/ for one comparison that proves you wrong. Even if it simply moved the emissions somewhere else it would be great for places like LA. One cool thing about the Tesla is that under the hood serves as a second trunk. ~Jess
  2. Steadicam on the front of a 4 wheeler or camera truck would work great. As to where you could find it I am available.... :-) Have a hardmount, no 4 wheeler but I am sure we could scrounge one and a good driver up. Depending on the beach 4 wheeler might be better than camera truck because it would be easier to keep on the smooth wet sand. ~Jess
  3. Would love to see a schematic of what all was required to get it going. ~Jess
  4. Nothing at all it is actually great. I was just poking a little fun. The van works great, but I am from Texas after all so deep down I really want a truck :-) ~Jess
  5. I also prefer the LX vest to the Ultra2 vest. I personally feel that the Pro vest fits me better than both of them. ~Jess
  6. GSM phones as used by AT&T and the like are usually the culprit. Data services, 3G, etc... make it worse. That's one of the reasons I still have an actual cell phone. You know one of those things with buttons that you talk on. ~Jess
  7. They have great rum there and it is dirt cheap. Be sure to drink some (but not too much) and bring some back for friends. I believe US customs let you bring two reasonably sized bottles back. ~Jess
  8. Not necessarily, and not necessarily anytime soon. Sounds like it might be used for some sort of new cell phone service which will take time to develop and depending how they use it might not make your transmitter useless. Of course when they do start using it you might make everyone with data service on set hate you. ~Jess
  9. Only when fists are introduced to their friends faces resulting in your party getting kicked out. ;-) It can't be explained, only experienced. ~Jess
  10. With my 404 video is output through the headphone jack which uses a 4 conductor connector then I use the DVR travel adapter for input. So the gen5 doesn't work like that? That sucks. A while back Archos realized that if they sold the base unit cheap and sold all the features as add-ons they could make a lot more money. Unfortunately it leads to lots of BS like this. Looks like a few places still have the 404 in stock. If you need both at the same time you might want to return the 405 and get a 404 if you can. My only complaint with the 404 is that the built in battery seems to need replacement after a year, but aftermarket replacements are easy to find. ~Jess
  11. In June channels 52-69 are being reallocated to other things in the US which will leave 7-51 allocated for television use. Once television stations switch to only broadcasting in digital there should be less interference although it will be harder to tell which channels are occupied without looking at a channel listing or using a DTV tuner. Channels 14-20 are sometimes allocated for land mobile radio use in the US. Mainly in large cities. ~Jess
  12. The other option would of course be to pull some sort of trailer. while not having the height restrictions it would of course have its own parking problems. On the plus side you could throw other fun stuff in there such as a motorcycle or jib arm..... ~Jess
  13. Good point. Many parking garages are going to have somewhere around a 7ft clearance whereas with this thing you up with over an 8ft height. Way to burst my bubble. Of course I don't even have a pickup just dreaming about future purchases. I still want one, although I might have to leave it in the garage on some occasions. A van seems the most logical but not nearly as cool as a 4x4 pickup with one of these things :-) Of course gas mileage wouldn't be so cool but it would have lots of space and could go just about anywhere(except parking garages). For now I will stick with my toyota camry which isn't cool or spacious and bottoms out simply going in and out of driveways. On the plus side it gets decent gas mileage and I have been pleasantly surprised at just how much stuff I can fit in it. The trunk is surprisingly large. ~Jess
  14. This looks intriguing. http://www.cargobody.com/cap_size_dime.htm http://www.cargobody.com/ Not only will a cart fit in it, but maybe it is the cart.... ~Jess
  15. Anyone know of a pickup cap big enough to allow for rolling a built cart in? I was thinking something along the lines of this although I don't think they are tall enough: http://www.centurycaps.com/tclass.php Would something that tall be ridiculous or is it a valid option? I would love to be able to roll my built cart into my vehicle, I just don't want to end up like Erwin :-) ~Jess
  16. You should be able to make a cable that has seperate power and video wires going into the input on your monitor so no need to snip things. ~Jess
  17. Just tell me when and where and I will be there. Hopefully we won't run into any drug dealers this time... ~Jess
  18. I should be at Cinegear. Let me know where and when and I will be there. When you say real camera you mean this right: http://www.mk-v.com/?cat=172 ?
  19. I second that. I am going to be out of town the last week or so of June. ~Jess
  20. Was yours getting noisy like mine or did it have other problems? Mine is actually still under warranty so Magnus at Heden said he would take care of it for me same day the only problem is the shipping to Sweden. ~Jess
  21. I remember reading that thread a while back. Definitely a memorable story. Atleast you can say that youve done underwater steadicam :-) ~Jess
  22. I just ran into this the other day and I have to say it is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. The only thing that kept the camera from bouncing all over the place was the fact that I was using a mattebox with both rods and a clipon attachment. ~Jess
  23. My arm is an old actioncam arm. Its connection works rather well and allows for tools free adjustment in both axis but I need to do something so that I can use it with a new pro vest which I hope to buy sometime in the not too distant future. The manufacture said that they have done a conversion on them before but has yet to get back to me with prices and details. They are all the way in Sweden anyway and I have been thinking about putting together a home machine shop so if I can get some parts to get me started I think I can do the conversion myself. My other option seems to be to mount the existing socket block to a pro bridgeplate or a newly constructed bridge plate. This should work but would be a little bulky and wouldn't fit with my desire to make all my connections more standard. I hope to get a new arm at some point but upgrading from an arm that can quickly adjust from almost no weight to 60+pounds is a bit pricey. ~Jess
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