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Louis Puli SOC

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Everything posted by Louis Puli SOC

  1. Hi Dave I always try and get to the rental house and do a hour or so prep before any shoot regardless of what camera I am going to use. Talking with the DP is always a great start as they would have some idea as to what they need to shoot but I would also cover yourself and have everything there Just in case they change there minds .(how many times has that happened ) I would agree with every thing that Alex has said but I would also have a 2 in 1 and a rosesett mount (Jerry Hill) and a Arri sr3 Low mode bracket as well .The 15mm rails for me are not firm enough when using preston motors so I would use other brackets to mount my motors to . The Arri sr3 handle is a swing away handle so as the assistant can remove the mag I would make shore that all of the screws are tight before putting on the LMB. Also the rental house camera may have upgraded the SR2's to 3's and the video split may not be integrated in to the body like a real SR3 .In Australia Panavision made there own video splits for there SR2 and upgraded them to fit there SR3 removing and changing the handle and changing the width of the camera as well.I had to machine out Jerrys bracket so as it would now mount on there cameras handle for low mode . Never take anything for granted test everything. Good luck Louis Puli from down under B)
  2. "There are no problems, only solutions!" Hi Dave am I missing something here Why don't you use 2 Arri production slider plates and bolt them together (solid). That would lift the camera at least 2" Good luck Louis Puli from down under B)
  3. Hi Pilec If I was you I would go to www.homebuiltstabilizers.com/ You will find like minded people who have been there done that when it comes to making everything to do with making a camera stabilzer(arms ,vests,sleds of all shapes and sizers) good luck Louis Puli from down under B)
  4. Hi everyone I use two types of bags 1. "American Studio"single bag 260mmx190mm great and 2.Tackle Logic Tour bag 210x210 Is bag I found in a fishing store .There are several different sizes and are very strong. With both bag you have individual plastic bags where you are able to label each bag exactly what cable is there.I use one for 35mm cables and one for 16mm cables Good luck . Louis Puli from down under B)
  5. Hi everyone I have been using a sony 4" mini dv clamshell for years and the directors love it. Has anyone seen the new GVHD700E Portable video recorder (new clamshell)with a 7" screen. Looks great price is around $2500$aus Fly safe Louis Puli from down under B)
  6. Hi everyone Has any one seen this film yet I have just read the review which said "Most memorable scene is a 5 1/2 min shot of wounded and demoralized British soldiers stranded on Dunkirk's beach in 1940. Filmed in one continuous shot with a steadicam cost $2.3 million to set up ,1000 extras.The camera takes in a phalanx of horses being shot,burning army vehicles,a smoldering fairground .a beached boat with slashed masts and out of the water, some of the 700 or so ships that would eventually save the Allied troops." The A camera / steadicam op was Peter Robertson .If any one knows Peter it would be great to ask him about it. It has not been released in Australia yet. Looking forward to seeing Fly safe Louis Puli B) from down under
  7. Hi Jim A big Congratulation from down under I know all of my friends how have them love them .Its taken 7 years to get there I know the next 1000 will go out the door in half the time . Great product ,Great service and a fantastic guy All the best Louis Puli from down under B)
  8. Hi Chris You could consider coming down under(Australia ) in January.You may know Cornelius Johannes Geldenhuys an X student of 2006 from Florida Hills Johannesburg . If not contact me off forum for more details .Have a look at the www.summerfilmschool.com site . Good Luck Louis Puli B)
  9. Hi Jess I have used the Aaton many times and found to a good camera to fly I would agree with everything Charles has said about mounting on the handle as the way to go. If you go to steadishot.org and look up "Nine lives" Dan Kneece talks about his setup which was shot on a Aaton Xlr in low mode(not all in low mode) mounted on the handle with an 800 ft mag If you have not seen the film it a must buy dvd . The camera also has a great video split as well . Good luck Louis Puli from down under
  10. Hi Everyone I had to do it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Two Fisted LOOOOOVE enjoy Louis Puli fron down under B) ------------- What the ? What is that thing? Geeze Louis I can't stop laughing . . . . where did you find that thing? Hi everyone There are people on ebay who would just love to sell you one of there Run Steady PRO'S (love the hair cut)Look under "STEADYCAM " Do they have something against kangaroo's??? I hope not . B) Louis Puli from down under
  11. Hi Everyone I had to do it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Two Fisted LOOOOOVE enjoy Louis Puli fron down under B)
  12. Hi everyone Norbert Save your money. As for a down converter for the f900 I like the meranda small fit on the side of the camera quite nice. As to buying one WHY? I have always got one from the rental house which ever HD camera I an going to use and in the new F 900R there is one built in . I have enough toys to play with. Welllllll I could use a ??? All the best Louis Puli from down under B)
  13. Hi Everyone There are 1st AC who just do a great job what ever the toys you have and there are #####1st AC who think they are gods gift to the world and bad mouth you to the DP after you have left . The latter happened to me on a job when I only had a BFD .The 1 st AC only wanted to work with a preston . Lucky for me the DP is a friend of mine and is no longer using that 1st AC . At this point in time I have both 3 BFD'S and a full Preston kit and love using both were needed.There have been many times on several films where the BFD'S have saved ass . Thanks Jim . If I was to sell my Prestonwhat would I buy? I would have to say the C-motion system would be where I would spend my money.Great system . Just my 2 cents Louis Puli from down under B)
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hi Bryan I didn't see you up the back there you must have been behind the bar getting a refill .Where is Brad smith ??? :o . Great to meet you and your wife in Sydney It was a lot of fun . I will try and make it to NAB or cine gear next year ok. All the Very best Louis Puli from down under B)
  15. Hi Everyone Last week a group of op's got together at SMPTE (NAB in Sydney Australia)and dinner . It was a great night had by all . I would like to thank Frank Rush and all the guys at Lemac for there support they have given us over the years and Frank Rush for bring us all the new rigs for us to try,fly and buy. Photo L-R Brendon ,Claire,Frank James ,John,Andrew ,Richard FR L-R Phil, Louis ,Hugo and Martin. I would have to say sorry to Bryan Fowler (from the U.S) who was at the dinner but not in the shot . All the best from down under Louis Puli
  16. Hi Everyone I now can give you the dates for the Melbourne University summer film school 5 day Steadicam workshop. The workshop will be from the 21 to the 25 of January 2008 For more information just contact me lpulicam@tpg.com.au or the summer school at www.summerfilmschool.com Thanks Louis from down under B)
  17. Hi every one I would just like to inform you all that the next Full 5 day steadicam workshop will be held in Melbourne Australia with All the toys will be in January 2008 Summer down under For more information email me at lpulicam@tpg.com.au Thanks Louis Puli Melbourne Australia B)
  18. Hi everyone After reading several of the posts reminds me of the great words by Ted Churchill in The Steadicam operators Manual of style. The still on page 1 of Jack do I need to say any more! "Dress up and you'll look like garbage by the third take" Dress like garbage and you will look the same at the end of the day " Some words of wisdom from the great one Ted Churchill "Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of the producer and director quite as much as the arrival of brand new equipment on the set, especially when accompanied by owner/operator. The implication are obvious. It is therefore incumbent upon the operator to alleviate these fear- indeed to allow no possible for them to incubate" The ability to operate well which ever rig you buy This is what it should all be about . Good luck Louis Puli from down under B)
  19. Hi Bryan I will be in Sydney on the 18,19,and 20TH for SMPTE a large industry trade show .Many op's inc Frank Rush have a get together during the show . Contact me and I will try and catch up. Talk soon Louis Puli B) 0419542024
  20. Hi everyone Here in Australia when I travel interstate I only travel Qantas because 1. They have a standard 30Kg free 2. Every case charge(after the 1st 30kg) is a flat excess baggage rate of $11.00 each case .Every cases must be under 30kgs. I travel around with about 160 kgs of gear (10 cases) which ends up to be about $200.00 which is great as at least I know it will arrive at the same time as I do. All the low price airlines charge 3 times the amount . The price to send my gear by air freight (next day Del)is around $450.00 figure that out ? All the best Louis from down under. B) ps just shot the final of NBC "The age of Love "Reality TV show .3 days nonstop shooting 13 hour days Great Director in Brian Smith .
  21. Hi Everyone I was doing a job several years ago for inter Continental hotels in Bali when customs asked to talk to the producers as there was a problem with clearance of my equipment . I did have all the ATA Carnet papers were in order . The producers talked to the customs staff handed over some cash and the problem just disappeared. In some countries there own people taking advantage of there power and position for there own gain . :ph34r: Having said I will never go back there again . Louis from down under B)
  22. Hi Everyone Always looking for information on the history of steadicam . I do a have an original copy of the ASC mag April 1983 Steadicam Operators Perspective and all the Steadicam hits its Stride June,July Sept ,92and Feb 93 Steadicam Plates for Starwars return of the Jedi I will try and scan them to my computer and make PDF files and send them to the guild etc. Louis dusting off my old ASC mags from down under B)
  23. Hi Alfeo I made up this case when I was on a long series.On rap I would just put the rig as is in case ,close the side and the 2nd AC would put it in the camera truck .Its made from plywood and velcro and has foam all over .Saves time at both ends of the day .Works well. Good luck Louis from down under B)
  24. Have told the client that from day one. But as they have the chopper all ready set up they are fighting all the way. Hi Michael If the client likes the unit that much let him try and do the shot :lol: :lol: :lol: . I never like to say NO about any job but helicopters and steadicam don't mix . OR Yes I will do the shot BUT give me the right tools for the job Tyler Wescam etc Fly safe Louis from down under B)
  25. Ha Bud If you do find that tape I would love to have a copy(vhs pal,or dvd ) as well (any costs incur I will pay ok) Thank Louis from down under B) www.steadicamaustralia.com.au
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